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Ultimate Bragging Rights! TCD's New Fantasyland Passholder Preview TR

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I have yet to try SOTMK. However, I plan to correct that on my solo trip in a couple of weeks. Although I don't think I'll resort to trading with nerdy kids or weird old men :)

Glad you got to see us all in your stroll through 900 loop. It would have been fun if you had been camping there with us!!!

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Final responses to final comments . . .

Awesome report!

I LOL at the trading card scenario. Is that the first time that the twins refused a photo opportunity? They must have been even more nerdy than you described :)

I can't believe how busy your days are. I don't last more than a couple of hours at any theme park, much less on a day trip. My hat goes off to you, maybe you should come up with a TCDRMOG award for yourself.

Thanks, yes, the twins refusing a photo op is rare.

I predict when your kids get a bit older, you will find yourself spending more times in theme parks. Your time has not yet come. Wait till you get to ride some of those rollercoasters at Busch Gardens.

Good point, Nicki! ARE you playing the lottery?

Great ending to your TR. Like everyone else, I am always amazed at what you all accomplish in just a day.

You really didn't miss much by not seeing the mermaids in POTC. It's hard to tell what they are, and they go by quickly.

Good point about the lottery. I don't play it very often. Maybe that's why I haven't won it yet.

I have heard not to expect much from the mermaids. I don't expect much, but I still want to see them.

Tell your daughters there is nothing wrong with us nerds (as long as we they don't still live in our parents basement).


I agree, and I'll tell them.

These nerds probably didn't live in their parents' basements.

Only because there aren't any basements in central Florida.

It was great seeing you again even for just a few minutes. We were at Bob's site most nights drinking coffee and trying to stay warm..

Glad you got the cards you needed, I'm not sure I would have braved the nerds or the creepy old guy.

You know, I still have never had Kathy's coffee. But everyone loves it. I am going to need to try a cup sometime.

I'll bet that old guy was harmless.


I too am amazed at the amount of stuff you and the twins are able to cram into a day. Thanks for bringing us along, you gave me more than a few laughs.

You are most welcome. And thanks for reading it all.

Awesome report! It's amazing that all happened in one day.

About the Grande Slam - first will BOG actually serve that many drinks to a customer? I know that may not be a lot to us but to Disney it may be. And secondly - is this just bragging rights or will a medal be involved? Either way I'm going for it in Febraury.

That whole SOTMK card thing sure can bring out the nerd herd. The boys look harmless but SOMWWS - I think he may be on a certain list and isn't allowed to live near schools.

I don't think Disney would refuse to serve four beers to a customer. As long as his money was green.

A medal?

For drinking four beers?

I don't think so.

The four beers are reward enough.

Plus the bragging rights.

Nerd herd. LOL. I like that.

The mermaid were ok but I missed Davey Jones...

I can't see how you missed Davey Jones unless the effect was broken.

It hasn't worked on several of our most recent visits. That's too bad, because that is a good effect.

Wow! That was an action packed last update! I'm very glad the TCD gang made it out of the nerd card trading encounter with Maximus cards in hand! Although, the teen nerds were much better than the old dude in white sox. That was creepy and sad.

Truly enjoyed this TR! But I always do. :)


I hope to read one day about your boys collecting the SOTMK cards.

And how H set up shop to trade in Tortuga Tavern.

As usual.... I am sorry it is over.... Thank You !

You are welcome.

And don't be sad, you know the next trip report won't be far off.

Great TR, as always! Glad you were able to finally get a complete set of cards!


We just need to complete that other set.

And then we have to look at the 10 special cards that you have to buy. The nerds gave us the 411 on those. It's very complicated.


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This was ultimately the best TCD report ever!!!

Well at least until you post your next one.


And you are 100% correct!

I have yet to try SOTMK. However, I plan to correct that on my solo trip in a couple of weeks. Although I don't think I'll resort to trading with nerdy kids or weird old men :)

Glad you got to see us all in your stroll through 900 loop. It would have been fun if you had been camping there with us!!!

Good luck on your card collecting.

There are a few Fiends who are collecting the cards, so if you end up needing a few, ask. I received a PM from a Fiend offering to send me a Maximus card, which was pretty awesome.

Looking forward to the next report.


Maybe you will be in the next one?

Count me in as another one sad to see it end! Great report!

Thanks SSB.

It was great to have you along for the ride.

Don't be a stranger.

Thank you for another great trip report.

What that the only time the twins refused a photo op? Poor little nerds. I have a fondness for nerds.


And, in defense of the nerds, they were very nice young men. Very polite and respectful. And, they didn't try to take advantage of newbies. At least as far as I could see.

It's just so weird to me that on a Saturday night they are camped out in a off the path place in the MK with their stacks of cards.

I can almost understand it, though. They weren't old enough to go out to bars or anything.

The old guy, though, I do not understand.


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I could definitely see my DSs setting up shop in TT and trading SOMK cards on a Sat. night. I still remember the old dude I saw manning a table in there when I was there in August. I made a mental image of him in case I needed to describe him to police. And he wasn't the same as your old dude. For what it's worth, the slightly creepy 20-something SOMK addict guy I talked to told me that there are 70 cards all together but 10 of them they stopped printing so they are rare. He was very excited about them.

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For some reason my whole comment didnt print...........

Reading about the grown men who carry notebooks with plastic sleeves ful of cards, makes me think of the grown men who carry around books loaded with pins.........maybe they are the SAME men!!!!

My boys used to be big into the pin trading, we have well over a thousand pins. There used to be a big pin trading event every Friday night at the Contemporary that we always went to when we were down there. I was always shocked when I saw all the grown men (and ladies) with their lanyards and books overflowing with pins. Most of them were quite serious about their hobby! At any rate, my boys loved it and we ended up making several good friends with CMs that we still have to this day, all because of pin trading.

Will you be going to the Fort for Thanksgiving like last year? I hope so, we can have another trip report to look forward to.


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So sorry I missed the end!!

Great stuff as usual. Loved the video you posted, always enjoy the pics of the TCD gang. :heartsmiley:

Looking forward to seeing FL dressed for Christmas. Hope to see you all soon.

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