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Everything posted by GaDawgFan.....Kelly

  1. Darn, we were hoping to see it again on the next trip. The whole family loved it. I hope they replace it with something just as cool.
  2. Yes, that's the number on the site. She asked me for help since she knows I'm a Disney fan. And now I've double posted and can't delete the other one. I only typed once, so not sure how that happened.
  3. My friend is heading to Disney in a month and wants to book one of the child centers for an adult night out, but now that Be Our Guest is taking phone only ADRs, you can't get in. Any secret tricks? Will the individual resorts patch you through or something?
  4. Jen- Looks awesome! Would this work on a can without a lid? A lot that I see on Craigslist in good condition don't have a lid.
  5. I reluctantly did a 7:05 there one year, and we had a blast. Plus, you still have the whole day ahead of you! We made it over to the MK for opening too.
  6. I'm willing to splurge on this meal. We generally don't do presents, and I'm not asking for diamonds.
  7. Zachary is in LOVE with all things Peter Pan and Jake and the Neverland Pirates, so that might be the winner. I know he would have a blast. Plus, if we go to Narcoossee's, we're just a monorail ride away. Maybe we could do drinks or something at the Poly too. Ahhhh.... too bad it's almost 8 months away! I better book it whenever the window opens because I bet it's popular.
  8. Lou, I thought about that, but we want to enjoy wine and don't want to have to drive. Plus, since our son will be at a Disney childcare center or with a sitter, being close makes me feel better. Do you know of any REALLY close to the Fort?
  9. Glad you enjoyed the review! Hope you guys have an amazing time!
  10. We did it last April and had a blast. I took pictures and did a review here if you want to scroll back and see it. If you do, you will see a really dorky pic of me. I will say it has the best character interaction of any character meal I've done. I think it depends on the age of your kids. DS3 was in heaven, and DD16 enjoyed it because she was dancing with him. I can't speak to the burgers, but the ribs were good. If you factor in a few adult beverages and they keep bringing them around, it's roughly the price of other character dinners.
  11. I checked the menu for Narcoosees, and it looks yummy! I can have the lobster and steak for my 10th, right? We might take DS3 to the pirate kids club at the Poly, so we'd be on the monorail anyway.
  12. I'm sure either will be awesome. Monique, thanks for all the links!
  13. This is related to my other post... What restaurant would you recommend for a 10th Anniversary dinner and why? We probably won't be going to a park that day, so something at DTD or one of the resorts would be best. This thread will make me hungry. :)
  14. Aaron, Would you do it in an RV? Would they take him to the Chip n Dale sing-a-long or just stay at the RV? I like the idea of not having to take him somewhere and pick him up because it will be easier, but I worry he'll get bored.
  15. On our trip, we will be celebrating our 10th anniversary. I'd like to have a kid-free evening that day. Does anyone have any experience with Kids Nite Out or the kid's club at the Wilderness Lodge? Our son will be 4, and I'm not sure which option would be better.
  16. Things got crazy, so I finally got around to measuring it. Now I'm about to order, so I'll report back. When it's finished, I'll do before and after pics.
  17. Yeah, I actually thought about contacting the company about wrapping ours, but I know we can't afford it. Any guesses on how much something like that would cost? I'm guessing a lot!
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