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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2012 in all areas

  1. don't you mean you had the free wi-fi because I assure you that you didn't USE it. Because we would have never been so bad had you been watching us
    1 point
  2. You know, you're absolutely right, Andrew. Really they need to jackhammer up all the concrete pads in the 700 loop, shore up the foundation, and pour new concrete. Shame, because the 700 loop is, I think, the prettiest loop in the campground. Don't give away the surprise! OK, folks, it's time for another update! Sorry the last one was so brief. I'll try to get some more content in this one and really get this TR roaring. Let's go! So when we last left off, I had just pulled the mobile Troll cave into site #722. I was just beginning to get unhitched when Mrs. Troll cell phone rang. Remember, t
    1 point
  3. How did you figure it out? Nice job, but I'd ask for more than a toaster.
    1 point
  4. OK, time for the next installment of the Troll's Exciting Escape from Hurricane Isaac. We left off with us pulling through the Reception Outpost and making a beeline for the 700 loop, which the Trolls had never stayed in before. We were amped up about a new loop experience. But once we entered the loop, we very quickly learned of the Cinnamon Fern Way's dark secret that I alluded to in my previous installment -- during heavy rains, the loop floods... Badly. Remember I said we had been assigned site 718? Well here's what we saw when we went to pull in: Mind you, it was currently not raining. I
    1 point
  5. BradyBzLyn...Mo

    Monorail Changes

    Crumb crunchers... :rofl2: You know there's a really simple solution to all this - just make the buses look as cool as the monorails...
    1 point
  6. Go ahead, say it, I can take it. This was taken about 31 years ago at Circus World which was just a short distance from WDW on I-4. Left to right, DS, DD, me, XDW, and MIL. I thought Circus World was a fun place. Sorry to see it go.
    1 point

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