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H in SC

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Everything posted by H in SC

  1. Relay for Life, what a beautiful event motivated by love for others who are or have fought the battle to beat cancer. May the LORD richly bless you and your family. Thank you for sharing with us. BTW I love the BSA. :heart:
  2. Can I still park here (Overflow P/Lot) before going into reservations for site assignment?
  3. TCD Another Awesome Trip Report! You are one seriously good upfront behind the scenes entertaining trip reporting journalistic Fort Fiend. Thanks sharing/informing/reporting/entertaining the rest of us Fiends so well. :D
  4. Tom, Great Trip Report. Wow!!! I feel like I have been on a grand tour of South Carolina’s greatest City. Glad ya’ll had a great vacation, thanks for sharing with us. :D
  5. Judy ya’ll have got yourselves some beautiful kids there. Yes! Camping with the kids makes for some great vacation fun and from the looks of things plenty of that was had. Mahalo for such a wonderful trip report. :D
  6. Well, now I have lusted on the internet. :rofl2:
  7. Wow Joker you weren’t joking about your packed full vehicle huh! Hope you have lotsa pics. Tell us more. :popcorn:
  8. Happy Belated Anniversary Tom and DW. Tom thanks for the TR on one of our great SC cities, I love Charleston. BTW Great pics especially the terrace top photos. :D
  9. Great funny Trip Report Lorna. It was absolutely great to meet you Rich and Matt. Rich, take me up on the offer, you would be more than welcomed. :D
  10. WOW!!! That was one great Trip Report! Some of the best pics ever. Thanks for taking your time and making it so great. Looks like y'all had a really great Disney vacation. :dance:
  11. Great job on the report and pics. Nice 5er. Thank you for sharing your trip with us.
  12. Great Great Pics Holly! It was a pleasure to meet you and your family. :D
  13. I think I used to work for that guy on the left! What a scrooge. :rofl2:
  14. I hope ya'll have one great Walt Disney World vacation! Looking forward to a ridiculous amount of pictures. :popcorn:
  15. Karla those pics are absolutely great! Your pics have that “It's like being there” feel to them.
  16. Great camping pics! Really nice looking campgrounds. Hope the weather improves for ya'll. Thanks for sharing. ;D
  17. So, during the midst of giving us a major trip report, you go sidebar on us with a weekend update trip report. Wow! Man, this is more than just getting a “Disney Fix” this is “Total Disney Saturation!” And I like it. :banana: To all doing TR’s right now, Thank Ya, Thank Ya very much. :popcorn:
  18. That looked like a fun outing. Augusta Mall once had a Disney Store, only lasted a couple three years. Thanks for sharing your fun day with us.
  19. Lovin’ the pics especially the “job site” pics. Really great shots.
  20. First I'm glad that there were no incidents, accidents or illnesses. Secondly, welcome, I am really glad ya’ll are over here. Thanks for the report, it is absolutely great. :D
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