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Posts posted by mouseketab.....Carol

  1. Lived in North Charleston another lifetime ago when 1st spouse was in the Navy. Crossing the bridges was an almost daily occurrence for awhile as I worked on Kiowa island. Unfortunately, didn't have a camper back then. One of our favorite things was going into Mt. Pleasant for the seafood, and since we were still pretty young, went to the beach quite a bit. Also enjoyed going to the Cooper River Bridge to see if I could get a glimpse of the sub as it was coming in, then get back to the base as they docked.

  2. Although I've never heard of them having to use it, I'm sure there is some type of overflow exit somewhere. Also, looking at the satellite, they might be able to create some walkways running under the monorail line behind the Camera Center, and the shop on the other side. Leading folks directly to Nemo on one side, and Guardians on the other side, and bypassing the area around Spaceship Earth.

  3. The problem with hotels, is it's a hotel. Unless you spring for the big suites, with a balcony, there is no "lounging around" There is nothing better than stepping out under your awning and relaxing in the big gravity recliner in the morning. Or sitting around with a bunch of Fiends in the evening. Looping, checking out the decorations, etc. We no longer spend more than a couple hours a day at most in the parks. Hanging out at a hotel is not the same. Offsite is even worse. We have that stupid, heavy ECV to contend with. Loading it in the truck a couple of times a day is no fun.

    Having said all that, some friends of ours now rent a house off 192. Private pool, pool table, 3 bedrooms, full kitchen, and for less than a site at the Fort. They also use an ECV. At least there, they can leave the ECV in the truck and run an extension cord through the window and charge it overnight without unloading it.

    We tried to go cheap a couple of years ago at New Years and stayed in a flea trap hotel on 192. OMG!!!! Never again!!!

  4. It is one of my favorite campgrounds 🙂 We got home a little after 3 on Sunday. I really don't recommend Site 70. No sewer, not too level, and right next to the playground. I really need to get one of the lakeside sites next year. I don't "need" sewer, but carrying the small grey water container to the bath house twice a day is a pain.

  5. On 8/30/2018 at 7:49 AM, Travisma said:

    But but but, the desert parties are just to die for.  And little Melinda just looks so adorable in the 98 degree temps and 95% humidity in her $300 Bippity Boppity makeover.

    Ta Ta, we're off to our 4th character meal of the day, the premium plus dining plan is just divine...

    Yeah....... ever since I saw a little girl totally showing her tail acting just awful after a makeover and during a photo session, I now refer to it as Bippity Boppity Brat..... (The mom didn't spring for the shoes)

  6. On 9/5/2018 at 12:27 PM, BradyBzLyn...Mo said:

    We spent 6 weeks in the 300 loop last fall and I worked 3 of those weeks.  There were days/times when the WiFi was quite slow - typically around 4pm every day.  A few times I switched over to my mobile hotspot because it was too slow for what I needed to do. I'm a graphic designer though, so I'm moving some good-sized files around. If you just need a reliable connection to get online, check/send email, access info., etc. and not need a ton of superfast/high bandwidth, it should be ok.


    That was my experience a couple of years ago too. General work email, Webex meetings, no issues, working with large files live on SharePoint, my Verizon MiFi did a better job. This was in 1700 loop. Just as practice though, when I'm working remotely on a wireless network, I generally just check out the file, download it to my hard drive, work it, then upload when done. Lots less bandwith required than saving to the server every few minutes.

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