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CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

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Everything posted by CCIntrigue...aka Gwen

  1. We had a Husky years ago .. great dog, but it took him 5 years to mature. He loved to wallow in the snow. When the temperatures were moderate he had the most beautiful vivid blue eyes ... then once the really hot or really cold hit they turned ice blue. Once we hitched him to the snow sled ... he took off so fast that he threw the kids off the back of it! Thanks for bringing back the memories.
  2. Hmmm...Doodle is being awfully quiet today! Probably either too much punch or too much fun!
  3. Safe travel and have a wonderful time. I'm so jealous! We were supposed to be there in 6 days!
  4. I hope they recorded and marked his footprints in the MK. I don't want to step in the same place as him.
  5. I'm in. Sorry I'm so late -- staying many hours every day at the hospital with Dad. What is a fern bar?
  6. I did a TR on Ocean Lakes in Myrtle Beach. Awesome campground ... our second home away from home ... but you don't want to be there June through August because it is SOOOOOOOOO busy.
  7. Yes, thank you to Hilda, Dave, Feisty, and all for making our Christmas memories all the more memorable!
  8. You forgot the electric awning and steps! Plus the in-motion satellite dish, generator, etc. But it's worth every penny!
  9. Thank you! I'd love to meet both of you. Right now we plan to arrive February 1 and leave February 15. Trip is still a little iffy because of a family situation. We are making plans but may not know until the last minute.
  10. Oh, you're such a flatterer! 6 more working days and I'm outta there ... hope to be at the fort in February ... please save a spike for me!
  11. The fort opened on my birthday -- November 19! Woohoo! I always learn something reading TCD's great trip reports!
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