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Brent... Just Brent

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Everything posted by Brent... Just Brent

  1. I'm so jealous. Wave when you pass I-26. And I hope I get to see you and Brian when I'm down around Thanksgiving.
  2. I agree. Of those three, I've always found AP to be the most quiet.
  3. I wish weee going to be there for the one at the wave. That sounds like something I'd be really interested in trying.
  4. I concur! I was convinced that a popup was the right trailer for me. It just seemed to make the most sense. I almost bought one, but decided to rent first... and I'm glad I did. Turns out, I'm pretty anti-popup. So many things about it just didn't work for me and my size (height and weight). Has anyone mentioned the "rocking like a john boat during a hurricane when someone in the other bunk rolls over" moment? I ended up looking at smaller trailers and they're a much better fit. I am renting on of those also, though, just to make sure. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  5. Great start. I'm not sure what I would do on a cruise... I notoriously forget to pack things. I got tense just thinking about it!
  6. I listened. Eh is all I've got. They didn't even really give a good description of the CG. They did talk a little about it being built and how some things happened. I would say 8 minutes of the 40 were interesting.
  7. Country Bears isn't running right now, so I didn't catch it this weekend. I'd be sad, I think, if they cut it up.
  8. Great pics! I took some of the same ones Sunday afternoon and evening. Also, just an FYI, a cast member told me (I know, I know. I should stop there based on my recent track record) that the dining room we saw in Be Our Guest was one of three that size. That's a LOT of tables and noise from the marble floors.
  9. We rode splash a few times the other night during the Halloween Party. LOTS of effects weren't working. If you haven't ridden it a million times, you may not notice, but it became a game with the people in my log. With 5 eyes, people were noticing things I didn't. Characters are missing from scenes, lights aren't working, temp wall up in one place. I can't wait to see it when it's rehabbed.
  10. This sounds like an awesome time. Also, note to self: never offer to bring the Jell-O shots when Stef's around.
  11. Looks like an awesome trip! The next time you ask if I'm going to the fort when you are, I'm definitely saying yes.
  12. I agree. BLE is the one by Star Tours. Yes, their food isn't bad. I think I've said it before, but I'll definitely say it again. My favorite burger at WDW is the Cheeseburger with Candied Bacon at Trails End. Holy Cow. It was, hands down, one of the best burgers I've ever had.
  13. I was super sorry to see the Chicken Curry leave the menu. I actually liked that one a lot.
  14. It was announced today that Be Our Guest will be serving Beer and Wine. No liquor. Here's the "official" story.
  15. I ate there in July. Hands down one of the best burgers I've ever had and definitely the best at Disney. It has candied bacon on it. How can you go wrong with that?
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