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CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

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Everything posted by CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

  1. Sorry, I just didn't want people to have the wrong impression of Atkins -- like my aunt, who thinks I am killing myself by eating "no carbs." Good luck on your diet!
  2. Loving your TR. But have to comment again about the low carb thing. I'm an Atkins low carber, and, no, Atkins does NOT eliminate all carbs in the first phase. You can have 20 net carbs per day (net carbs = total carbs less fiber grams). It took me 2 days to work through the "fog" - on the third day my energy level soared, and it's stayed there ever since. Now if I occasionally indulge and eat too many carbs, I get physically sick -- headache and upset stomach. It's amazing how bad too many carbs make me feel! It's important too to remember that carbs vary on the glycemic index. My trea
  3. We had GAG on our last trip. It was undercooked and tough. Much better the second day after I cooked it in the convection oven. Hope you all have better experience with GAG than we did!
  4. I'm a low carber ... started 8 years ago and lost about 45% of my body weight ... and I've kept it off! Kudos to you.
  5. We usually have lunch here once every trip. Last time I had the cheese plate and a salad. It is wonderful!
  6. Wow. Wonder if Christmas decorations will be so slim. BTW, Hilda's neighbor across the street is Jeannie. We were beside her last December.
  7. I so agree! Pack mix and match outfits. Remember you will probably never see these people again and what you wear makes no difference. Only a couple of pairs of shoes ... one for day and one for evening. BTW, I've never packed an over-the-door shoe bag and never had the need for one. I know this is a popular item with a lot of cruisers. But my biggest need is a power strip. Only a couple of outlets available and so much need ... computer, cell phone, camera battery recharger, etc. Be sure to bring enough memory sticks for your camera.
  8. We've been visiting Ocean Lakes for over 25 years, and they have always allowed personal golf carts. But yes, in season they do change a $5 per day fee (don't know what it is off season). And you have to pay $10 for a sticker that's good for a year (it verifies that your insurance is on file, you have signed the policies, etc.).
  9. Sorry, not true! We always bring our own golf cart. You only have to meet their insurance requirements and get a sticker from them.
  10. Yes, for the meantime. But you have to be very vigilant about the diet. Once an animal has suffered from pancreatitis, it will flare up easily again. First Schnauzer eventually passed away from it, but he lived for several years after his first attack. A couple of years ago the morning we were leaving for Florida Kassie accidentally ate something she shouldn't have. In 48 hours we were in an emergency clinic in Lakeland ... $500 later we were on our way to the fort. She recovered and hasn't had another attack.
  11. What happens when you forget you put a canned soda in the freezer to chill: More to follow ...
  12. Pancreatitis can be caused by too much fat in their diet. Both our Schnauzers have suffered from it, and both were permanently put on low fat diets. Also both of them were on prescription medications for the pancreatitis.
  13. Same here. We love it except June through August ... too many kids driving golf carts recklessly. Tried to post more pictures this morning but the site apparently crashed and I lost it all. Will try again later.
  14. Many people live there full time, but the oceanfront sites are mainly rentals. Yes, we did. I ate so many crab legs at Benjamin's! Daughter and her family were there camping too, so we got to spend lots of time with them. Many more pictures to follow ...
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