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I Ain't Easy, But I'm Cheap!

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Nate and Genia were getting their groove on? Umm. Right there at DTD? Oh. Wait. You mean dancing. Gotcha! Looks like a great time.

The campground looks nice when it's not crowded.

I'm not sure I would want to see it when it is full. Doesn't look like you get much privacy there. Or shade.


I was thinking the same thing. I have always been interested in this place, but it doesn't seem condusive for a pup during the summer months with the lack of shade. Looks nice though and I'm really enjoying the report!

Can't wait for more.

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Moving right along.

Other than a piece of the CMA awards and the weather on TV, I was off the grid. I had no idea what was happening with NASCAR qualifying, but I sucked it up like a big girl.

When we took Genia's little hot rod up to Old Town, looky what was on the satellite radio!


Jimmie Johnson won the pole! (and later won the race on Sunday, in case you were wondering) #sixpack

We strolled down the streets and found a little bar/restaurant that Nate had discovered the last time he was here.

Butt shot!

Small, medium and large, but I'm not gonna say whose is which.


While I took this pic, an older gentleman seated behind me asked if he could take one of all of us. He didn't let the camera focus so it's a bit blurry, but it's the thought that counts!


Genia and I both had a burger, nothing exciting.

Trevor and Nathen had the 1lb. sausage patty.


That thing was as big as my head!

After dinner, we strolled through the cars a bit.


But Nate and I got distracted.

Nate, by a monster truck.


And me, by this ride.


They were like beacons drawing us into Fun Spot. Trevor and Genia followed behind us.


I had to ride that ride! That is exactly like Primeval Whirl at Animal Kingdom, which I love! It's about all the thrill my stomach can handle.

Nate said: "Mom, you'll ride that?"

I said "Hell yeah!"

Nate said; "Let's do this!"

We headed over to buy our tickets. Genia and Trev stayed back to take pics.

Off we go!


Trev's attempt at photos was a fail.


I squealed a little, but it was fun!

I lived to tell about it.


Here's looking back across the pond. A pond that you "Superman" over, on a bungee...ah, no thanks.


We watched some young girls get woozy on a surfboard ride.


Everyone decided they wanted to ride the multi-level go kart tracks. Everyone but me.

I don't trust other drivers, or my own family for that matter, to not ram into me and throw my back out. I would be the picture girl this time. (and finish my beer)






I'm not as dumb as I look, Genia and Trevor got yelled at on the very first lap for bumping.

After finishing my final beer of the night, and having already conquered the spinning ride, I had a bit of courage.

When Nate asked me if I'd ride the Flying Bobs,

I said "Uhhh, yeah, ok"

To which he replied:

"Let's do this!"


At this point in time, I was sure that Trevor and Genia's faces would be the last thing I'd ever see.

I survived, barely.

I'm sure I prayed to all things Holy, and professed my love to Nate as my life flashed before my eyes.

I should have quit while I was ahead.

Instead we came upon Satan's Swings. That's not their official name, but it should be. You know the swings at every county fair that go round and round, high in the air? They were just like that, but they were tiny planes, instead of swings.


Nate looked at me and said "Let's do this!"

And I did, sort of.

These planes have a rudder-like wing that you're supposed to turn right or left as you swing. Picture, one hand on the lap bar and one hand on the rudder steer.

By the third rotation, we were HIGH! Have I ever mentioned that I'm terrified of heights? What am I to do?

Now picture, one hand on the lap bar and one hand covering my eyes, the whole ride.

When your rudder is turned to one side, it catches the wind and your plane flies sideways.

From the ground I could hear raucous laughter along with "TURN YOUR WING!"

All I could do was yell back "NO, I'm NOT LOOKING!"

Everyone had a good laugh at my expense, and my thrill riding night was over.

Too bad too because this looks really neat, but my stomach wasn't up for it.


This is an obstacle course. All the orange rail you see is where your harness is hooked into. The rest is rope climbs, bridges, tightropes and rock climbs.

Maybe next time.

Up near the road is a lot of the stupid rides. By stupid, I mean, only stupid people would pay to ride.

Like this free fall ride.


There is a neat ferris wheel though.


Here's a look down the cobblestone streets.


One of the permanent cars


And my favorite store in Old Town.


They also had a bicycle show going on. Check out the Donald Duck bike. Sweeeeeeet!


We got Nate into the Shocker chair at the game room, but it wouldn't take our dollar.


This is the kiddie ride area in the back. I should have stuck with these rides.


We didn't want to stay out too late as we knew Saturday was going to be a long night, so we headed back to our site.

We talked for a bit and hit the hay!

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Loved your night at Old Town and Fun Spot, the ride with the wing you move is actually an older ride just being updated they have a real old run at a park in Pa called Knobels it is still powered by an gas motor but it is surrounded by trees so it always looks like you are going to hit them the kids love that ride. It's nice to stay at TP and just walk on over to the car shows and rides.

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I am in on that action!!

As long as you are willing to be both DJ and bartender……...

I think that's a heck of a great idea!!

I will even sport wacky, non-matching, high water PJ's to make MD feel at home.

(Who am I kidding, I've never had high waters in my life)

Let's do this!

Man I wish I could convince Silvia to move to Florida. You guys have way more fun down there.

I wish you could too. The best thing is...we do it all year long.

Maybe I could bribe her with jello shots?

Yeah, but you New England folks never have to worry about hurricanes like we do.

Uh, never mind.


ZING!! That was cold! Funny, but cold. :))

I was thinking the same thing. I have always been interested in this place, but it doesn't seem condusive for a pup during the summer months with the lack of shade. Looks nice though and I'm really enjoying the report!

Can't wait for more.

There are some shady spots in the back, especially if you don't need sewer hook up. Next trip I'll note some of the shady ones.

You're close enough for a winter block party where the sun wouldn't affect us though. Hint, hint. :)

I'm in but let me tell you my stomach is queasy just looking at the pictures! I don't know how you survived the night!

Me too doodle. I don't know what I was thinking (or drinking)

Thanks for reading along!

Looks like a fun evening!!! You are braver than I am, I don't go near spinny things :barf:

Brave or stupid? After seeing it on video, I would not use the word brave.

The spinny was ok, the spinny mixed with 90 mph winds, high in the air, put me over the edge.

Warning: You may want to use headphones.


2:20 Nate Staggering off

3:09 The look from Hell

Funny stuff! Good for the viewers, I was too nauseated to curse like a sailor.

Looks like a really fun time... That sausage sandwich is huge... tell me they didn't eat it all....

It is a good time. Live bands, food, drinks, rides, shops and cars, all within walking distance of the CG.

Yes, they ate the whole sandwich!

Wow! I have never seen any of this in person.

Who knew this is all sitting right outside the WDW gates?

Looks like a lot of fun!

LOL- that ride is exactly like Prime-evil Hurl. (did you see what I did there?).


:thumbsup3: Yes, I saw what you did there (finally)

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Loved your night at Old Town and Fun Spot, the ride with the wing you move is actually an older ride just being updated they have a real old run at a park in Pa called Knobels it is still powered by an gas motor but it is surrounded by trees so it always looks like you are going to hit them the kids love that ride. It's nice to stay at TP and just walk on over to the car shows and rides.

Thanks for joining in!

Wow, if I had to fear hitting trees, along with all the other sensations I was dealing with, I would have hurled for sure.

Wow! That looks like a lot of fun! I'm so proud of you for doing those rides!!

Thanks Hot Mama!

I did what my Mom always says not to do: "Don't get too big for your britches!"

If I would have stopped with the first two, I'd have been golden. Nope, I had to push my luck.

DH and I rode the "Superman" swing. Needless to say, I will never fly free-fall again! Of course he is ready to sky dive!

Now THAT is brave!! There is not enough liquid courage in the world to get me to do that. I've seen many folks come off of that still searching for their stomach.

Thanks for reading.

Update to follow.

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Saturday morning, the big day!

Today I would be reunited with Blackberry Smoke, and I was excited.

Imagine waking up to this:


Genia in her Captain America sleep pants, Nate in his Kyle Busch. Scary, I know.

Before the drinking and preening for our evening out, Genia wanted to go to DTD to get some of Tony's favorite cigars. She wasn't sure if we'd have enough time between dinner and the show, so Nate drove her in that direction.

Trevor and I went over to the outlet mall for a few things.

When we all got back, we ate some lunch and Trevor gave Genia scooter lessons.



While they were scootering, I hopped in the shower. Nathen was talking to his friend Ryan, on the phone.

When I came out squeaky clean, Nate tells me that Ryan is headed down to go with us. Huh? Ok. Luckily my RV sleeps 7.

If you ever read my mudhole reports, you'll remember Ryan is always late. By the time we headed to HOB, Ryan still hadn't showed. Typical.

We started without him.



Dinner was good. I forgot to take food pics, sorry about that.

Ryan finally showed up and we broke him in right.....

with a PBR!


While Ryan ate his dinner, we killed time with more beers.


Before we carry on, I have a confession to make. It will be conducive to the story.

I have a little bit of a temper.

I have mellowed with age, and I don't resort to ass whipping unless it's unavoidable. But, I also don't put up with any BS. I've just learned to handle it better (sort of)

Temper flare #1

TCD had told me about the "front of the line pass" that HOB offers for select concerts.

I read, and re-read the website, for all the details.

If you have a dinner receipt from HOB, the same night of the show, with at least one entree, you are allowed to get in before the general public. That would allow us to claim our spots for the show slightly earlier than everyone else. Hence, the dinner reservations.

When we get ready to settle the bill and I ask the waitress about this deal, she tells me that we don't qualify. You must have spent at least $20 per person.

Uh, yeah, I don't think so. <_<

I tell her she had better check the website info, because I had. Other than a few things, none of the items on the menu are $20. Let's not forget that we spent close to that, just in beers, per person.

All of these things were said in a not-so-nice tone, which prompted her to get permission from her manager to ok this.

Crisis averted.

Receipt in hand, we leave the HOB. We had about 30 minutes before we would be allowed entry.

As we head to the nearest drink stand, I see a gate open up. Like the gates of heaven, but more rock-star like.


The bands bus! I ran over to snap a picture before they closed the gate again.

We made it up near Pleasure Island to a drink stand where everyone got beer, and I got Armadillo juice.

I didn't even know what was in Armadillo juice, but with a name like that, it had to be good.

It was delicious!


We found a wall to sit on and wait.




At this point, things were going downhill.

Nate & Genia were getting their groove on, which explains the blurry shot.


Genia, Ryan and I (in that order) were feeling pretty good, so Trevor and Nate stopped drinking at this point. Since Ryan was so late getting there, we now had two vehicles to get back to the CG.

Around 7:20 we formed a line and started our way into the concert hall. They took our receipt, gave us wristbands and our ticket stubs back.

Coming up: 2 more temper flares, bands and a special friend.

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I never heard of the $20 per person rule for the Front of the Line deal. That's kind of steep.

I wonder what they put in that Armadillo Juice- those photos really did get blurry after that.


Yea, but seeing Stef get her "you ain't stopping me from BBS attitude on" Priceless

Armadillo Punch

Grey goose vodka, triple sec, sour mix, cranberry juice, and sprite

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