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caveat lector

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Everything posted by caveat lector

  1. I'm curious too. It's no small investment. But seems like a wise investment
  2. Agree. I'm more of a "personal responsibility" type. Warn me that there are bad things in nature (the lake). If I ignore the warning, consequences are mine to bare.
  3. You have a gift for writing. Thanks for sharing the gift with this excellent trip report
  4. Many cool things in this installment. Firstly, that is a righteous medal. Way to go dude. Second, the post run breakfast. I hit the kitchen cabinets after I saw that pic. Third, the view from where you consumed said breakfast. Gorgeous, simply gorgeous. Finally, why the heck do,they have a cell tower? Did TCD twins hit you up for the Bahama cell data plan?
  5. The "doozy" level is indeed high. I hope it moves from rumor to fruition.
  6. I can't imagine those ever not squeaking. The sand from the waves probably got into everything.
  7. My youngest was not thrilled with Nassau either. I couldn't raise my hand quick enough volunteering to take her back to the ship. Maybe it was just the area we were in, but it was a dump.
  8. As the one who drives the family in whatever mode of transportation is needed, I might have a tough time leaving the verandah. It sounds pretty cool to have someone drive me around while I enjoy the sights.......and eat room service Mickey Ice cream and drink suitcase liquor.
  9. Great pics. Can't help but to put a smile on your face. :)
  10. Wow, cool stuff. Navy man retiring....that is just pure awesome Purple crayon appearance....always a welcome addition A TCD TR named after some shorts..........nope, no comment The point at which you realize a family event is coming together, and WHOLE family will be there.......priceless. seems to be happening for the TCD crew quite a bit. A tip of the hat my friend.......that is the piece de' resistance. I am just happy to get my crew together for a nice dinner. The logistics you have to compile for this kind of endeavor would make UPS shudder. Enjoy. I'm in! (Pics
  11. If it comes down to raising food / ticket prices or pimping out a new revenue stream (eg fuelrods), I'm all for the fuelrods.
  12. I wish they would just put up,signs saying "fish at your own risk" or "fishing not recommened". I am not a habitual rule breaker, but I love fishing in the canal
  13. Simply put, I prefer personal responsibility instead of larger government (corporations) protecting from everything.
  14. I could handle the squirrel stealing get my donut. You know, that old survival of the fitest theory. However, I would draw the line when he sat up in the tree with his bounty and smirked at me. The nerve!
  15. I always like the pictures of the topiary in front of the golf ball. Nicely done. Isn't it strange how blue paint on a sidewalk can evoke such great memories. I have several vision queues that always bring a smile.
  16. You're lucky. For me, stuff typically breaks 5 minutes after camping world closing time
  17. You are a good dad. First CFA, then dunkin donuts. Most importantly listening to Mrs TCD.
  18. Awesome job partner. Another fabulous TCD TR entry. As I'm celebrating >21 birthday this week, I will look forward to another entry in lieu of a birthday cake.
  19. Everything eventually hits a tipping point. Maybe this is it
  20. Not a fan of CBJ, but am a huge fan 9f your photos. I like the people mover. When the kids were younger it was a very "looked forward to" break in the non stop action
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