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Otter Spotter aka Debbie

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Everything posted by Otter Spotter aka Debbie

  1. I guess they will have to fence in the pool, issue wrist bands, and post guards at a gate to the pool.
  2. "You gotta know when to hold 'em, and know when to fold 'em." A wise man once told me the only machine you will get money from at a casino is the one that says: "A-T-M"!! :rofl2: Wishing you a weekend full of good fortune!!
  3. I don't disagree with your logic at all. The Disney "bean counters" and Jim's friend, Mr. Iger, are a different story. Do they even know The Fort exists?
  4. A/C for hot weather, heater for cold weather, fan for in-between.
  5. For the love of God and all that is holy, WHY would you EVER ask yourself that question? Chinese water torture would be more humane!!
  6. Kate- I agree with FtGuy. Mileage means nothing with any kind of RV tires (trailer or MH). Tires are meant to get used and if not will dry-rot - as demonstrated by your one tire that had a piece of tread come off. Most RV's sit...and sit...and sit. That is death to the tires. I've heard different theories on how often you should change your tires, anywhere from 3 to 5 years. I've also heard controversy regarding Chinese tires. The reality is, no matter what brand you choose there will be someone that had a bad experience with them (even Goodyear & Michelin). No matter what tire you choos
  7. This picture wins the "Happiest Camper" award!! Ya just gotta love it! Thank you to everyone who shared pictures. I loved seeing everyone & putting faces to names. Fiends are Fabulous!
  8. Golden Oak will not be in visual range of the Fort - so don't fret about the Fort being closed for that reason. I wouldn't fret about the Fort closing at all. It was part of Walt's original plan for the Florida project. If he had access to enough property in California there would have been a campground there, too. Now in 100 years or so, when people have all but forgotten who Walt Disney was and what his dreams and plans were...you may see the Fort closed and changed into a mega resort. I wouldn't count on that happening anytime soon though.
  9. Pam - Talk with his Dr and/or physical therapist (if he has one) to see what they recommend and why they are making that recommendation. My insurance requires a Dr to write a script for anything orthopedic related before they will cover the cost. My DH just had knee replacement surgery (second knee coming up on 6/21) and needed a quad bottom cane. I just bought one. Walgreen's said if I had had a script my insurance (BC/BS) would have paid up to $60.00 for a cane. Thank goodness I found what he needed on sale for $24.95. But - who would have thought to have a prescription written up for a c
  10. Lorna - I enjoyed the part of your report that said "my stomach still hurts from laughing so much" (or something to that effect). Girl...you NEEDED a weekend of laughter. Just what the doctor ordered! Donnie - Thanks for taking care of the Aaron's! They needed to be at SM this past weekend! :heart:
  11. The Sauce is Boss!! (I use the sweet & spicy) I use Mojo Criollo and lots of gahlic. 1st meal is pork over black beans & rice, 2nd meal is pulled pork with Ray's. Never thought about root beer or orange juice. They both sound good! I typically use a pork tenderloin roast but if there is a good sale on another type of pork roast, I'll purchase the cheaper one. Pork! The other white meat!
  12. The only "additions" to the Fort in recent years were the extra sites in 600. Well that, and an abundance of cabin loops over the years. Cabins right now go for a minimum of $300/night. My take on this is for about the first 25-30 years the Fort was around you could pull up to the check-in without a ressie and get a site - no problem. They were so empty that they gave winter people long term discounts. Then 9/11/01 happened and the RV craze took off. In 2004 Disney dropped the discounted rates for winter settlers. In 2008 they changed the pricing of the Fort completely. I remember that if yo
  13. It looks like everyone had a great time! I wish I could have been there to meet some new fiends and enjoy old friend fiends. You guys are the BEST!! The campground (at least the part y'all were in) looks really nice. Any campground reviews?
  14. Okay....if Club Cars are so junky, why did Matt sell one to me? Why does he sell them at all? BECAUSE HE HAS TO MAKE MONEY, THAT'S WHY!!
  15. Thank you, Carol & Donnie!! It looks like everyone had a great time!!
  16. FINALLY!!! THANK YOU, CAROL!! BTW - couldn't get the video to play. Okay...I got it!! Anna was keeping Gramma Lorna very busy! I see who was the center of everyone's attention!! She is beautiful!!
  17. ROGER!!! I'd love to meet up with you anywhere on the 19th!! Would that be good for you? It would most likely be without Rick as, he's not up to long walks, but we don't need him! LOL!! BDR can't be at Disney and me not see him. That just ain't right!
  18. Deep fried hot dogs are delish - only after hot dogs cooked on a grill. I bought a bunch of Kayhem's this past week (natural casing) for $1.25/pkg after a sale price and $1.00 coupon. For you WNY-er's, Kayhem's is almost as good as Sahlen's, and I can get the Kayhem's at a local grocery store.
  19. We are eating out less and for the first time in my life, I'm seriously couponing. Not extreme couponing (although I can kind of understand the addiction to that), but closely watching sales and matching coupons appropriately. I'm surprised at how much you can save when you spend some time preparing for your shopping trip. We've been sidelined from camping at the Fort due to DH's knee replacement surgery on 5/5, with the second TKR scheduled for 6/21. We are also hampered from taking the GC to the Fort for some free-loading fun. The utility trailer we ordered to tow the GC now has an arrival
  20. Well, that blows my plans for Monday. All the little screaming tween's and grannies will pack the park just to get a glimpse. I really didn't have plans to go to DHS Monday - but now I really don't have plans to go there. My plans are to go thru my house like the Ajax White Tornado and get this place back in order!! It's been difficult with a convalescing husband hanging around - but he's going to go into his office Monday! :dance: I hate, hate, hate crap piled all over the place and not being able to really keep things clean! (This needs to be on the angry thread. My bad!)
  21. Lou - Just show your D.L. & tell them you are visiting friends on site # ___. It has worked for me on several "closed" occasions.
  22. I ordered an Aluma 548 utility trailer back in March with a delivery date of 6/1. Called the dealer today to see where we are with the delivery date and it has been pushed back to 7/1. :argh: I really miss not being able to take the GC to the Fort to do some "freeloading".
  23. I just use regular old sheets you get at a regular old store. Just buy the size that's closest to the size of your mattresses. It's a camper, not a "show-house"!! They don't need to fit perfectly.
  24. You're just now realizing this? I've crabbed about this since the inception of the dining plans.
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