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Everything posted by lklasing

  1. I'm shook up from the pics of the BABH. I still have nightmares about that thing from your last report.
  2. Good installment! Rain can be a good thing sometimes, as long as it doesn't come and stay for too long. One question: What is a mine reunion? I was thinking that "mine reunion" was some new catchphrase that I'm totally out of the loop, but then I decided it was supposed to be "mini reunion". But mine reunion could be something new for me to learn, so I'm hoping that's it!
  3. Awesome pictures from the Shamrock! And yes, it looks like you're going to have to just show up at the other. Surely the race director will do the right thing. It would be nice for him to do the right thing for the right reason, but if that doesn't work, I bet he will do the right thing rather than be faced with a claim for damages for everything you spent getting to that race.
  4. Ed - please let us know what you eventually hear (or don't hear) from the Eastern States director. I really hope you have a positive end result on that.
  5. Just found this thread and am thoroughly enjoying ignoring it. Love the big hair. Mine was big back in the day but not that big! You rocked it! Looking forward to ignoring more!
  6. Love that song. I played it for my dad when I first heard it several years ago. Thanks for reminding me of it. And thanks for a cute report!
  7. Oh my gosh - what a cute report! Looking forward to the rest!
  8. We also had a girl as the beast on our first time to go, and interestingly she looked a lot like your DD. I'll see if I can find pics - they were so cute but not as cute as your DD!
  9. Great report! I still can't get over the TE problems, though! Looking forward to your bonus pictures!
  10. Such great pics! I'm loving this report and sad for it to be ending! I'm sad too that your TE breakfast might not be as good as I'm hoping it was. Tell me which day you just finished - I've lost track and I'm still curious how the weather was after we left. They had forecast good weather for Friday and Saturday that week but it doesn't look like you got that. :gaah:
  11. Eek - despite being from the south, Ray and I aren't big football fans, so remembering about football schedules isn't on my radar. I'll PM you the dates anyway though and hope for the best! Looking forward to more bonus pics.
  12. So, I read page 8 first and was confused/worried about wedgies, spandex and missing hands. It all came clear when I read page 7. But I do have to say that this: is about the cutest picture ever!
  13. Glad you're back on this TR! Cute pic with the troll holding onto the leash! And I'm so thrilled to hear of the adoption from China! What is your timetable for that? Looking forward to more!
  14. First, thanks for the directions on how to get to the roof and more importantly, the tip on not getting stuck up there! :whew: Second, definitely will do on the PM before our September trip. Looking forward to it! :)
  15. I know that area where the twins sat and updated FB while you went up to the roof - it's a good place to kill time. We waited there one trip on our last day while we were waiting on time for our ride to the airport to arrive. I've never been up to the roof at the CR - only to the observation deck from California Grill. I just booked our next trip (yay - a re-do after our trip cut short this time) at BLT so I'll have to go try to find the roof access. Looks like a great viewing and picture-taking area. No more bonus pics, or did I pick up on a cliff-hanger that there may be more?
  16. Good updates! Sorry the weather was still bad on Friday. We left on Thursday and it was cold and rainy but I know the forecast had said that it would start being nice on Friday. I guess they missed that one. I hope it cleared up for y'all at least by Saturday! We love both Via Napoli and Biergarten. We actually had planned to do Via Napoli Thursday night - we would have just missed you (if we had stayed). Looking forward to the next updates!
  17. Love those pics of the lobby at VWL. I really want to stay there one of these days. Great report!
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