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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2012 in Posts

  1. Onward! We're at the Magic Kingdom, and fun, waffles, and a redone BTMR await us! We entered the park with no wait at all. Then we went through the entrance that tunnels underneath the train station and emerged to see a very rare sight: It's a parade, folks. At the Magic Kindgom... And there's no crowd! You can see straight through to the parade floats! Almost no obstructions whatsoever! You know, I really, really love Main Street USA. It's my favorite area in the park. Not a single ride attraction is there, yet I love it so. Such classic styling, such incredible, breath-taking attention to d
    1 point
  2. I like a drink as much as most folks, but this is a bad idea and a slippery slope. How long now until they are selling Pineapple Mojitos at Aloha Isle? I agree with Jim...Walt would be pissed. Bobby better hope he never thaws out, or he's coming after him.
    1 point
  3. It's a spa. Thats where the indoor/outdoor pool is, the poolside Kungaloosh bar, flamingo shaped hot tub, 5 star hot dog restaurant, all you can eat chili bar, and microbrewery. My drawing is not to scale. The spa is really much larger than I made it look, but otherwise the drawing is pretty accurate. I was pretty proud of it.
    1 point
  4. Walt wouldn't like this.
    1 point
  5. You're enjoying my pain, aren't you! :rofl2:
    1 point
  6. Do I need to take a picture and text it to you? Or is that too much torture?
    1 point
  7. The proportions are way off, but even if they were correct, it still does not qualify. Follow the link below. http://www.fortfiends.net/forum/topic/1713-hidden-deliberate-mickeys/
    1 point
  8. Instant Message, Ante Meridiem and New Mexico.
    1 point
  9. For the impatient ones, here is the 3000 loop. No iPhone app needed.
    1 point
  10. I see your 35# and raise you a 65# spoiled rotten, useless, clueless, scared of her own shadow dobe. That as I type this, my leg has fallen asleep.
    1 point
  11. OK, time for the next installment! I mean to write up this installment this morning, but I had some technical difficulties. But those issues are resolved, so it's time! As I mentioned in our previous episode, we had a special visitor while we were sipping our cocktails. Here he is: Isn't that cool? It's some kind of predatory bird -- a hawk or an osprey. Anyone know? Here's a closer picture of him: There's wildlife like this all over the Fort. We've even seen bald eagles at the Fort. Very cool. Well now it was getting closer to dinner time, so we started kicking around ideas. We thought abou
    1 point
  12. You know, you're absolutely right, Andrew. Really they need to jackhammer up all the concrete pads in the 700 loop, shore up the foundation, and pour new concrete. Shame, because the 700 loop is, I think, the prettiest loop in the campground. Don't give away the surprise! OK, folks, it's time for another update! Sorry the last one was so brief. I'll try to get some more content in this one and really get this TR roaring. Let's go! So when we last left off, I had just pulled the mobile Troll cave into site #722. I was just beginning to get unhitched when Mrs. Troll cell phone rang. Remember, t
    1 point
  13. Don't forget Stef's buffalo chicken recipe. It's awesome!
    1 point

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