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Everything posted by twiceblessed....nacole

  1. The pictures of Z and Ariel are priceless... Love all the smiles. Looks like you both had a wonderful, magical, time :)
  2. I agree with Kelly, it can be loud (it's ran by the same parent company as Rainforest) however, kind-of expected with the theme. I do think their portions are large, but still pretty expensive. Tom and I usually share a burger (with fries) and a salad and our two kids get their own kid's meal....last time I think we paid around $46 w/tip and tax (that was with Tom and I drinking water).
  3. I was thinking the same as Dave... expensive and a lot of sugar. Still, I'll probably borrow a couple of those ideas for my daughter's frozen theme bday party :)
  4. Oh my gosh... love those pictures and love how sensitive he was about Ariel seeing the kiss on his head **melt**. Sweet, sweet boy... p.s. now that you're the beach, you're slacking on this TR! Come on girl, you have a reputation to keep up
  5. Haha... pretty sure that was a typo :) Looking forward to hearing about your trip! My brother and his wife are DVC members; they took a trip to Disney's property in HI last year or the year before and really enjoyed it.... of course, it's almost impossible to not enjoy Hawaii
  6. Thanks y 'all. My concern is not backing the camper up... it's backing it up so that it would fit (as nice as possible) into the spot. In other words, so that I'm as close to the electrical as possible, without hitting it, in order to get as much as room possible for our awning and rug... without messing up extending the slide on the other side. I've backed it up before, I just need someone to help guide me back. Having said that... I don't know that we'll (financially) be able to swing my coming down early. No worries though, super excited about the days we are able to come! :)
  7. ...while at Disney. I was thinking of this the other day, while in line for Small World and our beautiful two year old was belting out (loudly and with confidence I might add) "It's a Small World... at the mall" :) Sissy kept trying to correct him, but I had to tell her to leave him be because it was just so darn cute :) For our daughter, when she was two, we were watching a parade and a breeze was blowing the leaves on the trees... our daughter was watching the trees and she said, "look mommy, the trees are dancing" :) Anyone else have any favorites?
  8. We've actually been pretty fortunate and have only needed to level the trailer once (the other times, the sites were all pretty level).. but I'm sure we'll need to do so, more then that one time :)
  9. Thanks! We actually have the wheel chocks. A fellow camper blessed us with those a couple of months back. We were camping next to their family at a KOA in Chattanooga and he gave us his set (he had recently purchased a new camper the chocks did not work for it).
  10. Love the pic of you two on the train... and the one of the cart parked by itself, that one cracked me up :) Picture of Z by the Mickey at the Contemporary... making me miss Disney. The rope drop?! Man, I haven't done one of those in years!! Last time I did one, it was at MGM and we stood back and laughed at watching grown adults in a full-out run towards Toy Story. I'm pretty sure a couple of them pulled a hamstring...serves them right for pushing past the people with strollers
  11. Thanks Fiends. I think we'll get some of those plastic "lego blocks" :)
  12. So (sorry, newbie question)... we have a double axle on our little hybrid. When you are trying to level (actually, we were told that it should be "off-level" just a tad so the a/c can run off...??), do you put wood/plastic under both wheels or just one?
  13. Now that we've been on a couple of trips, we're learning that we may need to have wood blocks to help level out the trailer. Question I have is, should we just put some pressure treated wood in the camper or should we buy some of those plastic levelers (they look like big lego pieces)? One person told us that the plastic did not slip under the tire, as easily as wood might. Thoughts?
  14. Wow... I am really impressed by the amount of work that you've done! You should be very, very proud :thumbsup2:
  15. Hmmm.... do you have to fix this yourself, or can I try and do it for you when I'm there in October?
  16. Awesome that a Fiend let you use their PUP! :waycool: Anytime you guys want to get together local... just let me know! We're thinking we might do a night or two at Bald Ridge next month. You won't get me on the boat (unless you're barely moving... I know, silly big fear) but I can watch the kiddos and Tom will join you :) LOVE the pics! Just seeing the playground makes me ready for our next trip! Wish you all were able to join us in October!
  17. Awesome! Have fun :) November is a great time to visit as people start to decorate their sites for Christmas :)
  18. Is the PUP yours? Way to go Jason and Rennie for helping...it's great to have Fiends!! Glad you got the 1500 loop. Yay! What did you write on the fax?? Just seeing those signs in your post makes me happy. Is that sad to say? That seeing pictures of signs, makes me happy? :) ps. Your little man is too cute; we need to get together for a local camping trip :)
  19. Wow... you guys really know how to cook! I need to do better, with meals when we camp. This last trip, I was happy that we actually grilled some burgers
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