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Everything posted by Travisma

  1. It does, but this visit was so different then our last two. Those were fairly quiet (one noisy girl our last day). They are troopers. Both are into computers, Barbies, tv, etc, so just having them away from all that and them having a good time makes up for all of the jack%#$ people. And the noise at night didn't disturb them one bit. They both passed out as soon as they hit the beds.
  2. Sunday, another sunny beautiful day in FL. We got to experience extra hours of daylight due to the brats being at the comfort station at 7 again. Gee, when I was that age, the last place I would want to hang out at was a bathroom. I guess times change. Breakfast and fun time around the site. Just chilling Sand art Singing and dancing on “The stage”. One was using the stick and pinecone for a microphone and the other was using one of my sand spikes. As we were getting ready to leave I noticed Pirate Mickey was deflating! WTF? Well our loop had a power failure. Thi
  3. I like the concept of the on and off school year, but it still gives me the chills thinking of juggling schedules. We had 4 kids, 3 of them were in HS at the same time for a while. But I'm glad some districts are being progressive and trying different approaches to learning.
  4. It sure seemed like every site had 20 people!
  5. We were there Oct 18-21 and there were some decorations in the 100 loop. Not as many as Christmas, but still quite a few. Saw some in the loops off the main road also up near the meadow. Maybe they already left?
  6. Thanks. They are lots of fun. They are alike and different in personalities! You will see that in some future pics. I have different ones of the activities I've already posted (more Dale, leaves, swimming, etc) but I didn't want to bore people. I didn't want to be that person that lures you to their home and then starts showing 3 hours worth of vacation photos (that really happened to us). This was our first camping test of my new tart setup. We had tried it in the back yard a couple of times. The first time a sudden storm came up and knocked it down before I finished tying it off. The
  7. On and off I try to get them to do non "girlie" ( I know not PC) things. Had the oldest one help me work on the brakes on my truck (kept her away from the dangerous stuff). She now knows the larger pads go on the front wheels! Her school just had a fishing derby the week before we went to the fort. She caught the best non fish and got a ribbon and a lure. They have both been kayaking with me, not nearly enough as far as I'm concerned. But I don't get out as often as I would like. I get them to help with yard work sometimes. They play ball and frisbee too. My wife is always workin
  8. The Fort was at capacity + the weekend of the 18th. Settlement was mobbed. Loop 2000 was nuts. But the internal busses weren't too bad, and the boat to MK Sunday to get to the AKL bus at the transfer station wasn't bad, nor were the busses to and from AKL.
  9. Just to clarify, this is going to be a non park report. We don’t do the parks, we have too much of a good time at the Fort and visiting the other properties. No reports of long lines, overpriced food, or missing out on a meet and greet. Just old fashioned Fort fun. Saturday! A great day to be at the Fort! No rain in 24 hours, the sun is up, the birds are chirping, the kids are screaming. What? It’s @#&*%## 7a.m. and every kid on this ½ of the loop has congregated to the comfort station like moths to a flame. Screaming, doors slamming, skateboards jumping, a glorious October mo
  10. It was just a little stressful getting everything transferred over. I had the Durango packed to a T, then undoing everything and fitting it into the truck. What can go in the bed in case it rains, where to put the bikes, squish that down so the wind doesn't catch it. But it all worked out. Good thing we didn't have both granddaughters or we would've been SOL. Thanks for the encouraging words. And it definitely isn't the same fort from the 70's and 80's. Animal Rocks
  11. More report and pics coming soon. Forgot to upload some vital pictures that were part of the story!
  12. Sorry it's on a need to know basis. There's nothing to see just move along. "Please stand clear of the doors. Por favor manténganse alejado de las puertas." :jumpforjoy
  13. That's interesting and a good possibility. Man that must wreck havoc on working parents with more than 1 child and if they are on different tracks! Down here in our area there is no fall break until Thanksgiving, then they usually get off that entire week. They go back to school in August, so they get Labor Day and Veterans Day along with a couple of teacher work days. They also get off an hour early (grade school 1:15) every Monday for teacher planning time.
  14. I was told by a Fort manager that there is security, and rangers when I was making a noise complaint. I saw security drive thru the 2000 loop a few times last weekend, with the widows up and a/c on. Never saw a ranger who are supposed to be in golf carts. Manager also told me the Fort was big and that's why they have a hard time keeping the noise down and answering calls.
  15. Well since Christmas Season now lasts 2 or more months, it's safe to say the Halloween starts right after back to school sales or Labor Day. So according to retailers and Disney there is no longer a regular weekend in October ! Everyday from early September to October 31st is Halloween. Anything to make an extra $$. There have been Pumpkin patches, corn mazes, various festivals every weekend since the end of September. Places in Tampa had Trick or Treat this past weekend. There's a party or something going on every night. I remember when Halloween was always on the 31st, and mischi
  16. Good to know. We didn't get over to the 1500 until Monday, and that was from the canoe. At that time it seemed peaceful. The 2000 was still rocking when I pulled out at 10:30. Speaking of kids and school, doesn't anyone put their kids in school anymore? We got there Friday and the place was packed with kids. We had taken my granddaughter out at noon before she went to lunch, but then again she's done at 2:00 so she didn't really miss much after lunch time, and Monday was an off day for teacher planning. We were on the bus Sunday at AKL, and one woman was saying they had been there
  17. Besides our loop being full (while talking to a Manager on Monday I was told the Fort was at 100% capacity) the group camping area looked like a refugee camp. I don't know it it was one large group or multiple groups, but I've never seen it looking like that. There were so many tents, you could barely walk or see grass! And since our site was facing them, we got noise from them while they were there.
  18. It seemed like there might've been two large groups at the loop. One was in the twenty teens thru twenty twentys area. (Top of the Loop) The other was down in the twenty fourtyish/fiftyish area. Both were loud, obnoxous, and had unruly kids. Don't get me wrong, I raised 4 kids and now have 2 granddaughters, but these kids were just unbelievably rude, crude, and brats. The worse part is that their parents let them act like that in a public area. But that's for later in my report. :rofl3: No, haven't had time to look at it. It's now coming and going, mostly going. It might be a be
  19. Finally getting around to posting our report from last weekend. This was our 3rd trip in about 2 months after we started back doing real camping in a tent. For the last few years our visits have been in the cabins. We've also been Pricelining various hotels in the surrounding areas. Monday was a school holiday for our granddaughter, so we planned an extended weekend trip from 10/18 thru 10/21. A special thanks to Jason for getting us the dates and making this happen! It started out good Friday morning. We had great weather in Tampa, and I got the DW Durango packed in 40 minutes!.
  20. this was a test that went wrong. back to figuring out what to do
  21. We use Harris Famous Roach Tablets, and Terro Liquid Ant Bait to get rid of unwanted pests year round in our house. They take the baits back and it kills the colony. There's different brands of liquid perimeter sprays on the market that you spray around your foundation, windows and doorways to keep critters out. I imagine if you go heavy around the areas you mentioned, then sprayed everywhere underneath the floors, frames, axles, you should be pretty good. What about mice?
  22. Seems like owning a camper in FL is a lot less work! :wave1: If you have a Harbor Freight anywhere nearby, they have 12 V trickle (not tickle) chargers pretty cheap normally, and if you catch a sale they are only about $5. But at least your cold weather will freeze out any leftover bugs.
  23. I took the train from Tampa to almost Miami a couple of years ago. Not as long of a trip that you have planned. I had a large comfortable reclining seat to myself. They allow you to bring your own food and drink, and each seat had an electrical outlet. At that time it was cheaper to take the train then it was for the gas in my truck.
  24. Something funny was going on there. That is not a normal Saturday afternoon on a non-holiday weekend in October. I was told that the Fort was at 100% this weekend... it seemed more like 125%. We saw a lot of people in costumes Friday and Saturday nights heading to the Magic Kingdom boats. I saw somewhere that Christmas, Thanksgiving, and now Halloween are the busiest times at WDW.
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