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Momoffive aka Loretta

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Everything posted by Momoffive aka Loretta

  1. Lesson learned from a friend....always remember to pause them when using the restroom. LOL Judy do you travel much to Ghost Hunt? My DH has been to quite a few places in th elast several years. His evidence is quite compelling, even for the sceptic.
  2. Very interesting (although you may need headphones) I am in Lilly's room I say "there are some people out there who don't think it is a little girl in here at all" to which there is a male response "yes and hello again". interesting in that there is a response to my statement as well as an apparent recognition of me (I have been here multiple times and have recorded a male voice in here before). Hope this comes thru.
  3. Matt has one of the most amazing audios from his most recent trip to TALA. Is there a way I can post it here? Judy and Curt you would love it. I think he played it during his radio show Sunday night. I won't go but I'll help organize a Fiends Hunt if you'd like? Still waiting to hear from Matt's friend for some suggestions for places in the area, maybe a more private place or less commercialized location. Curt, he posted it on his FB page it's the one about Lilly's room. It is pretty cool and very convincing Lou.
  4. OK so I am showing this to my husband and he is game. We are down in Orlando sometime on Nov 2 and checking into the Fort on the 3rd. Depends on the time we get on the road that Friday with the kids. If you can come up with a location he is in that weekend. He will also ask his friend who lives down there what possibilities there may be. He has been doing this for years now. You found a topic that drives him. LOL!!!
  5. My parents did this last year. We arranged for their transportation as they would get there before us. We drove. I believe it was Mears Transportation. Picked them up at the depot and right to check in at the hotel. Picked them up at the hotel and delivered them to the train depot for the return trip too. I don't think thay paid more than $35. We may have included it on their package but they were great. I didn't want them driving down and we didn't have room in the van.
  6. Just found this thread!!! Love IT!! This is so what I was planning to do when we head down in November. Freeze them until we leave and then in the cooler until we are ready for them. Pop them in the crock pop in the morning and come back to the site and dinner is ready. I am just excited to start with some of these this weekend. Pay day equals food shopping. Instead of putting everything away I will package it all into meals. I'll let you know how it goes. Softball swim party first on Saturday. Thanks Marty!!!
  7. Wow I had no idea it would be that much times 7 no less!! The water park maybe, or again just extra things to do at the Fort. Already plan to bring the fishing poles so the boys can fish, The girls would enjoy a horse trail ride. I am pretty sure I will come up with other things that can eat my small budget a lot better than video games! Thanks for the input!! If it was included and it was raining and not crowded I could see it, but that is a lot of "ifs"!
  8. So we are doing a long weekend get away this November. I will budget enough money to go to Disney Quest only. I hope we are having so much fun at the Fort that they don't want to go, but I know my kids. Is it worth the money? Should I plan to spend the "entire" day there? Can we come and go, shop Downtown Disney? The girls would like to go just as much as the boys. I just hate to spend that kind of money if it is not worth it. :camp1:
  9. Welcome to the Group! We tent camp every time at the Fort...except our next trip! We have 5 children. What we pack really depends on what we are planning to do. We usually have the meal plan with our tickets so as far as cooking goes we get by with just an electric kettle. This makes our coffee in the morning and the kids get oatmeal everyday. You can use it for mac-n-cheese too in a pinch. The best advice I could give would be to set your tent up in the yard. As you use or finish using it, write that down and store in a bin. Bin is packed and ready to go. Don't forget extra spikes f
  10. I now have the Droid X but my DH and DD both have iPhones. I love there phones, so much easier you use. I went thru 3 Droids and my friend gave me her X, much better but I am not liking their most recent software upgrade. Will upgrade to iPhone4 or newer (lol) next.
  11. Wow with the week we have had here, I am still catching up!!! Love the TR :heart: and no I don't think you will ever run out of things to write about!! It was great to meet you Andrew!! I wish I had my hair done and make-up on, but coming from the CS to see you talking with my DH was great. I LOVE the spike and and have a big plan for it. Thanks so much!!!
  12. You need to come around here more, miss ya!! Glad you had a great trip!
  13. Thanks for sharing!! Great pictures of the kidlets!! I agree with Judy, favorite is the boys dressing Saryn up. Love her name too btw. Looking forward to the rest of the TR!!
  14. My prayers have started. Please no rain!!! Bringing new Disney Cranium game. Hoping it gets delivered in time.
  15. Sorry you had such a rough start .....but looking forward to the TR!!! :dance:
  16. My kids finally said they wanted to ride this trip!! It's one of only 4 things we haven't done in the park. LOL. timing
  17. Wonderful!!! Looking forward to the next trip and hopfully meeting you at Halloween!!! We can get the twins to babysit the quads LOL!
  18. Luv the TR!! Happy Anniversary!!!! Halloween here we come!!!
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