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Everything posted by WannaBeImagineer

  1. Same here except with a Louisiana accent. I can't tell you how many times I've been told I don't have an accent or asked if I live in New Orleans. Tell me about it, or Long Island natives that say the "City" and expect you to know what they are talking about. NYC isn't the only city you know. And why do they say "stand online" its a line you stand in it! Sorry I once dated a girl from Long Island and that drove me nuts. WBI
  2. I can confirm everything Carol said. I got a passholder invite one year and participated, I think it was 2005. It started off kind of fun, and we saw Regis and Kelly but then it got hot standing in the sun, so after a while we gave up and left. There was a lot of cheering and reacting to a parade float that didn't move, not much more than that. WBI
  3. True story, I once drove to Fort Myers to see the Ford and Edison houses, but when I found out the price I decided I really didn't care about seeing the inside. lol I remember there was a lot (I'm sure still is) of talk about how bad of a person Edison was, stealing ideas, taking all of the credit from his team members, using political influence and ultimately his DC current wasn't used. I don't know much so I'm not debating i just remember hearing all of this on the radio in Naples. WBI
  4. Here you go, straight from the engineer's report: I think the details are hard to see in this jpeg but the pdf showed it pretty well. WBI
  5. Just noticed this also: They are getting rid of a wetland that was right by the entrance due to construction: I had to read the application to notice that one. WBI
  6. I agree and I think they will expand outside of the existing boundary. This SFWMD application says they are impacting wetlands and providing mitigation, I'm sure they are doing that for a reason. This is from the application: The Project Consists of construction of a 38.01 acres pond to provide water quality treatment and floodplain compensation to accommodate the development of 799.29 acres which includes the construction of a wet detention pond, parking expansion and rehabilitation of a theme park area resulting in a maximum of 95% impervious area, and expansion of an existing ramp from
  7. I think someone has already said this but there are still hotel chains that do not give free wifi. I know the Marriott I was in last week didn't. It doesn't make sense because as people have pointed out tons of cheaper hotel chains do, heck I think even Marriott's lower tier hotels do. But for some reason the higher end ones do not. Just pointing out not all hotels give free wifi. Not having wifi doesn't bother me, I'm fine with just my phone service and honestly I don't need that while on vacation. We used to have a strict no phone rule at DisneyWorld but MDE has killed that i guess.
  8. No worries Shannon, I think you are reading too much into those zones. Those are actually drainage basins. When doing the modeling for your drainage you subdivide into drainage areas and that's all these are. It's all based on the grading and drainage routing. The ICPR model uses the basins, with pervious and impervious areas. WBI
  9. That's great to hear, we might be stopping there in November. We'll probably be getting there late and leaving early though.
  10. Sorry Lone-Star I don't know of any. We try to get a little further down the road before stopping. We've slept an hour or two in the Florida rest areas but that's it. I'm thinking of trying one of the campgrounds just inside Florida, maybe Pelican Palms or Milton KOA on the next drive. WBI
  11. Very interesting. Looks ok, sadly it will probably taste like all the other WDW bbq sauce, but... Texas Toast? Baked Beans? BBQ sauce? Doesn't seem very Caribbean... WBI
  12. I'm going to say Starbucks in Hollywood studios. It has something to do with the streetcars right? WBI
  13. Exactly! A lot of people going to Disney don't have a choice, they have to go when they are off from school. You hear all the time about how schools are less lianent about students going on big vacations. So families go on vacation during the holidays. So as TCD said this is all BS its just Disney doing the cash grab. Sure they could do things like limit the amount of guests in the park or expand the parks but they make more money by raising prices. WBI
  14. I read an interesting article about the price increases for Disneyland and how most believe it was done for crowd control. Most passholders there are locals so a year or so ago they added weekend blackout days, well the locals just upgraded their passes to the ones with no blackout days. Since they could also use the monthly payment plan most people didn't mind. That resulted in Disneyland being packed on the weekends causing parking problems and big lines. So this year they jacked up the prices. Disclaimer I don't know this info for facts, its just what i read. It sounds feasible to me,
  15. I also just read that on WDW News Today twitter. Seems to match the survey info that was posted before. WBI
  16. I saw reports that they have once again allowed any chase card holder into the lounge this year, not just the Disney Visa. WBI
  17. I love Moe's! We had a few in Naples way before they got a Chipotle. Everyone I know agrees with your daughters that Moe's is better so honestly I've never tried Chipotle because of that. I think Chipotle is more widely known and has more locations though. WBI
  18. I could have sworn that picture was of salsa when i saw it on Twitter. It didn't say chili. I think your right people would definitely make their own free chili bowl. I agree Mo, the burrito type places are hugely popular now and have been for a while, I can see where this menu is going to be a big hit. I did find it funny how twitter is making fun of the burrito picture on the menu, take a look above, it looks like a quesadilla or something. WBI
  19. Hey Josh has posted a couple of reviews of the F&W on his website and I found an interesting line: The plates here are kind of cool – entirely disposable but look like they just as easily be made of china. http://www.easywdw.com/uncategorized/2015-epcot-food-and-wine-festival-chew-marketplaces-review-and-more-new-food/#more-16412 I guess those plates from the other bloggers website were disposable. WBI
  20. Wow, that's interesting, Pecos Bills used to be our go to quick serve but it had really dropped off the list for us. Maybe this will be a good thing, i wonder if they'll bring back the taco salad? Also won't this be competition for Tortuga Tavern that's rarely open. I'm assuming its going to be gone for good with this menu change. WBI
  21. Some random thoughts: Those arials show some cool details. Holy smokes the size of this expansion is much larger than expected. That towncenter area has some very large buildings going up, are they really going to be just shopping? With this area getting so much bigger it seems like they are trying to draw more locals who can pop in at anytime for a meal. Well that and the international travelers who are there for weeks at a time I guess. I've heard good things on the Twitter about the Boathouse and Morimonto including their pricing is reasonable for the quality and Disney. Also the themi
  22. I'm also sorry about the rain. It's funny I have a new perspective on rain at WDW, in the old days when we went once a month we didn't mind it, we knew it would keep the crowds down and we went enough it was ok. Now that we only go once a year, rain for three or four days in a row while camping gets old quick! Don't get me wrong we still made the best of it and had a great time but I'd really like to not have multiple days of rain again. WBI
  23. I was going to post that too! Her review was much better. She has a writing style very similar to Josh's. Also did you notice that she used an annual pass discount? I thought she was a CM and the way he got all of his insider info, I guess its coming from somewhere else. WBI
  24. I checked all the moderates and all the deluxe resorts. There was a great rate for French Quarter and a better one for Coronado the opening weekend but only if you booked through Travelocity (which I have no problem with). The Swan and Dolphin had some good rates on some days but honestly I never pay much attention to them so I'd have to recheck, also I don't think they offer the Disney Magical Express? Honestly I doubt we'll do it but it's a good enough possibility that I'm pricing it out. Honestly the tickets are the biggest part to work out. WBI
  25. I've actually been playing on the Disney website looking at possible resort weekend trips for the F&W and I didn't have much luck. It looks like all the Epcot resorts are booked up except for the higher end rooms, some weekends have good deals on moderates though. My thought was if I could fly for free on points and get a discounted room at an Epcot resort it would be a fun weekend getaway, but of course all the good deals are before the F&W starts so I don't think my trip will be happening. I should also mention that I tried booking longer stays for a couple weekends and it didn'
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