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It's A BuckeyeFortFamily Spring Break 'EGG'stravaganza!!

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Three rides on Toy Story by 9:15 am?  Well done!


And you are getting better with the photo naming!




I'm thinking ride it again too.


For the Lou who doesn't read TR, when they do the soft opening like that, is it continuous?  Meaning they don't decide to stop letting people in and make them wait in line after a certain point do they?  How often do they do a soft opening, at any of the parks?


I doubt Lou knows the answer to this- he has never been to a rope drop.


They do these soft openings during busy times.  They are not advertised, and you could show up expecting to be let in early only to find they don't open the turnstiles until the posted open time.  When they do them, though, the park is open.  They don't open and shut it down.  The earliest I've ever seen them do this was 30 minutes before posted open time.  This was at DHS during the Star Wars weekends.  I don't think it's anything that you can really plan for- but it's a nice perk for those who arrive early.



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March 28, 2013 continued   We have a date with a person we have tried numerous times to connect with, but now it’s finally happening.   Backstory-I grew up on a Clydesdale breeding farm in Ohio.  I h

The horses all work 3 days and then get time off. He showed us the paddock that they get turned out in when they are done working on a typical work day.   Then we talked about the barn itself.   They

Is DHS the only one that does it?


I don't know for sure.  I think I've been let in early at AK.  And the past couple of times I've been at Epcot, they opened the turnstiles 15 minutes before posted opening time.  I don't think they do it at MK, as they still have that morning welcome show, and that is performed on schedule.



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They do these soft openings during busy times. They are not advertised, and you could show up expecting to be let in early only to find they don't open the turnstiles until the posted open time. When they do them, though, the park is open. They don't open and shut it down. The earliest I've ever seen them do this was 30 minutes before posted open time.


I don't have much time to respond but I want to say we've been there for soft openings and you absolutely CAN NOT predict them.

But I will say I have seen them open the turnstiles at EPCOT at 7:10 and then close them again at as soon as the group waiting had moved thru.

Then they took us to the land and held is there until park opening. I was the only one in the group of 40/50 people that wasn't riding soarin' because I had BFK4.

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I don't have much time to respond but I want to say we've been there for soft openings and you absolutely CAN NOT predict them.

But I will say I have seen them open the turnstiles at EPCOT at 7:10 and then close them again at as soon as the group waiting had moved thru.

Then they took us to the land and held is there until park opening. I was the only one in the group of 40/50 people that wasn't riding soarin' because I had BFK4.


I remember you reporting that.  That was Christmas week, right?  I've never seen or heard of that before.  Definitely not something you could count on happening again.



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From what I understand, a soft opening at DHS is fairly common, and it's purpose is to prevent the stampede to TSMM. It's common enough during busy times, that I actually plan for it. I think we were let in 30 minutes or more early on our trip. I'd have to go back and check my report. It was the same the year before as well.

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From what I understand, a soft opening at DHS is fairly common, and it's purpose is to prevent the stampede to TSMM. It's common enough during busy times, that I actually plan for it. I think we were let in 30 minutes or more early on our trip. I'd have to go back and check my report. It was the same the year before as well.


Lately that has been true.  But it's one of those things that is not advertised, and can vary.  But, it happens regularly enough that it is very much worth taking the chance of getting there early.


For what it's worth, we in the TCD gang miss the stampede.  We were good at it.  To me, it was more exciting than most of the rides at DHS.



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My ears were burning so I thought I'd check in. Like your tag, but hate the tag fairies.

Ohanas, one of my favorites. It was very cruel of you to post food pics though. Guess I'll have to make a res, now.

TCD is correct, I have never, and never will do a rope drop as a guest, however, I have been at all the entrances to all the parks before they open, but I wasn't looking out for early entrance.

As my max wait time for an any attraction is 30 minutes and because I don't do rope drops, I will probably never do TSM, oh well.

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No!  Ride it again....


 We'll see...


I'm thinking ride it again too.


For the Lou who doesn't read TR, when they do the soft opening like that, is it continuous?  Meaning they don't decide to stop letting people in and make them wait in line after a certain point do they?  How often do they do a soft opening, at any of the parks?


I love the soft opening, but you really can't bank on it.


They are so nice though because there is no stampede.


Three rides on Toy Story by 9:15 am?  Well done!


And you are getting better with the photo naming!


I doubt Lou knows the answer to this- he has never been to a rope drop.


They do these soft openings during busy times.  They are not advertised, and you could show up expecting to be let in early only to find they don't open the turnstiles until the posted open time.  When they do them, though, the park is open.  They don't open and shut it down.  The earliest I've ever seen them do this was 30 minutes before posted open time.  This was at DHS during the Star Wars weekends.  I don't think it's anything that you can really plan for- but it's a nice perk for those who arrive early.




 Thank you! We try to be good students!


If you arrive early enough to enjoy a soft opening then you are at least in the front of the line when they do open if they wait until posted time! Not a bad gamble.


Is DHS the only one that does it?




I don't know for sure.  I think I've been let in early at AK.  And the past couple of times I've been at Epcot, they opened the turnstiles 15 minutes before posted opening time.  I don't think they do it at MK, as they still have that morning welcome show, and that is performed on schedule.




 Well, just a wait a day or two on this trip report and I will show you that even the MK can do a soft opening of sorts.


Caught up!


Love the Ohana pics.


TSM x 3......well done!


 Thank you, thank you! Neighbor.


From what I understand, a soft opening at DHS is fairly common, and it's purpose is to prevent the stampede to TSMM. It's common enough during busy times, that I actually plan for it. I think we were let in 30 minutes or more early on our trip. I'd have to go back and check my report. It was the same the year before as well.


In all our DHS rope drops this was only the 2nd soft opening for us here.  


Lately that has been true.  But it's one of those things that is not advertised, and can vary.  But, it happens regularly enough that it is very much worth taking the chance of getting there early.


For what it's worth, we in the TCD gang miss the stampede.  We were good at it.  To me, it was more exciting than most of the rides at DHS.




BuckeyeFortFan had a cast member take him out on the stampede to TSM and he was actually walking like a sane person because he knew how to get his FP and join us in line, but it still happened.  So, I must agree that they were pretty darn exciting.


My ears were burning so I thought I'd check in. Like your tag, but hate the tag fairies.

Ohanas, one of my favorites. It was very cruel of you to post food pics though. Guess I'll have to make a res, now.

TCD is correct, I have never, and never will do a rope drop as a guest, however, I have been at all the entrances to all the parks before they open, but I wasn't looking out for early entrance.

As my max wait time for an any attraction is 30 minutes and because I don't do rope drops, I will probably never do TSM, oh well.


I have to say I am a little proud of that tag.  It shows my snarky side.


Come on! TSM is hands down my favorite attraction.  I can't ride it just once though. It's worth rope drop. Totally worth rope drop. You can leave at 9:15 and enjoy the rest of your day somewhere else, but if you ever do a rope drop this is the one to do!

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I tried to get BuckeyeFortFan to approve another ride, but by now the wait was over our 10-15 minute limit and the FP returns were later than we could stay at DHS today so it was time to move on.


I was sad. 3 times just doesn't seem to be enough. I am so freaking spoiled.


So, we headed over to catch the first Indiana Jones show and caught this on the way.



Can you believe we have never seen this?


Wait a minute I think it's on the agenda for next time. This guy is amazed.



Well, we drop off BuckeyeFortFan and BFK1 and BFK3 at Indiana Jones and I take BFK2 and BFK4 to meet Minnie Mouse in her pink sparkle dress.


See the pattern here? I keep the fraidy cats and BFF takes the adventurous kids.


Minnie wasn't out so we stopped by to meet these guys. BFK4 wants nothing to do with them.45999240131_zps938aed18.jpg


Oh no Dale figured out BFK4 was not so into meeting characters.



Now Chip is figuring it out.



Now he's having some fun.  



We got a great picture!



Still no Minnie, so BFK2 and I decided to hit one of our "we don't have BFF with us" spots.





*I'll need to catch up this trip report tomorrow. BFK4 just showed up out of bed. Sorry fellow fiends for the short update. 

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One Tgiving morning many years ago, my son and I showed up early (7:00) for morning EMH, and they announced the park was opening early for everyone. The gates opened at 7:30 and regular opening was supposed to be at 9:00. I was happy for the extra time, but a little miffed they let everyone in.

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As my max wait time for an any attraction is 30 minutes and because I don't do rope drops, I will probably never do TSM, oh well.




They have this new technology at the parks that you obviously have not heard of yet. . .


It's called Fastpass.


On certain attractions, they have machines out front that you put your park passes in, and you are issued a Fastpass that allows you to return at a later time and board with a minimal wait. 


Try it out some time.



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They have this new technology at the parks that you obviously have not heard of yet. . .


It's called Fastpass.


On certain attractions, they have machines out front that you put your park passes in, and you are issued a Fastpass that allows you to return at a later time and board with a minimal wait. 


Try it out some time.



:rofl2:  :rofl2:  :rofl2:  :rofl2:

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One Tgiving morning many years ago, my son and I showed up early (7:00) for morning EMH, and they announced the park was opening early for everyone. The gates opened at 7:30 and regular opening was supposed to be at 9:00. I was happy for the extra time, but a little miffed they let everyone in.






They have this new technology at the parks that you obviously have not heard of yet. . .


It's called Fastpass.


On certain attractions, they have machines out front that you put your park passes in, and you are issued a Fastpass that allows you to return at a later time and board with a minimal wait. 


Try it out some time.





:rofl2:  :rofl2:  :rofl2:  :rofl2:


 Oh my goodness! Kelly you beat me to it!


This is some funny stuff!


Mr. TCD, congratulations-you win the award for the funniest post on my trip report.


Thanks for the update.


Lou meet Fast Pass.


Fast Pass, meet Lou.


Funny stuff TCD.


I can just see a new thread brewing with the step by step photos of obtaining one of these magical fast passes at TSM.

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Back to DHS on March 28, 2013


If you remember the BuckeyeFortFamily is split up and since I have the camera and am writing the trip report you get to hear how I relax at Disney instead of how exciting the Indiana Jones show is.


Now there are times that my loving husband, BuckeyeFortFan, feels that I am well....Lame. And this is going to be one of those times. 


BuckeyeFortKid2 and I were on a mission to meet Minnie Mouse and she wasn't going to be back out until 10:30 and it's now just before 10. So, I ask BFK2 what she wants to do.  Mind you the littlest BuckeyeFortKid is with us, but he is just along for the ride. 


She instantly reminds me that since BFF is not with us we could go to the Writer's Stop.  I love this child. I really do.  She gets me and loves to do what I love to do. Drink coffee and check out books at a bookstore. This is exactly what we did until BFK4 had enough of being in the quiet bookstore.


So I took this,



and we found a bench to relax on.



Well and share a snack. BFK4 has a cookie too.



An empty park is soooo relaxing.



And we had a nice view of the hot air balloon.



Minnie is due back out in 10 minutes so we head over to line up. 


We were 2nd in line to meet her under the hat.



That is exactly why we meet characters.



Uh oh, Minnie sees BFK4 and thinks he should be in the picture.


I politely explain he won't want to talk to her. So we take the picture with his face hidden.



Then he decides to take a peek and the photopass photographer caught it.  45999240148_zps8520d98e.jpg


We picked up the others to get some lunch. We had planned on counter service, but the kids suggested Sci-Fi. 


BuckeyeFortFan went in to see if we could get a seat. It was just opening and I was telling the kids there was no way we would get a table without a big wait when BFF came out and said they could put at us 2 flying saucers.  No big deal that would work and would be different.


Our buzzer goes off almost instantly. We are surprised to find they seated us at a stretch limo and not the flying saucers.


This is a tough place to get a nice picture without disturbing other diners. 


The cars in here usually sit 3 sets of 2 people facing towards the big screen.  You can see one of those 2 person seats behind the kids. Our car has 3 chairs on either side of the table facing what would be the interior of the car instead of the windshield. This is the car you get when you have an infant in your group of 6 so that you can use a high chair.




But our little guy thinks he's a big guy.



But he still wanted to sit "behind" Mama at the back of the car away from the monsters.


Ok, time for the important stuff. I ordered the turkey club. It's awesome! I honestly haven't had anything bad here.



BFF got the burger.



Mini burger for BFK4.



BFK3 loves hotdogs.



BFK2 got the Mac n Cheese.



BFK1 got the popcorn chicken and they were great!



And there you have nearly the entire children's menu from the Sci-Fi dinner theatre.


Lunch was good and we needed to walk some of it off. The kids suggested we check out the muppets gift shop and the Christmas shop so we strolled through those and then headed out.


When we were passing the 50's prime time we saw another one of these catering type outside bars set up. 3-28-13447_zps9fb91ea5.jpg


We were seeing them everywhere and weren't sure why. Anyone know?


We have a big time date at 2pm at the TCD Ranch so we have to get back to the camper.

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I like that Sci Fi table better for families. I don't remember seeing those, but it's been awhile since I've been there.


They are nice, you can actually talk to each other.


Awesome Sci Fi magic...   They did the same for us last time we were at WDW....   No ressie and offered a saucer...  We saidgreat and thank you !...  Next thing were in a car !   Love those suprises..


Maybe they reward the non-complainers.

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March 28, 2013 continued


We have a date with a person we have tried numerous times to connect with, but now it’s finally happening.


Backstory-I grew up on a Clydesdale breeding farm in Ohio.  I have family friends all over the Midwest who also breed draft horses, i.e. Clydesdales, Percherons, and Belgians.  Every time I tell one of these friends that we vacation at Fort Wilderness they always insist that I need to look up ‘so-and-so.’  So I email ‘so-and-so’ and we exchange emails and it never works out, the dates never match up.  Well, this time they finally did. 


So, we got to spend an afternoon learning how things work at the TCD Ranch.  It was a blast and I have some great pictures which I intend to share.  I did not tell our new friend that I might put what was shared with us in a trip report, so I will refer to this person as TICMIiTCDRMDaTCBT (The Irregular Cast Member Involved in TCD Ranch Management Decisions and Therefore Can Be Trusted) from here on.  Or maybe just TICM for short.


Well, we parked the golf cart and walked up this familiar path.



Then we turned onto the mulch path. You all know this area, but who doesn’t enjoy seeing this place?



It is gorgeous here.



Oh, look the trailer is out.



Just for TCD.



Squirrel moment-Check out this cool sweatshirt our friend made BFF for his birthday.



We were supposed to meet TICM at 2pm and we are just a few minutes early.



I found a poop scooping cast member and asked if TICM was around.  The poop scooping cast member was expecting me and told me that TICM was running a little late and would be here as soon as he could.  So we hung out.



We got a kick out of this sign,



and sadly we both thought it was good idea, as we had been the person who wished there was a spare halter around to catch a draft horse with.


The kids pushed the button and the Calliope music played.



That’s funny, that isn’t a Calliope.  That’s a bummer.


We walked outside and found this neat black cut out often found on breeders’ signs at horse shows.



Here’s a nice picture of the TCD sign.



There are guys actually shoeing horses in the blacksmith shop.





This is an impressive forge.  My Dad would be jealous for sure. The forge is that fireplace behind the guy giving me the stink eye.


You know, this guy.



He doesn’t look so friendly so we’ll just wait over at the barn.


TICM arrives and we make introductions.  He looks a little familiar.  I figured out after I was home that I had met him when I was a kid.


We started our tour in the blacksmith shop as there was actually something going on over there.





As I said, this is an impressive blacksmith’s shop.  My dad is a farrier and makes horseshoes, so I know what it takes to shoe a draft horse. It’s quite an undertaking in time, $, and effort (those feet weigh a ton). Even if you don’t make your own horseshoes you still need a forge to bend the shoe to fit the horse properly.  There is no fire going in the forge today however.


TICM drops the rope and walks us in. The blacksmiths both bristle instantly and he assures them we aren’t just guests but fellow Clydesdale people and they settle down.


He starts to explain that they have changed over from the old way of doing things to “barefoot shoeing.” 


Really?  That explains why we don’t hear the horseshoes on Main Street anymore.


TICM explains that they went to barefoot shoeing because it’s healthier for the horse’s foot, and it should save money on shoes, right?


Wrong. He said now they are spending just as much money on blacksmith fees as they were on horseshoes and blacksmith fees but at least the hooves are healthier so it is a wash economically, but better for the horses.


You will still see some horses with a horseshoe on because their foot isn’t healthy enough to go without one.  Think of the horseshoe as an orthotic for the horse.


I found that very interesting; my kids were not so impressed.


Well, they finished working on this Belgian and we followed it back into the barn.



A last look at the blacksmith shop.



We walked back into the barn and there was a lot of hoof traffic. First we had to wait for this Cinderella pony to go past.



Then we had to wait for this gray Percheron.



We got to go in the Calliope Display area.



TICM talked to us about the hitch wagon.  It is just like Budweiser’s, to give you some perspective. This is what we use to compete with our draft horses at horse shows.  You can drop a pretty penny on a nice hitch wagon. We don’t typically have anything in the back of ours but Disney has the boxes in the back to look like they are hauling a load.


TICM explained that the fronts of the boxes are changeable, for example they can be presents at Christmas time.  They also have the capability of putting a chair on the back for Mickey to ride on in parades and such.


Disney has an 8 horse hitch of Percherons that tour the country. They do parades in big cities like New York and Chicago as well as attend other big events. This is the wagon they take on the road with the hitch.


The Disney hitch was at our county fair when I was a teenager in 1991.  Our county fair is the largest county fair in Ohio and the 3rd largest this side of the Mississippi so don’t go thinking the hitch goes to just any county fair.


Well, when the hitch came to Ohio it had the Calliope. It was really cool and I was bummed to see it wasn’t here. TICM assured me he would show me where the Calliope was. Hooray!


Then TICM took us over into the display area that has the Breyer model horses and the pictures to show us this.



He wanted to show us this harness display case. This is the old harness from the 8 horse hitch. They replaced it with new because the patent leather eventually just gets too old to stay nice no matter how well you take care of it.


They had to figure out what to do with the old harness. If they sold it they would have to take all the ‘Disney’ off of it which was going to cost a lot of money and make it worthless, so they decided instead to put the harness in display cases and give them as gifts. They gave a set to each of the managers in a nice display case.  


TICM and I have mutual friends who have their harness (not Disney harness) hanging on display in the off season (when they aren’t showing) in their living room and he said they were the inspiration for this idea.


Then he wanted to show us the current harness that they use.

We got to go behind the rope!!!!


We passed a lot of castmembers on our way and they all perked up as we came by and said hello to TICM.  It was obvious that guests behind the rope were rare and that made this tour so much better!


Disney has Shanahan harness.  For those in the business that means something.  It’s like the Cadillac or Lincoln of harness, so it’s the best money can buy.


The Percheron Hitch and the drafts on Main Street wear this harness.



It has the Mickey Mouse heads and the brass decorations, which are a pain to clean and polish, because it needs done after every time it’s worn.  That’s how it is done at Disney.  Poor guys.


Cinderella’s carriage is pulled by those crazy white ponies.  Yes, they are crazy!  They are ponies.  I am a draft horse person through and through and ponies scare me.


TICM confirmed that those ponies are ‘full of fire.’  That’s horse talk for ‘crazy but controllable.’  Horse people think that is good for a show horse because they will have a lot of ‘action.’ 


Ok, enough horse jargon.  The ponies also have Shanahan harness, but theirs is adorned with hearts for Cinderella, not Mickey Mouse.



Across from the harness room is the vet room.



TICM explained to us that life really changed for him at the TCD Ranch when Animal Kingdom opened.  The TCD Ranch fell under the new “Zoo” requirements. It was quite a change for TICM and the way things were done.  He said under “Zoo” requirements there are so many more rules and regulations to follow.


Every animal property wide undergoes a weekly vet check. A medical record, like we keep at the doctor’s office I work at, is kept on every animal and is updated every Thursday.  Exact meal records are now kept for each horse. Sometimes as a guest you see this on the signs on the doors that say timothy hay only or something similar. This comes from the “Zoo” change.  


It also makes buying horses a little tougher for him. Every possible purchase must pass this multi-point vet check. So buying at a big auction is no longer an option which honestly is how most draft horses change hands these days.


There is some good too, like unlimited vet budget. No more do you have to decide if a surgery or treatment is cost effective for a horse.  If the animal needs it, they get it. In the draft horse business that is rare. No draft horse person would be willing to spend $20,000 on surgery for a horse you may have only paid $4,000 for but now TICM doesn’t have to make those decisions anymore.


P.S. Draft horses are nothing like race horses. The most expensive draft horse ever sold still cost less than BuckeyeFortFamily’s F-350.


They have 100 horses at WDW and 35 of them are draft horses. TICM has 34 employees to care for them all. He doesn’t have any seasonal employees, which I think is crazy since there are some real draft horse people in the campground every year. He doesn’t have any part-timers either and there is no training. If you want a job, you learn it on your own and then maybe move up. Everybody works hard in his department because there is a lot to be done and not many employees to do it.


Worldwide there are 800-1000 animals under his care between horses, long horn cattle and bison. The non-horses are mainly at Paris. There isn't a horse operation in Paris quite yet, but that is in the works. I told him I find this odd since Percherons come from France and Belgians from Belgium and Clydes from Scotland. So, it’s not like there aren’t horses over there. TICM told us that riding horses really is an American thing and is quite popular among those International travelers wanting to experience America.  I find all of this so very interesting!

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Is TICM's initials MB?

I knew you wouldn't be able to resist, Mr. I don't read trip reports and has BARELY commented on this trip report despite having a cameo in it so I know you're reading to see just what I have to say about you. I mention something other than rope drop or ADR or FP and you are instantly commenting. Really?

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I knew you wouldn't be able to resist, Mr. I don't read trip reports and has BARELY commented on this trip report despite having a cameo in it so I know you're reading to see just what I have to say about you. I mention something other than rope drop or ADR or FP and you are instantly commenting. Really?


Yada, yada, yada, you didn't answer my question.

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