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Gots2pitt.. Jeff

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Everything posted by Gots2pitt.. Jeff

  1. I know someone else (my parents) who had fun this summer visiting campgrounds with some friends of theirs that bought an identical motorhome. They would laugh as people would sit there and look to see if they were really the same. Oh and Hi fellow Michigander.
  2. Hang on you said the Saturday after Thanksgiving?? Can I add you to my Thanksgiving 2012 list? Ok a couple days late but close enough for me.
  3. The only ticket discount I am aware of is through Undercover Tourist. I use the Mousesavers link. It isn't much of a discount but better than nothing.
  4. Don't feel too bad TCD apparently he DISappeared from there too. :rofl2:
  5. Well to be honest with you (after doing a little investigating) there could be a couple of things that happened. It appears that there could be a few different YensidCamper's on the web. There is a chance they could have been two different people. And my best guess would be after their last post there they were banned and could have no idea why if they weren't the YensidCamper from here. Crap lets be honest if they banned them for this it is pretty sad (I don't think that would ever happen here): 11-24-2011, 09:21 AM YensidCamper Mouseketeer Join Date: Mar
  6. No wonder someone else on somewhere else didn't know who this was from.. TCD's writing is a neat as mine.
  7. The way I see it a messageboard is made by the members. With out people participating things tend to be DISappointing. When members DISappear and don't post anymore and no one will answer why people become DISallusioned. I am sure that there are more than a few people who were members that unknowingly said the wrong thing and poof they were gone (no explaination). Add to that the refusal of their webmasters to reply to email messages and you get a board where no one posts anymore. I have seen several usernames post a message over there and never come back. They are probably as confused a
  8. Double posting your update doesn't count for 2 updates. But thank you for the update. Some great pictures and lots of smiles. :waycool:
  9. I know Mo threw that picture of the Rhino in for all of us that have been hijacking her trip report (ok we probably deserved it). Thanks for the pictures Mo they are great.
  10. I think I speak on behalf of the rest of the Fiends "Thank you" Sometimes we get carried away with excitement. Post updates when ever you want but we would love to hear more as the pictures and commentary have been great.
  11. We're sorry Lisa. It is never to late for a trip report. I am going to start working on my first trip report (from my last trip in 2009). You know us fiends we're slightly impatient but we'll try to be better.
  12. I bet Mo's commentary will be better than this. :raspberry: (Please GOD let Mo's commentary be better) And beautiful pictures Mo.
  13. I think these people were there in 2009 when I was there. Don't think I have any pictures of them though. We were in 1300 loop.
  14. Wait Lou.. I thought you didn't like the EWP? How would you know this? or is this sort of like a train wreck in that if it is happening you just have to watch? (I vote Lou is a closet EWP fan and just does't want anyone to know)
  15. And they have topics like this.. Favorite Fort/Disney Christmas Experience ? That has been up for over 28 hours.. with exactly ZERO replies.
  16. What I like about the EWP is that it is about the same as it always has been. My parents remember taking me when I was a kid (probably 25+ years ago) and it really hasn't changed much. Of course having said that someone will probably post pictures if I am wrong.
  17. +1 These darn trip reports make me jealous but I can't stop reading them. And always looking for things that we haven't seen before.
  18. You really don't have to tease.. we love following trip reports. Keep up the good work.
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