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Everything posted by twiceblessed....nacole

  1. We were AP holders for 3 or 4 years and the same... or at least I don't remember being notified.
  2. Cheeseburger Eggrolls? Yeah... I think we'll let you tackle those
  3. Sorry...I've lost track of what has or has not been reported. We were at the Fort this weekend... the BBQ area is now very bare. You can see some tape/markers in the woods around the Fort. I spoke with two different CMs (one at the barn and the other, up a the trail rides); both confirmed that the horses and trail rides will remain. The current barn (I think this was mentioned before) is being torn down and a new one built somewhere else on property. Neither of them knew anything about TE and I forgot to ask when we ate there. I think the bike path and bus lane (to the Lodge) will re
  4. Yes, we were there on Friday... we arrived when the gates opened and stayed until around 3p. It was a great day.
  5. Can you buy points directly from a DVC member...saving you money and the DVC member would make a little more by not paying the middle man?
  6. We went today and had a lot of fun. Some neat vendors and a great opportunity to look at every different style of RV out there. When you buy a entrance ticket, you get a 2nd day ticket, for free. I think I’m being out voted on going back, so if you’re at the Fort and you want to our extra two, send me a PM. You can use them tomorrow or Sunday. We are not at the Fort, but plan to swing by tomorrow...which means you’ll probably want to use the tickets Sunday (or you can come pick them up them from us, tomorrow morning). Parking is $8 (I think) for a car. Cash only.
  7. We bought 3 regular (?) passes for both parks and one gold, so we could get the free parking. We have 4 trips planned for this year. We tried to make it up for Christmas last year (because it was included in the pass), but it just didn't work out with our schedule. Kettle corn... I'm thinking a little healthier than the cinnamon bread
  8. Yeah... ours was around $800 I think for the 4 of us. You should have seen Tom's face, when I told him the total... his was the same response as below
  9. I agree with Mo... you do have a lot to celebrate! Congratulations! From what I've seen (and experienced), Disney does work hard to try and keep linked reservations together. If you need help, have Jason (above) handled your reservations. He's wonderful to work with (doesn't cost you any more money) and he'll make sure the proper notes are on the reservations. As said by others, no guarantees... but I'd be surprised if Disney didn't work very hard to make sure that it happened. Have a magical trip!
  10. Oh my gosh... if only you could see how hard I laughed at that My husband was a cop for several years and my life has been very "vanilla", so we often joke about me riding in a cop car. I think that's why I found all of this so funny. Yes, they're just doing their job. Sad it has to be that way, but I get it. I too would have probably found it all pretty humorous. As for others watching? Mercy, who cares. Never see those people again, anyway. Actually, we were there in October... do y'all have a FF sign? There was someone in the 300 loop (with a sign) that we passed when loo
  11. Yeah... our "problem", is we grabbed the last two loves at closing (so there was minimal line). Blinders next time. Blinders.
  12. Before we went last time, you convinced me to buy that bread... never again. I ended up buying two more. I think the "trick", is to not buy the first one
  13. We're looking forward to learning about the park... and trying the water park.
  14. I'll keep an eye out for the coupon...thanks for the tip :) I have a couple friend (not in our area) who shop at Aldi and really like it. I think it store is different... which makes sense as I know that's how it is with the Publix down here (they don't all carry the same stuff).
  15. We have an Aldi's in our area. For us, we only go there every few months to purchase some beef that we freeze. Other than that, haven't been blown away by the store near us. Lidl is opening two stores within 5 miles of us. One this next weekend (I think) and the other, a few weeks after that. It will be interesting to see exactly what the store is.
  16. I remember you commenting on that trip. No fun. For this site, thankfully it only pooled up towards the front of the site (so not by the camper door)...but it was deep. I tried several times to use a large squeegee to move it, but with the slop of the pad at that spot, it produced little to no results. You simply had to wait for it to dry out.
  17. Us too. As that is SO hard for me to say. We'll be in Orlando twice this year (May and December). We won't stay at the Fort (crying) nor will we visit the parks (sniffles); that's hard for me to accept. Unfortunately, it is the reality. We do plan to visit Fiends at the Fort however, as well as eat on property (not in the parks of course) a few times so, we're hoping that will help with the heartache some. We simply don't have the $5k - $7k this year to make two decent trips (10 nights) to the Fort and the parks. We've budgeted under $3k for trips this year... but that will include
  18. Hmmm...that a couple of plane tickets with it! Wow. Oh well, maybe if you're rich and have a ton of free time. LOL
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