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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2012 in Posts

  1. Yes, what Mo said. After I win the lottery and move to the Fort, I am going to offer my services as a dog sitter. Just give me the keys to your camper, and let me know when to check on your pet, and I'll do it. No charge either. But, I will reserve the right to help myself to your beer cooler and perhaps your crock pot and fridge. TCD
    2 points
  2. Same old, same old. Changing hours is routinely done. Why is Touring Plans apologizing for the changes?
    2 points
  3. It's not practical to check everything, just the very obvious. If it's a clear cup and it looks like a mixed drink or beer and I'm working DTD, I'll ask only if it has a cover. They're not getting on with no cover. If somone really needed to have an alcoholic drink that bad where they will pull the wool over the drivers eyes by using a refillable mug, they win.
    1 point
  4. Get in line. I'd hate to tell you over my lifetime how many people have threatened me with that. I'm in big, big, trouble if ghosts really did exist.
    1 point
  5. Hey Curt, will you put this on the Debate forum so that I can tell all of you that you're out of your minds? In a nice way of course. I can't do it here because you whack jobs would gang up on me and as you know, I'm a very sensitive person and might cry?
    1 point
  6. You wouldn't be breaking the" open container law" and he would have to let you on, unless you were visibly intoxicated. For those of you with the Red Solo Cups, unless you have a cover on it, you're not getting on my bus anyway. And if it's past morning, if you do have a covered RSC and I suspect it's alcohol and you tell me it is, you'll have to get rid of it. Unless you're prepared to give me an equal job after I get fired for violating the "open container law", I'm going by the book. The law is, no open containers with an alcoholic beverage in it, camouflaged or otherwise, can be in the veh
    1 point
  7. While doing some poking around on the SFWMD site, I discovered that they now include Google Earth files showing the areas covered by each permit application. This is a helpful feature for figuring out the areas involved with these new projects. So, here is the Google Earth image from the application for the new barn area: This is a screen cap of the approved plans. The one difference I see is that the plans include a place for a new blacksmith shop which doesn't seem to coincide with the Google Earth boundaries for the application: What is clear though, is that the former kennel building
    1 point
  8. Per Dave's request, I checked on all of this over the past weekend. There are no signs that construction is about to begin anytime soon. With regard to the permit application for the new horse barn and blacksmith shop, the permit was issued on April 21, 2011 and is good for two years. So it expires next April. I am sure it can be extended, if necessary. With regard to the permit application for the new dining pavilion, the permit still hasn't been issued. The third piece of the puzzle is a permit that was issued to allow work improving drainage along the road between the Fort and Wilderness
    1 point
  9. Here he is. How could anyone not rescue this little guy? His eyes are not oozing or puffy and are clear. Still a little redness around them and he's sneezing from time to time. He's eating very well, very playful, tries and succeeded getting out of the bathtub that was his home. Now he has the entire bathroom with a short gate to keep in there when he's not out with us. The only issue now is that what's going in is not coming out.
    1 point
  10. Tiny miracles. What a difference a day makes and some medication. He's a completely different kitty this morning. He ate for the first time on his own, alert and playing a little, and not just sleeping. Not out of the woods yet, but things are looking up.
    1 point
  11. I think that very astute philosopher of all things Disney, Mo, said it best, and I quote, "a heaping pantload".
    0 points

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