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Everything posted by photogal06...Sommer

  1. Rudy, Paws down, best.trip.report.ever! You are a crazy dog, and we would love to meet eat you. Don't take it personally...we have issues with other dogs, especially Poms, because our family used to dogsit for one and he hogged all the attention. Still, if you're in the neighborhood, drop by the 900 loop between November 26 and December 5, and we will try not to act like total nutcases. We will probably not be successful. Trixie and Murphy
  2. Very cute theming....I'll bet it was a ton of fun planning that! Thanks for sharing your photos!
  3. Ok, after a week of searching, I think we've looked at almost every type of Class C or A out there (except diesels....out of our price range.) We looked at the regular C, the super C, the C with the drop-down bunk and second dinette, the A with the drop-down cab bed, the regular A, the A with two sofas, the so-incredibly-long A we'd never be able to make the 90-degree turn to get it into our parking area! There were things we like about each of them, and in the end, we decided on....................a C just about like what we have now, only with a slide. Anticlimactic, I know, lol! If all
  4. Gorgeous! I love the colors of fall camping so much. I'm so happy that Mickey was able to enjoy it, too---fall camping with dogs is the best, since they take you on all the good hiking trails :)
  5. Who knew? I've been looking for bears for years, every time we head north to camp in the UP. Apparently, I should be looking in the opposite direction lol!
  6. Yep, we are good if we want to tow the Fiesta 4-down. It's an '11 with a manual transmission, and we were thinking about towability when we bought it. I will definitely look for old/new ones, too....it seems this would be the time of year when dealers would be glad to move them out before winter, so they'll have room for the nice new models in the spring :) On the 2005 Damon we looked at tonight, the tires were from 2001....apparently when these people bought it from the dealer a few years ago, the dealer told them they put new tires on it. Instead they put on tires that were 4 years older
  7. Oh, we know overloaded, lol! When we bought our first trailer, completely new to the idea, the dealer assured us we could pull it with our minivan with no problem....he even installed the hitch on the van. We found out quickly that he was a liar....quite a learning experience, that was! Ever since, we've been smart about keeping our weights safe by the numbers, but we've still had some combinations that didn't work for us.....like a trailer that should have been fine weight-wise but seemed to control our Expedition rather than the other way around. I was wondering whether As and Cs are equ
  8. The jury's out on that one, lol! Clearly, I'm missing some kind of inside joke here. Or I just stayed up too late last night and got up too early this morning.
  9. Tom, thanks....I didn't know that some of the As have that overhead bed. A 73-in bunk would work....that's what we have now. The ones in our trailer must have been extra small or something. Does anyone know which would be better for towing a small vehicle (Ford Fiesta), probably on a small trailer? The As and Cs I'm seeing both have the same tongue weight. Does one handle better than the other when towing like that? We probably wouldn't do it, but it would be nice to have the option. I know a Super C would tow really well, but I haven't found any of those for sale in our area (yet!)
  10. Yep, it's never too late to find the Fiends! I saw lots of Fiend signs when we were there last Halloween, and dd got a card in her t-or-t bag.......I wish we'd been part of the group then! But we're here now, and I hope to meet lots of Fiends if we can take our November trip as planned. Welcome to the group!
  11. Kelly, I like the sound of the super C....I've heard of those before but didn't really know what they were. They do sound like a nice compromise. Dd is 13, so I hope we have lots of years of family camping ahead of us! Thanks, Jeff. I am gobsmacked at the carrying capacities of the used units I'm seeing online....our current one has very small holding tanks and gas tank, and it would be so nice to have larger ones! I regret missing the Novi RV show a couple of weekends ago....who knew?!
  12. I wonder how long the bunks are nowadays? We had a trailer with bunks once, and they were short....too short for me, and dd is taller than I am. That would be a good layout though, if we can get ones that are long enough. There's a credit union right next door to dd's school, so I'll head there tomorrow when I drop her off.
  13. We had a rather unfortunate weekend with our camper, and we are calling it quits on this one. It's a tough decision, because we put a lot of time and money and effort into it over the summer, but we're going to cut our losses and move on. On the one hand, it's a relief to have made a decision; on the other hand, we're sad about having worked so hard on it and put so much of ourselves into it, only to have it fail on us. And unfortunately, I'm not sure we can pull it off before our trip next month, so we may not be coming down after all. So, on that happy note......LOL! I've really enjoyed
  14. Yes, the baby is cute, but I so love your dog! I just want to give him a big hug!
  15. Yeah, that year I spent sewing in 4H when I was in middle school has paid off huge over the past few years! I didn't sew a thing between ages 12 and 40, but when I started up again, it all came right back. It's actually not hard (at least the stuff I do), you just have to get in there and try and be ready to rip it apart if it's wrong :) Thanks, Marty!
  16. Thanks, Judy! I was the same way, not wanting to put a bunch of $$ into ours when it's so old already. I love that we can take the futon out and put the old couch back in if we decide to sell/scrap. We're planning to keep this one 'til it dies, but you never know, so we stored the old sofa and dinette cushions in the garage just in case.
  17. Thanks, Jim! We took 'er out a couple of weekends ago, and the new sofa and dinette were soooooooooooo nice......a huge improvement over the old ones!!
  18. For us, it was 2001. DD had just turned 2, and she was having serious health problems. I decided very spur-of-the-moment that if she wasn't going to be with us much longer, the one thing I wanted to do was take her to Disney World. DH had fond memories of camping at the Fort as a child, so we rented a Class C, loaded up DD and the dogs, and headed down. We only stayed a few days, and it was the first time I had ever camped. The Fort totally hooked us, and we fell in love with the Fort and with camping. I was profoundly disappointed at first when I realized that all other camping is nothi
  19. Thanks, Dave! We did quite a few projects on it over the summer, so it really was starting to feel like that! Thank you! Thanks! We do a lot of DIY here, and it really is satisfying. Thanks, Annie! Thanks, Nancy! Thanks, Gwen!
  20. Thanks! Thanks, Kelly! I searched long and hard for fabric online, and my daughter and I had many arguments discussions about what we should get.(dh didn't care.) In the end, we were walking through Walmart, decided to take a quick trip to the fabric section, and as soon as we saw that fabric, we knew it was the one! And it was actually nothing like what we were thinking we wanted! Thanks, Monique! Thanks, Cherie! Thanks, Lorna! I love your Lornaisms! The futon was actually another Walmart find, and it fit the space exactly....definitely meant to be and hundreds of dollars cheaper tha
  21. Thanks, Cherie! Thanks, Dave! Thanks, Judy! I'm still in awe of the fact that I managed the zipper, lol! Thanks, Judy! Thank you! Thanks, Kelly! Thanks, Gwen! Thanks, TCD! When I handed it to her all finished, she kept repeating, "I can't believe you actually made a dress!" Thanks! The pleats *were* a pain....they turned out to be the most time-consuming step. Thanks, Yvonne!
  22. Sure, rub it in. It takes us something like 24 hours spread over 3 days. Love your photos and your TR---it looks like you all had a lot of fun!
  23. Good...you got a "before" photo! I'm usually in such a hurry to do a project that I don't take a "before" photo, and I almost always wish afterward that I had.
  24. One of my projects this summer was to replace our dinette cushions and sofa in the motorhome with new ones. Ours were original to the motorhome, making them 23 years old. The cushions were pretty well flattened, and they're not really our style, being 1980s mauve. Also, our motorhome had a funky, old, musty smell. We couldn't identify what it was...until we took out the couch and dinette cushions, and then, voila!, no more smell. I guess foam wasn't meant to hold up for 23 years. This is a photo of what we started with couch-wise (ignoring the child and dogs, who are in nearly every photo
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