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Everything posted by lklasing

  1. FP+ cheats! :jumpforjoy My favorite topic! Can't wait to hear. You're right about the segway lawsuits - there have been several but to my knowledge, WDW and DL have prevailed prevailed in their ban against guests using them as a method of transportation (as opposed to on segway tours, which presumably are much more controlled than guests bringing their own segways into the parks). Still loving the TR and looking forward to more!
  2. Good updates, but bad partial day at the beach. Good thing y'all aren't big beach people, or else that would have been a real disappointment. The so-called kids club on the beach really did look kind of lame. But the runaround that you got while trying to find it is what would have sent me over the edge - back and forth and back again, only to find what you found. But happily y'all were wise enough to head on back to the ship. Things look remarkably better once y'all got back. Very interesting about how RCCL accommodated Anna so much better than DCL. So gtlad they were able/willing
  3. Please tell us you got a picture of that. Anna on stage = awesome.
  4. Do you remember how many laps it was to a mile on the loop? Just curious. I absolutely loved running in circles on the Dream, dodging people and shuffleboards along the way. Awesome about them raising so much money for MAK.
  5. Good updates! You had me at Staypuff Marshmellow Man. :rofl3: Love that AoA has underwater music at the pool. When my girls were much younger, before we discovered the Fort, we stayed at the Poly several times. Jodi loved the underwater music. She located the speaker and spent hours underwater at that pool, located right in front of the speaker, just coming up only as much as needed to stay alive. Looking forward to more! PS to Michael - You are right that your girl will grow up before you know it. Everyone always says it, but make sure to really relish every moment you have while
  6. I missed a few days but am all caught up now. Awesome report! A few random thoughts: The pictures of your girls on the beach are so great. Not very believable that Izzy was standing on something that brought her to your height though. She's like Jodi - tall with long legs and still growing. Love the pics of INC's parents. What a great trip for everyone, especially INC to get to spend that time with her parents and her own family in such a great locale. Can't wait to hear about the private island and how it compares Castaway Cay. Love the early morning ship shots. Love the early
  7. Oh, I love all the V&A pics! The Chef's Table really looks like it takes a "regular" meal at V&A (if there is such a thing) to an all new level. Everything looked amazing but I really like seeing about all the interactions you had with the various chefs. And corn foam? I must have that one day. And all those desserts. I'm dying. Y'all both look great. Glad you had such an amazing dinner.
  8. Wow - I missed a few updates and weeks in real life seem to have gone by. Loving the constant stream of updates, spanning days, weeks, months, 24 hour events, FW, nerds, making it on the live webcam and wearable fried chicken. Speaking of wearable chicken, next time go for this presentation. It will really make those around you jealous that they aren't TCD. Looking forward to more!
  9. Oh - Chef's Table! So cool. I'm with DIT - I definitely want to see a full report about that meal! Loving the pics and report so far.
  10. I'm late but I'm in! Can't wait to hear all about everything - the cruise and post-cruise; the good, the bad and the ugly. I'm dying at the phallic ship. And that you inadvertently showed it to your in-laws. And that MIL is awesome. That goulash looks awesome. Same with the sausage pan. Can't wait for more.
  11. Hope y'all have an easy trip down! I think you definitely did the right thing in telling your wife about the trip ahead of time. Ray one time decided to whisk me away to Vegas for my birthday. We had an amazing time, but I was so glad to have put the pieces together around 9:00 the night before so I could pack the things he would have never thought of packing. Can't wait to hear more!
  12. Bunches of updates! Yay! Love all the Fort pics. Love the scenic trashcan. Glad you weren't "Left Behind" in a Fort rapture! Looking forward to more!
  13. I'm totally in! Love the family pics and background. Can't wait to hear how the surprise was unveiled and all about your trip!
  14. Wow - I got so far behind but am now all caught up. Love this report. Love all the costumes. Love all the dudes dressed up as princesses and fairy godmothers. Love the new minetrain selfies and the not-Starbucks-but-sure-do-look-like-it sandwiches. Looking forward to more!
  15. Hey - forgive me if you've addressed this in the last few installments - I'm way behind on my TR reading as I've been with Danielle in Wyoming (Go Pokes!) and haven't had a chance to get all caught up. I'm just wondering if you've tried to use any MBs to get FPs at the parks recently that aren't tied to tickets. I'm guessing no, since you have extra MBs with APs attached, but thought I'd just check in and ask. I do love the pics of POR, all the Star Wars stuff and even the Poly walls. But I'm definitely anti-waterfall-removal. Looking forward to more.
  16. I'm late but in! I wish we could have come this time!
  17. Wow - both those last two pics are awesome. The Ireland pic, though, is absolutely breathtaking. So great that she's having such an awesome trip!
  18. Page 6! That's about right for me. So awesome about the CP. I'm so jealous. (Don't know if I'm jealous because I want my girls to do the CP or because I want to myself, but I know I'm jealous!) Looking forward to more!
  19. Awesome instagram post. My grandfather was part of the Normandy invasion and we went to see the beach after I graduated from college. It was an awesome thing to get to do with him. What they said. :)
  20. Man - I get the DVC magazine, but don't get the Mickey Monitor, even though we are passholders. I'll have to figure that out. Looks like a worthy magazine. Loving the TR, but especially loving the Paris pics! If I'm remembering right, the wine was cheaper than cokes on my last trip (but that was about 3 decades ago, so who knows now). But it was very yummy.
  21. You're welcome. Well, hot dang. It works! Thanks! (But you appear to have the same problem we discovered that Jodi has when she started driving - difficulty remembering right from left... It made those first hair-raising drives even more exciting.)
  22. I'm in. We're going for F&W for the first time this year, so I'm looking forward to hearing more.
  23. First, that's very interesting information about the wrist MB vs. the in-the-hand MB. Good info. I'll be very interested to see how this goes when you try again, presumably after switching MBs... Second, I hate it when a coaster stops like that - I all the sudden become terrified that we are going to get smashed by the next train from behind. I'm sure that's not a rational fear, but I can't help but to go there when that happens. Third, and most important, how do you do a multi-quote for the same post? I couldn't figure out how to do that. And here I thought I was all techno-savy and
  24. Oh my - I think I'm seeing more of the blond lady than I bargained for this early in the morning. :bugeyes:
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