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  1. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from swimmarz in Bag Check   
    How about a fishing type vest with big insulated pockets and lots of loops to hang things from?
    Then you could stroll right thru the no bag line.... supposedly.
  2. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from Tri-Circle-D in WiFi coming to the Fort ...someday?   
    This is not a complaint, going off the rails is what makes this site so much fun, but maybe oh look a butterfly, I like Taco Bell,  Disney's management treats the Fort the same way these posts go... all over creation, and that's how they schedule or don't schedule work there.
    They start on a project and then get sidetracked by the next shiny thing, or they are the newer types of managers that strongly believe in multi-tasking.... so everything gets done half assed and in twice the amount of time instead of getting one job finished correctly  in the least amount of time
  3. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Fort fail....   
    It's the WI-FI corrupting the channels!
  4. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Last season for the Osbourne Lights   
    Anyone watch the live stream last night?
    It must've been after the park closed and was just for the people that won the contest.
    Looked to be about 75-100 people there.
    It lasted 15 minutes, and was a 4 song set.
    Disney Blog posted this today, the song playlists.
    Dancing Lights – Set #1
    “Mad Russian”
    “What’s This”
    “Winter Wonderland”
    “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”
    Dancing Lights – Set #2
    “Feliz Navidad”
    “Jingle Bells”
    “March of the Wooden Soldiers”
    “Christmas is Starting Now”
    “I’m Gettin’ Nothin’ for Christmas”
    As a reminder, the finale season of Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights can be enjoyed at Disney’s Hollywood Studios through January 3, 2016.
    They are having another live stream 12/6 of the Mickey Christmas Party Parade then fireworks.
  5. Upvote
    Travisma reacted to Snarktasia in Catching a boat for an early morning meal at the Magic Kingdom?   
    threads have been merged into one so that all replies are included
    duplicate posts have been deleted
    have a Snarky day!
  6. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from keith_h in We're # 1   
    Besides being right up there with the amount of crazy news stories, and perpetual botched elections, Florida now has another claim at being a number 1 state.
    We are Number 1 in the amount of toll roads !  We check in at 719 miles,
    Oklahoma is # 2 with a paltry 605.
    Even Texas where it takes a day to drive across and everything is 4 hours apart, is # 5 at 503.
    And now our governor has handed over the keys to the state to some cronies of his, that are making the Lexus toll lanes in Orlando and are pushing hard in Tampa to get them approved.  This private company will collect and keep the majority of the money collected for themselves.
  7. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from Tri-Circle-D in We're # 1   
    Besides being right up there with the amount of crazy news stories, and perpetual botched elections, Florida now has another claim at being a number 1 state.
    We are Number 1 in the amount of toll roads !  We check in at 719 miles,
    Oklahoma is # 2 with a paltry 605.
    Even Texas where it takes a day to drive across and everything is 4 hours apart, is # 5 at 503.
    And now our governor has handed over the keys to the state to some cronies of his, that are making the Lexus toll lanes in Orlando and are pushing hard in Tampa to get them approved.  This private company will collect and keep the majority of the money collected for themselves.
  8. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Last season for the Osbourne Lights   
    For all the Fiends that can't make it for the final run...
    Watch The Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights Live November 18 at 10:30 p.m. EST
    This year’s display, which runs through January 3, 2016, features millions of “dancing” lights, plus displays of angels, toy soldiers, a spinning globe, Santa, reindeer, and much more.
    To join us for the live stream, visit the Disney Parks Blog main page on Wednesday, November 18, at 10:30 p.m. EST. The live stream will appear in a fresh blog post at the top of our site.
    Don’t forget to join the conversation during the live stream on Twitter with the hashtag #DisneyHolidays.
  9. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Weather question   
    And as the old saying goes, "it's not the heat, it's the humidity".
    The last few weeks have still had high temps, but the humidity has been much lower, so it's actually been fairly comfortable.
    Setting up camp at the Fort for Halloween I only sweated thru 1 t shirt.
    Memorial Day I went thru 2 shirts setting up the site, and another one before the afternoon was done.
  10. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from Tri-Circle-D in Weather question   
    And as the old saying goes, "it's not the heat, it's the humidity".
    The last few weeks have still had high temps, but the humidity has been much lower, so it's actually been fairly comfortable.
    Setting up camp at the Fort for Halloween I only sweated thru 1 t shirt.
    Memorial Day I went thru 2 shirts setting up the site, and another one before the afternoon was done.
  11. Upvote
    Travisma reacted to Beckers in Huffington post Disney article   
    I think Mickey Mouse is adorable. But let me tell you, that little guy no longer holds the entire Disney empire in his white-gloved little hands. It's simply gotten too big, too commercial, too regimented. As a result, to quote Anna from Frozen, "For the first time in forever..." I did not enjoy my vacation to Disney World.
    Just so we're clear, I've been a humongous Disney fan ever since I was a kid. I've probably visited Mickey's playground three dozen times in the past several decades, and for so long it really did seem like the most magical place on Earth. But no more.
    In the past several years, I've encountered numerous changes -- changes for which I'm sure Disney big-wigs would claim have been implemented in order to make the experience more efficient and pleasurable. I'm here to tell you, however, that my most recent trip was neither efficient nor pleasurable.
    Here are a few reasons why:
    Magic Bands are in no way magical.
    I think a more appropriate name would be Frustration Bands. Or Fickle Bands. Or Roll-the-Dice-Bands. Because sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. You'll feel like Katniss Everdeen each time you touch your wrist to the scanner: "May the odds ever be in your favor."
    Though our family's bands worked most of the time, other park-goers weren't so lucky. One day I passed a woman in the hotel hallway with a giant sack of dirty clothes. Her Magic Band couldn't get her into the hotel's laundry room--and the staff's keys didn't work, either. She'd been waiting for nearly three hours to wash clothes at Disney. That's not exactly my idea of an ideal vacay.
    That evening while waiting in line for food, I got to chatting with the lady behind me who said that her family's defective Magic Bands hadn't worked a single day since they arrived. So every time they returned from the parks, they had to seek hotel staff to let them into their room.
    I don't enjoy cozying up to the crowds.
    I'm all for making friends, but Disney has taken the concept to a whole new level. At every show we attended--from the Lion King to the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular--the following announcement was made: "We ask that you kindly slide all the way to the middle of the aisle to make room for others. And please don't stop until you are sitting uncomfortably close to the stranger beside you." Okay, so I added that second sentence, but the statement was implied. Disney peeps seem to think that if a packed house is good, a cramped house is even better. Not.
    Honestly, I wouldn't have been the least bit surprised to have heard over the P.A. system, "We invite you to hop up onto your neighbor's lap. It's okay if you don't know the person. Go on and make a magical new connection here at Disney!"
    Spontaneity no longer exists at Disney.
    I miss the days when I could go to Disney World, get up in the morning, and consult with the family about where and how to spend the day. We could make decisions based on mood, weather, and majority vote. But the "fly by the seat of your pants" approach simply can't be done anymore at Disney. Now you must plan out your every movement--from parks to rides to meals--and you must do so several months in advance.
    God help you if you fail to plan. Then again, even when you do plan, things can get dicey. For example, we were starving one day at Epcot. We considered stopping for a bite to eat, but doing so would have meant missing our Fast Pass for Test Track. We let the kids decide. They chose speed over sustenance. Shocker. All was good into true hunger set in, which prompted massive meltdowns later in the day when we were in line for a Character Meet-n-Greet. I might have skipped meeting Mickey, but the standby lines to see the mouse were insane. And just so you know, forgoing a Fast Pass option is like shooting out your tires. You're stuck in the same spot for a good while, and let me tell you: standing in a 110-minute line with a ravenous kid in extreme humidity does not put you in a zip-a-dee-do-dah mood.
    "Stress" is a six-letter word--just like "Mickey."
    The thing I most noticed about this trip was how stressed I felt about time--all of the time. I stressed about how and when to eat, sleep, and navigate the parks so that we wouldn't miss any of our dining or ride reservations. You have to remain vigilant of the schedule because there are various parades, firework shows, and Fast Pass tickets. If you stop taking notice of such things, you might find yourself on the opposite end of the park feeling famished, frustrated, and frazzled.
    I can't say I enjoyed spending my vacation in a state of constant stress, though the upside was that I actually looked forward to getting home where I would no longer have to be a slave to the clock and the calendar.
    Rides have been refurbished with fresh germs.
    The newest ride at the Magic Kingdom is the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. The newest refurbished Epcot ride is Test Track. Both include interactive games where riders use touch screens to pass the time while waiting in line. While I'm sure many folks see these screens as massive fun, I see massive germ spreadage. Cough, cough. Touch, touch. Sniffle, sniffle. Touch, touch. Aa-choo, aa-choo. Touch, touch. Lordy, just give me that poison apple to hasten the process.
    I suppose the old adage is true: "What Dis-ney-ot kill you only makes you stronger." Nevertheless, I would prefer returning from a vacation feeling rejuvenated, not stronger for having survived it. This trip tested my patience, tenacity, immune system, and ability to continue peeing even as the public toilets repeatedly self-flushed during mid-stream relief.
    I'm sure there are legions of people who will assert that Disney is as awesome as ever. I just don't happen to be one of them. I miss the simpler times when we could visit River Country and Discovery Island and when we entered the parks by getting our tickets stamped. I miss Walt's vision of good old-fashioned family fun.
    I'll leave you with this interesting tidbit. Last week my 4-year-old was playing with my iPhone when he stumbled upon Siri. He mumbled something nonsensical like, "Piggy knots and monty foo," and she responded, "I'll look into it."
    Then he asked her, "What do you know about Fast Passes?"
    She responded, "I'd rather not say."
    Check out Christy Heitger-Ewing's award-winning book "Cabin Glory: Amusing Tales of Time Spent at the Family Retreat" (www.cabinglory.com). Visit her author website at http://christyheitger-ewing.com/.
  12. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Tcd got any advice.   
    Adult or kidwise?
    Dali Museum will take a while
    Chihuly Museum  Can do this in an hour or so
    Lots of small restaurants and brew pubs check this listing
    I don't get over there, but that area has exploded the last few years and a lot of the places sound good and get great reviews.
    Try this link also, they have a lot of good reviews of foodie places
  13. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Pirates of the Caribbean Refurb Complete - Magic Kingdom   
    That's because they have all available techs working on Elsa's Castle!
  14. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Last season for the Osbourne Lights   
    The Disneyworld Passholder FB page just posted about the free spectacles, now making it official.
    They have it on the passholder web page also.
  15. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Last season for the Osbourne Lights   
    Don't forget the red and blue flashing lights of Osceola's finest at the entrance to 3000 .
  16. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Last season for the Osbourne Lights   
    Full blown Osborne lights. If you.come around past Indy, they make you go all the way around to the entrance by Lights, Camera. There is a sign above the wall heading to the quick serve place that is Tink with a 20 under it.
    They have passholder T shirts and Christmas ornaments.
    There is a Lounge area by Lights camera that is going to be a dessert party. Right now it's open to first come first served. They are having adult beverages also.
  17. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Halloween Golf Cart Parade   
    Here is a list of all the contest winners
    Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
  18. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Last season for the Osbourne Lights   
    Ended up talking to a HS CM at the customer service desk at MK. He said the sneak peek is 11/5. Starting tonight are test runs and he made it sound like it's blocked off but you can still see some things.
  19. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from djsamuel in Current status of pet loops   
    Anarchy rules at the Fort. We are in a partial loop and there are dogs all over the place. They are in tents, and PUPS. Heard large dogs barking early this morning ( before 7 ) either in the cabin loop or the 900 loop. If people are bringing their "fur babies" at least they can keep them under control and not disturb other people.
  20. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from keith_h in Current status of pet loops   
    Anarchy rules at the Fort. We are in a partial loop and there are dogs all over the place. They are in tents, and PUPS. Heard large dogs barking early this morning ( before 7 ) either in the cabin loop or the 900 loop. If people are bringing their "fur babies" at least they can keep them under control and not disturb other people.
  21. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in For the Locals and envious out of towners   
    This or other versions have been floating around for a while, but it's always good for a chuckle, especially #'s  8, 9, 17, 19, and to really rub it in, #21
    I can't post the pictures so here's just the descriptions and the link to the entire article...
    1. Steering Wheel
    What other people think it means: An instrument that controls the motion of your vehicle.
    What Floridians know it means: A horrible weapon capable of delivering third-degree burns to your hands after it’s been baking in the sun.  
    2. Season
     What other people think it means: Winter, spring, summer or fall.
    What Floridians know it means: The time of year from November to March where you can’t go to any restaurants and traffic is bananas.  
    3. Publix
     What other people think it means: A grocery store like Stop ‘n’ Shop or Safeway.
    What Floridians know it means: Actual paradise on Earth.  
    4. Publix Sub
     What other people think it means: Like any other sandwich you get from a grocery store deli?
    What Floridians know it means: CHEESE, MEAT, AND VEGGIES FROM HEAVEN PACKED IN BETWEEN BREAD THAT’S BEEN BLESSED BY GOD HIMSELF.   5. Humidity What other people think it means: The thing that makes your hair frizz when you go outside during the summer.
    What Floridians know it means: The thing that makes you question why you live in Florida at all.  
    6. College Football
     What other people think it means: Something you watch on Saturdays.
    What Floridians know it means: Passionate rivalries that have destroyed families.  
    7. Snowbird
     What other people think it means: A cute bird that chirps during the winter.
    What Floridians know it means: The reason you’re stuck in traffic behind Buicks poking along at 20 miles per hour.  
    8. Freezing
     What other people think it means: Any temperature below 32.
    What Floridians know it means: Any temperature below 70. 
    9. I-4
     What other people think it means: A highway that connects Tampa to Daytona Beach.
    What Floridians know it means: An excellent place to catch up on your texts while you’re sitting motionless in traffic for four hours.  
    10. Socks
     What other people think it means: A way to keep your feet warm and protected in boots.
    What Floridians know it means: Something you wear while exercising or bowling.  
    11. Air-Conditioning
     What other people think it means: Something you run for a few days a year when it gets REALLY hot.
    What Floridians know it means: LIKE OXYGEN ITSELF.  
    12. Lovebugs
     What other people think it means: A cute-sounding insect.
    What Floridians know it means: The reason you have to wash your car pretty much every day.  
    13. The “U”
     What other people think it means: The 21st letter of the alphabet.
    What Floridians know it means: A university that no one realizes is a private school in the wealthy part of Miami.  
    14. Summer
     What other people think it means: BBQs, fireflies, and mildly warm temperatures.
    What Floridians know it means: Just don’t go outside. Ever.  
    15. Hurricane
     What other people think it means: Always a reason to panic and buy up every single loaf of bread and jug of water from the store.
    What Floridians know it means: Mostly an excuse to get super drunk at a hurricane party.  
    16. Lizard
     What other people think it means: A possibly scary creature.
    What Floridians know it means: A tiny, cute reptile that’s literally EVERYWHERE.
    17. Hoodie
     What other people think it means: A way to keep warm in fall and spring.
    What Floridians know it means: Your winter coat.  
    18. Parallel parking
     What other people think it means: Parking your car parallel to the curb, which you have to do to pass your driver’s license test.
    What Floridians know it means: Something you never really have to do!!!  
    19. Christmas
     What other people think it means: Time for snow, hot chocolate, and gifts by the fire.
    What Floridians know it means: Stringing Christmas lights on your palm trees while wearing shorts and sandals.  
    20. Flip-flops
     What other people think it means: Shoes you wear to the pool or beach.
    What Floridians know it means: Shoes you wear to the pool. Or beach. Or running errands. Or to the movies. Or to dinner. Or to work.  
    21. Disney World
    What other people think it means: The happiest place on Earth.
    What Floridians know it means: The happiest place on Earth, which you can go to PRETTY MUCH ANY TIME YOU WANT 
  22. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Magic Band on Demand   
    Can you say Fast Pass to get in a line to order these?
    Insidethemagic FB page has step by step photos and a video of the ordering process.
    Once the order is placed, it only takes 15 to 30 minutes for them to make it, but the designing process is going to freak out people with the amount of selections they can select and they will be tying up a kiosk forever!
    The page also says more designs are on the way.
    At the moment it looks like they only have 4 stations, and that's for ordering cases also.
  23. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from Roxann B in Limited Edition Tee.. POSSIBLY A SCAM   

  24. Upvote
    Travisma reacted to BeckersDadJohn in Closest Sam's to the fort?   
    Well that was exciting, constuction, traffic, cars crossing parking spaces carlessly at Sam's. I thought we were gonna see The Kingdom, before we got to the Magic Kingdom.
  25. Upvote
    Travisma got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog!   
    Straight from the Disney Parks Blog
    New Gourmet Hot Dogs Debut at Gasparilla Island Grill at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa
    Gasparilla Island Grill at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa recently started dishing up seven new gourmet hot dogs, each themed to a different city or region of the United States. Each specialty dog (besides one … you’ll see what I mean) is served on a bun fresh-baked daily by the Grand Floridian Bakery. With a different hot dog for each day of the week, you’ll want to plan your visit accordingly.
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