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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2013 in all areas

  1. OK CakeHenn, here's the plan: Drive to Louisiana the first night and swap trucks with Specularius. Nice photos, Specularius. You have more gauges in that cab than even Larry himself. TCD
    1 point
  2. Charity is he on a grain free diet? We've had quite a few dogs in rescue with skin issues and a lot of them have grain allergies. My in-laws BC came into rescue with scabby, oily skin an super sparse hair, and was getting periodic shots from the vet when it got really bad. His old owner was feeding him Pedigree. We fostered him and switched him to grain free kibble and within a couple of weeks you could see the difference. These days his coat is thick and shiny and beautiful. There are lots of good grain free kibbles out there that run the gamut for cost, but not all are outrageously expe
    1 point
  3. :jumpforjoy Looks like we will be able to go this year after all! Thank you so much! We are so looking forward to it!
    1 point
  4. Yep, that's my SIL TurkeyPants... aka Nicole! Hoping this means they'll join us for Halloween this year. :) She's on a cruise for work right now, but I know she'll be thrilled to hear when she gets back.
    1 point

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