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Everything posted by fortpartyof4

  1. Thanks! OTC meds are helping a lot. I am really hoping he feels better by the weekend. But don't tell him I said that camping is more important than school! TCD - I know, right? Everyone knows how much I love the Fort, so I got assigned that trip. At the time, I thought it wouldn't be a big deal since I always book our stays myself. Not so much!! That was 2 weeks ago, and I am still playing phone tag and getting mixed information. grrrr
  2. That's very nice of you to say. But I stand by my apology. I am very non-confrontational, particularly with people I've never met. Everyone here has been nothing but kind and helpful. I made a comment that may or may not have offended some members, and I don't like that. But, I am sure it won't be the last time I'll ever do it. I will try to be more careful. i have a thick waistline, and thick thighs, but my skin is probably medium-ish. I can take it, and I can dish it out, but only with certain people. You're right. I wouldn't last 10 minutes over there with my sarcasm and potty mout
  3. Thanks. It's just a case of the back-to-school, new germs kicking in. At least I hope that's all it is, because last Labor Day weekend the other one was sick and I remember having to hang in the camper with him. Thinking maybe we need to stay home Labor Day wknd from now on! I am also busy trying to book a group camping trip to the Fort for our Cub Scout pack. What a nightmare. You have to go through their group team when you want more than 10 rooms/sites, and they are very difficult to work with. I thought of Fiesty, but understand she's a little busy with Isaac right now.
  4. I know hijacks are allowed, and quite common around here, but I feel like this one isn't a fun one and should maybe end. I feel very bad that this was caused by a comment that I now very much regret making. This is one of those issues that folks have very strong feelings about. But the fact is, Disney isn't going to make their parks smoke-free any time soon. A lot of people smoke, and they would lose a lot of business. By not doing it, they don't lose much, if any. I don't know of one person who stays away from WDW because people can smoke there. As there are both non-smokers and smokers i
  5. Thank you! I am taking a little break. One of my kids is sick and I have a trip to get ready for.
  6. I don't wish it. And I didn't realize there were only 4 areas. I know when we have been walking around (can't name the exact spots - don't know the parks as well as a lot of you do), I can recall having to walk through a lot of smoke. I don't really care. I just don't want my kids to have to inhale it. I didn't say get rid of them. Just reduce them. And it seems like they have. I just meant it in a "in keeping with a kid friendly place" sort of way, like someone had pointed out with the drunks. I have nothing against smokers. I used to be one. I liked it. I miss it. My brother smok
  7. That's funny! Yep, that's what I did!This isn't the last of our cart troubles, unfortunately.
  8. Time for an update. This will finish up day 3. There are no pictures – not because of what we’ve been discussing, there just don’t happen to be any for the rest of this day. I could swipe some off of the internet and pretend they’re mine, but with our resident photo sleuth Steve, my cover would probably get blown so I won’t try to fool y’all. Plus I just don’t have it in me to lie or be fake (more peeves!). After spying on the street cleaner CM, we went back to the cabin pool to cool off. Then more looping, during which our rental cart, which had previously been pretty quick (as in way pa
  9. Agreed. I wouldn't want that, either. They should get rid of the smoking areas, too - or at least reduce it to 2 or 3 of them. It's a classic example of the people with no common sense ruining it for everyone. My husband and I have often commented to each other when we've had a long day at the MK how nice it would be to have a cold beer with dinner. Or to have a nice glass of wine while watching the electric parade. But, notice I said "a beer", or "a glass". Not 3. Or 10. Just the one. How can people afford to get sloppy drunk at Epcot, anyway? Those prices are so steep! When I do
  10. There's a giant sink at the Creekside Meadow group camping area CS. But I've never seen any others except the homemade ones some people have at their sites. When we had our pop-up, I had a dishpan and washed everything on the picnic table. And yes I dumped the pan out next to the hose connection. I have seen signs by the sinks in the laundry room asking people not to use them to do dishes.
  11. My guess is some kind of eatery. They make tons of money on their food and drinks. Speaking of drinks, will Gaston's Tavern be a real tavern? Will we finally have a place to get a beer in the MK? FP4
  12. Thanks! I was hoping for double points for grouchy street cleaner guy's butt shot since it's just his butt! hahaha I'm fine with the grey water rule/law. Do you want to put your camp chair where someone's shower water residue is? (who knows what they do in there) ​The thought of the hair alone makes me gag a little bit. Think about your dog rolling around in that. ewww Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm sure there are riskier places than this, I'm on Facebook too and am sure that is far more exposure, despite my privacy settings. Places like the MK, ballparks, and pools are a pedophile's
  13. Thanks for the compliment. I will think about it. My concern isn't a home security one - we're very careful about that, and more often than not, there is someone in our home. We have a lot of family around and friends with kids in their 20's who make great house-sitters. It's more out of the sickos who like to look at photos of young boys, and then try to track them down. When I look at the bottom of these page and see how many "guests" are reading my TR, it makes me wonder who that might be. Probably just another lurker who loves the Fort, but you never know. That was a good segue to ask
  14. Excellent point. I would think that whatever is in this gunk is far more toxic than anyone's dirty dish water or some shampoo residue. Just another example of how this resort seems to be at the bottom of their list of priorities. I KNOW!!! Vinylmation PINS?? I laughed when I saw those. Not only are they ugly, they're too bulky for the lanyard, imo. TCD if anyone gets to see this picture I'm pretty sure they'd leave your girls alone if they thought this guy was walking around with them! Kidding of course. This photo stuff is really freaking me out. Out of courtesy I will finish this TR b
  15. Dude. Now you're seriously freaking me out. I really hope that you are one of few who possess this special talent. Nah. He's just mad because he has to stick his hand in that gunk! Or maybe it's because his wife buys him those awful socks.
  16. You know, this guy looks like he'd be a good candidate for TCD's award. Having the stones to be seen in broad daylight, dumping filthy muck on what is essentially resort accommodations. Look at the stuff on the ground!
  17. Hahaha…I hope you know I wasn't serious about the ESPN thing. I'm average intelligence, just like Tow Mater, but not that bad. Hey! Good catch. Maybe he does double-duty as a ranger and has immunity. In any case, I wouldn't mess with the dude…..he was one angry looking guy. This is something to consider for all of those people who like to get creative with their tent setups, too.
  18. I am speechless. I haven't even begun to digest all of those desert and National Park photos! We are NP nerds, too. My kids have passports and we go to them every chance we get to check them out and get our books stamped. Will be going to one in GA this weekend. And then there is the San Diego Zoo……now there is someplace I can say I have been, too! My brother was also stationed there during his time in the Navy and I went out for spring break one year. We were at the zoo at a time when there were some sort of extra-special pandas from China there. We also went to Coronado and I stayed n
  19. Just one quick post to finish out this day. While we were out riding our bikes, I noticed a funny little vehicle riding on the sidewalks. It had an All-Star resort emblem on the back of it. I wondered why it was all the way over here? Many of you who have read TCD’s report of this same week already know what that funny little vehicle was, but at the time, I didn’t…… Later on, we were going out looping and we saw the funny little vehicle again on our way out of 1600. I had to do a double take when we passed him. I did a fast u-turn and whipped back around the loop to get another look: What
  20. I just went to get ready to organize my photos for my next update and tried to see if I could find this info for my images. No dice! And it's on my own page! Did you see all of that data on FF, or did you follow the link to photobucket?Maybe you just have the ESPN or something. Now that would be creepy.
  21. They're just strange. Is there still an entire store dedicated to them at DTD West side? We never seem to make it past the darn Lego store.My son looked at the big RC one. It was 40 bucks. Rip off! There were some small RC ones below the display of large ones at the beginning of the week, but by the end of our stay those were gone. I;m guessing they'll end up on eBay.We have all of one Vinylmation, and my youngest spent his own money on it. Whenever they ask me to buy them I tell them no. But, I do spring for a pin every now and then. Alright, then that shouldn't be a concern for me.
  22. Well duh. I must have been jumping between forums/topics and lost track of where I was. oopsAnother TTCDTR - "Terrific TCD Trip Report"!! It was so nice to run into you during this trip. Thank you so much for the RR spike. It's funny how we noticed many of the very same things, too. You'll see a lot of very similar photos in the TR I am working on. If I skipped them, I wouldn't have much left to use for it, so everyone will just have to look at them again! FP4
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