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Everything posted by PureTcrazy...rita

  1. I enjoyed reading your adventures and looking at the pictures! I am with 4mickey2, I love looking at your view from the balloon because I will never see it myself! Thanks for sharing with us!
  2. I used to be like that too, then I got my Blackberry. Then I found out why everyone called it a "crack"berry. I still didn't like to text and didn't go online much, but I loved being able to get my email and FB on my phone and being able to upload pictures to the internet. Now that I have my Droid, I can't imagine what I did before I had it! I love Swype, it was originally assistive technology to help persons with a disability use a computer. Now it allows an old lady with bad eyes and fat fingers to text!
  3. We used to stay in the old motel there by Old Town. Huge rooms, but kind of iffy on cleanliness at times. My Mama loved to sit on the balcony and watch the people on that Slingshot as they were flung high into the air. She's almost completely deaf and she could hear them screaming! Each time she would tell me, "omg, I think that one is the highest one yet!" It is a neat place to walk around and we enjoy looking at the classic cars.
  4. fishing for bream - crickets, earthworms or wigglers Fishing for Flatheads - bream!
  5. I loved MomofsixinSC's trip report. They only did one day at MK and it sounded and looked like they had a great time. http://fortfiends.net/forum/index.php?topic=951.msg14947#msg14947 With a 5 year old, my best advice would be to take their time. I'm sure 1 day at MK and the day at IOA is a lot, maybe they could spend some time at downtown disney as well.
  6. We'll be there Monday! How do you know your site # already?
  7. I love Philharmagic! It is definitely at the top of my "must-do" list!!
  8. Thanks for sharing y'all! I hope it won't be real long before we'll be able to get something!
  9. Thanks, we'll be down there next week so that is useful info!
  10. Great pictures, Discamper! The one of the deer is absolutely awesome!
  11. Wow, those are some expensive mugs!! especially if you got them on the ebay auction Lorna posted about in the New Mug thread!
  12. Yes! On the Black bar where "home, help etc" are located! Enter your dates!
  13. Just a reminder, be sure to post your trip dates on the calendar!! I want to meet all the Fiends, so it helps if we know when y'all are gonna be there!
  14. Yes, you did!! I gave you some respect bumps for "stick-to-it-iveness!"
  15. :grpwelcome: :bravo: :dance: Neat picture, I hope you have lots more!
  16. You did good, but you have to click the image box (bottom row, far left) then paste the link! Try to modify your post, highlight the link, then click the image button. Will look like this I erased one bracket, so it wouldn't post: http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/198083_1871577264930_1106096627_32177320_4216125_n.jpg[/img
  17. One of the best sleepovers when I was a girl was in my Mama & Daddy's pop-up! We had a blast. Of course, we all piled up in one end of it and found out that Daddy hadn't put the jacks down. :rofl2:
  18. I believe almost all the restaurants, even the ones at the WS have some version of chicken fingers, hamburgers, Mac & cheese or spaghetti. You can check at allears or the WDW site for menus.
  19. Things can get complicated before you even realize what's happening! We are planning for our trip now and the grocery list was getting real long! Hopefully, we pared it down enough to keep it simple!
  20. That is a neat floorplan! Plenty of room for all of us! Thanks for posting.
  21. Everyone has been so helpful, but they definitely didn't mention that! Gotta add it to my list!
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