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Roller ... aka Ed

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Everything posted by Roller ... aka Ed

  1. By turning the FP+ line into the equivalent of the standby line, then they are making that line inaccessible. Also, the GAC doesn't require a FP+ ... by requiring one, that also does away with some of the accommodation. The GAC was a step in the right direction ... this trial is two steps back.
  2. Maybe he ran into the wrong CM. I'll check with him later and see if it was fixed. He was NOT happy a little while ago. If they require you to have a FP+, then that might be the issue. the GAC worked without a FP+.
  3. I see a lawsuit in the future ... and Disney will have a hard time fighting it. A friend of mine was refused entry using the GAC program. Denying ALL accessible entry is NOT a wise move.
  4. Jaw not moving - WD40; Jaw falls off - Frozen themed duct tape. Problem solved.
  5. They still require stinky slinky, water, cable, pop ups, etc. Try doing those from a wheelchair. Camping solo just isn't an option right now. Of course there is a solution to that, too. I need someone willing to buy a new camper, put up with me, and wants to travel full time so I can do my runs all over the country. If you know someone like that, send them my way. :rofl:
  6. Something smaller requires almost as much setting up as a large unit ... and at some point, it would have to be done mostly from a wheelchair. Not that I haven't looked hard at that option.
  7. I heard a couple complaining about having to take their luggage to a cabin. Maybe they weren't very magical, and someone else got their share of the pixie dust.
  8. I will be cheating on the Fort a lot. One person with a largish fiver is a bit much - especially when it comes to setting up and breaking down. I do have health issues that affect me more than I like to admit. It just won't work.
  9. The same way you do. You and your luggage are dumped at the Outpost. What happens from there is up to you. Might I suggest a golf cart.
  10. Don't forget to blame the North Koreans - they had to be involved somehow.
  11. You will be in for a world of hurt - or snarkasm - which ever is easier if you don't finish that TR. Trust me, you would probably prefer the hurt ... but the snarkasm is going to be easier.
  12. You need to blame Dave for the lack of Wienermobile - I'm sure he's responsible somehow.
  13. It got to be too much work without a full time staff. It could have stayed around, but everyone decided it was better off closing - at least until some better method for administration could be worked out.
  14. Frozen is overrated; Disney is beating a dead horse if they think flooding the market will change my opinion. To much of a mediocre thing just turns it into a bad thing.
  15. You're lucky - the manager only thought you were crazy instead of knowing it.
  16. No longer a team. We still meet at runs; we still have an alumni page; a lot of us are on another team that raises money for cancer research #StupidCancer; but Team AllEars is not there any more.
  17. Another runner! I am rolling (the VA forced me into a handcycle) Wine and Dine Half and The Dopey (again). I haven't done the ToT runs, but I was thinking about doing one next year. I'm probably not going to be at Disney except for runs in the future ... and even the runs are going to be limited. I ran with Team AllEars - but they closed up this year. Now I am on the Achilles Freedom Team of Wounded Warriors.
  18. Maybe it's because I was actually in Germany for several years; maybe I have hazy recollections of what real German food tastes like; I wasn't that impressed by the food. It wasn't even close to what I remember. Not that it was bad - just not what I expected.
  19. You have to be loud using a tin can and string for a phone.
  20. Also known as a Luddite ... which would explain his aversion to smartphones, also.
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