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Cortezcapt (Derek)

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Posts posted by Cortezcapt (Derek)

  1. 8 hours ago, WannaBeImagineer said:

    We've discussed emotional support animals in lots of threads so I wasn't sure where to put this so for now I'll place it here and someone else can move it if needed.

    Delta is taking a new approach to service and emotional support animals.



    I guess it's me personally but if I had a service animal I'd have no problem carrying papers or an ID type card for my pet saying that it was a trained legitimate service animal. Most service animals have gone through lots of training and there's no reason that emotional support animals can't go through training if the haven't already. Registering your service animal with a state or federal agency and obtaining an ID card for them, I wouldn't see as being a bad thing for anyone other then the people who don't have legitimate service animals. Sure some people would still get their animals certificated and registered who don't necessarily need them but it would cut down on people abusing the fact that service animals can be taken almost anywhere without question. The cards wouldn't have to give any medical information, just description/picture of the dog, owner's name, and certifying that it was trained.

    Will this ever happen probably not and that's because all the people who abuse the laws will fight and make a big stink about invasions of privacy or that their rights are being denied. 

    I'm sure not everyone will agree with me just how I feel personally.

  2. 1 hour ago, Travisma said:

    Wait until they block you from bringing in outside food and drink!

    Busch really cracked down a couple of years ago, and last summer they blocked all food from Adventure Island the Tampa water park.

    Wow didn't know Adventure Island blocked food now.  I wouldn't be surprised if that actually hurt their business. Let me rephrase that not hurt their business but brought their attendance down some. I think a lot of people used to go a lot in the summer because you could get good deals on tickets and the being able to take your own food made it a reasonable thing to do. Especially with kids out of school in the summer, for some it was an every weekend outing. 

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