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caveat lector

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Everything posted by caveat lector

  1. Interesting conversation. Once I migrated to smart phone, it never dawned on me that GPS dedicated units were still produced. Before my smart phone, I had a Garmin nuvi that never let me down. I rely on waze now. It's awesome.
  2. I like bacon pics.......because....well.....bacon. Welcome to the board
  3. Dude!!!! Those pics of the lion and gorilla are outstanding. The amount of resting / peaceful POWER into those two pics is insane. Sidenote: the pic of the worker putting up Christmas lights makes me smile.
  4. Great post Mr TCD! You are on the case. While there is a bit of privacy withdrawal, I still think it's great to see expansion of the number of campsites. Somebody in the bean counter department still recognizes the value of us campers. Side note: I have to get a pepcid. I accidently went too far back in the thread and saw webtroll k__thy mentioned. The mere mention of her name elicits nausea.
  5. Whoa, the rare Sunday evening Update! The perfect distraction from the impending doom of the upcoming work week. Thanks for the pics!
  6. Looks like an awesome start to a beautiful trip
  7. Here's a re-hijack. When I was young, you could buy one of those wrist sling shots at Kmart. Not that I would have participated, but I bet young kids would have used them to thin the drone herd. There would have been risks too, but what an epic battle.
  8. Don't limit yourself, now or in the future, by your choice of trucks.
  9. Yep. I always wonder what st lours would have been like had they built on the riverfront
  10. Could video. Thx. You could kill a half of a day watching all those videos.
  11. We raise a toast to Zeus every year. Being unselfish is the hardest (but correct) decision to make for loved ones.
  12. I used it when tt was new. Scrub brush with soap and water. 7 years later and everything still dry.
  13. I guess I'll consider this one of the few benefit's of getting old. Not worried about zika impact with regards to family expansion.lol
  14. There is a alot of parity among manufacturers.most of the trucks are great and each will produce some lemons. I buy based on 30+ years of driving / owning. Fords have been great, while I've had problems with Dodge. It could have easily been vice versa. Commercials developed by the respective marketing departments are seen through a skeptical optic at best.
  15. Follow your own advice about "bad things"
  16. We've never had a bad experience at o'hana (or however it is spelled)
  17. It's hoakie, it's air conditioned, and practically never a wait. I dig it too.
  18. Yep, give her plenty of treads and lots of love. I lost my puppy to cancer and it was the hardest thing. Not be able to explain what was going on.
  19. I do all the maintenance on my 2011 f250, and it has alays had a standard steel oil filter.
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