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Everything posted by lklasing

  1. Wow - this is really big news! Let me see if I understand one thing right - if we have a room that will hold many more people than we actually have coming (which is the case for a new trip we are now putting together in July), I could fill that room up with friends who are already on my account from prior trips, letting them take the empty spots until the room is full, get their MBs when they are all shipped, and then use them to make FP+ in the parks? If so, that's huge, as we are going to have a much bigger room than we have people. I could have up to 5 invisible friends with us and use t
  2. I'm in! Page 2 - unbelievable! I'm so excited to hear about you beating the system. Sadly we haven't kept all the prior MBs from past trips, but what I have done is to add my BIL and SIL to our reservation for September. They were on our account for last trip and still have 1 day each on their tickets that doesn't expire until November. I'm hoping that we will be able to make FP+ reservations for them and use them with the MBs that come when ours come. (Does all that make sense?) Do you think we would be able to use them day after day since they will never enter the park and therefore
  3. Good update! Ray and I wound up getting something from room service every night when we were on the Dream, even though we also ate dinner every night. But it was too much fun to not do! Man, I couldn't be more jealous!
  4. Really great report! Definitely makes me excited to go there!
  5. Page 18 bragging rights!! :jumpforjoy Kidding of course. We've been crazy busy and I haven't tuned in to any TRs until this afternoon and thanks to you, I just killed over 2 hours at work! (Don't tell my boss!) Awesome report! It really makes me want to go on another cruise, and to do it soon. Random thoughts: - The water there is amazing. It's unbelievable to me that water so clear exists naturally at all. - I love Z wearing a Mickey shirt while playing with the dolphins - just thought that was cute. - It looked like you had a hidden Mickey in your caprese salad at dinner one night
  6. "Tent camping with teenagers" caught my eye, as that is rapidly becoming a favorite hobby of mine these days. :) Here is a link to an AC I am seriously thinking about trying if we pull together a summer camping trip this year. Looks so very fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxSLbpAwibg Looks very easy and like it could work for even a newbie like me. Have fun! 10 days at the Fort with a big group sounds like a blast, even in August in a tent!
  7. I wondered if he might chime in. It really does look pretty!
  8. Anyone gone there? How about backpacking and tenting there? Would love to hear anyone's experiences. Thinking about taking a group overnight hopefully next month. Thanks for any thoughts!
  9. So, Ray and I were in the car over the weekend and just for sport, I gave him some of the background on your TR, the bat house, and such. Then, I read him the letter warning about the bats and he fell for it hook, line and sinker. :rofl2: I did too, but it was a lot of fun to bring him into the game as well. We're both looking forward to putting on our plastic gloves and helping with bat disposal on our next trip. As always, thanks for a great report!
  10. Thanks to everyone! I don't know if it will work out for us to do this or not, but I'm having fun looking at all the options. And if we do get to do this, I will definitely do a TR! :) (Thanks for the offer, Ray, but we are not military.)
  11. Sorry to be so far off topic from Fort Wilderness, but I am hoping that some of you may be able to help me. My daughter and I will be in San Diego in early August and I am thinking about changing the trip to a camping trip. I have no idea where to start to try to find campgrounds, state parks, etc. We would be tent camping for this. Do any of you know any good options near San Diego? Or, do you know of any websites that list campgrounds that I can look at to try to find one? Thanks for any help you can give me!
  12. I'm with you about Test Track. We think the new FP line, design area, and the whole ride (except the outside part that didn't change) totally SMB. It used to have a purpose but now, nothing. It's like they think we're going to just say, "Oooooh - shiny!" and love all the neon crap. Now that they have tiers for FP and TT is in the same one as Soarin', I doubt Ray and I will ever ride it again. (Well, I never say never, but it's going to have to be something truly special to get us back on there again.)
  13. I have heard rumors that they are working on a walking path that will connect the GF with the MK. I've also heard that they are not going to do that. I can't tell if your pictures are in the area of where they park the EWP floats, but if they are, then that would at least be in the right area. I would love for them to connect GF with the MK. Then I would only have to risk life and limb for a short space under the water bridge to be able to actually run all the way around the loop!
  14. I know what y'all did - you went to the caverns, right?
  15. I was actually in a meeting today with someone who was talking about socks made in Fort Payne. No kidding.
  16. Forgot the most important part of the trip for some - Mega Stuffed Oreos. Here you go: Apparently the way to consume these is to grab them with your grilling tongs and roast over the fire until the cream is gooey. According to the kids, you need to eat a bunch of these in one sitting to really appreciate the beauty. I didn't try any grilled, but I sure ate them raw. I'm a sucker for Oreos, the more stuffed, the better. Here's the real truth about Oreos:
  17. Anna was a big help! I think my favorite part of the whole trip was Anna hugs. She is so sweet and loving. I don't get little girl hugs anymore so I just loved them. We sure hated to leave Saturday morning but I'm so glad we were able to go even for a little bit. Can't wait for the next GG!
  18. Before we move on to Saturday when we sadly had to leave, I'll post a few more pics: Jodi and Claire successfully starting our fire: (Think leaves in starting the fire. Lots of dried up leaves.) Stella, Jodi, Anna and Claire: My gang had hobos for dinner, and I was pleasantly surprised that they actually cooked very nicely on the fire. As Jodi says, everything tastes better when you're camping! We had a really great time that night hanging out with everyone around the fire. And yes, grilled mega-stuffed Oreos were definitely a hit.
  19. Cool! I didn't think there was anything cool to do at FW that I have done that TCD hasn't! I'd do it again in a flash, except I don't think they have that race there anymore. This was my view as I walked out the back of my campsite. Not bad: Man - That's an awesome location! Great pic of Yvonne!
  20. Man! I was there and I didn't even make it in on page 1! :banghead: Oh well, nothing new there. This was our first GG to get to attend and I had been looking forward to it for weeks. Then, just a few days before we were to leave, Jodi told me that her theater teacher told her that she and her friend Claire (who was joining us for camping) would be written out of most of the songs for the upcoming musical if they missed the rehearsal that Saturday. Noon to 6:00. Ugh! I was totally bummed but just couldn't let that happen. So we were definitely the short timers at this GG. I checked
  21. Love this picture! I've taken that shot before, but yours is better with the almost-sunrise happening. Yup - I heard it there too! I love the video - makes me homesick for the Fort! Those are awesome pics, Carol!
  22. Glad to hear there are no bats in the BABH. If you had run into any residents of that home, I'd be done for. I also love the early morning quiet Fort pics.
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