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caveat lector

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Everything posted by caveat lector

  1. You nailed it. Why this guy's public temper tantrum is entertaining to watch, his threat (as you noted above) further erodes his already weak credibilty.
  2. Why not just call reservation desk and tell them you are bringing a pup?
  3. Regardless of the setting (in this case the Fort), it saddens me to think about one generation of mooches passing the trait on to their kids. It would be a much better community, if all parents passed on the ethic to work hard, and earn what you get. Sadly, the Internet has given a giant platform to freeloaders and provided shallow credibility. Sigh.
  4. Rented from Kenny many times. Great service and rates everytime.
  5. It's already been said, but it's not about blocking the beach. It's about blocking the bottom feeder ambulance chasers access to an easy payout.
  6. Somebody on here probably knows a lot more about this than I do. I thought that snakes needed external heat to help their body Temps. Thus, provided it's not a pourous type rock (lava), that rock wall will retain a lot of heat from that beautiful Florida sun. A natural snake magnet.
  7. I wonder who's at these deadbeats homes, handing out candy to kids from their own neighborhoods. They're just leeches.
  8. Parasites..... just parasites. People who choose not to earn what they get. It's incumbent upon the kids to break the parasitic cycle initiated by their parents.
  9. We could revert to the old method. Coating yourself in olive oil, then scraping it and the dirt off. Think of all the shower water we'll save.
  10. I agree with Dave. Get a used college dorm frig for 20-30 bucks. Then used top compartment to freeze blue ice.
  11. I stop when I feel the dirty looks from my wife because the fuel needle is approaching E
  12. They needed the extra plastic for alligator fence installation
  13. Wow. Nice bit of perseverance.
  14. Makes a strong case for the resurgence of corporal punishment. Consequences are needed
  15. I would not want to "chance" my vacation on whether Disney chooses to enforce the stated rules.
  16. Thanks for sharing. I love seeing other RV parks. The real question is, did the kids find enough gems while panning, to pay for the campsote?
  17. We all have the benefit of past experiences. Can you imagine how bad the first experience for someone who relied on this for guidance on their initial visit. Epic fail
  18. I am so glad that the captain chewed on those jack wagons for entering through the exit. The world would be a better place if there were repercussions for idiot acts. I do my part, much to the chagrin of my DW. Loozing very forward to the burger review. Thanks again for all the bonus material.
  19. Wow TCD, you're spoiling us with all the bonus material. The thing that really sticks out are your pics of the fort pool on the 4Th. To quote Harrey Carey, "Hoooolly cow!" Those crowds are insane.
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