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Everything posted by 4Brians.....Todd

  1. Give me a little description of what you're looking for. I have a laser engraving/etching shop here at the house, and can probably come up with something for you...
  2. I believe that would be the "new" Reedy Creek Station 3. Is on Floridian Drive? It's something like that, if I recall. Kinda fancy for a fire station, isn't it? The again, it's Disney...what isn't a little fancier than it has to be?
  3. I never saw Chris during the 4th of July GG last year, so it's quite posible that he does not exist. Jen had some lame excuse about him "getting too much sun" while golfing. She didn't seem very happy about what I'm assuming could have been a heat stroke. :rofl2: Apparently on cloudy days, sun comes in red solo cups... :beer: Sunshine...yummy!!!!!
  4. This whole "spankula" thing...am I the only one reminded of the movie "Stripes", where Bill Murray gives the girl "The Aunt Jemimah Treatment"?
  5. Did anyone else read the write-up on these things, or the comments? Am I the only one who thinks it bizarre to try to sell a product by advocating it's use in a suicide? "Camping is a great way to clear your mind about important decisions" The guy then opens his Kelty bags, takes out family photos, takes pills and "lays down on the snowy ground, waiting to go to sleep forever..." I don't care what they are selling, or what the price is. No way they get my business.
  6. DD7 would turn them all upside down. They're not Mickey heads, silly, they're Cinderella's carriages! She does the same thing with her Mickey head earrings...wears them upside down!
  7. "Bare with me..." It just keeps getting better. I guess I'm just having one of those days... I'm sorry!
  8. I'm going to assume you mean "Bear with me". Or maybe not... I can't look :facepalm:
  9. You're going to love it. It takes a little practice, but soon you'll find it much easier to tow than a conventional TT. Just my opinion.
  10. Very sad, and obviously I feel for her family. That said, it never ceases to amazed me how many people will be shocked that such a thing can happen at Disney. With the sheer numbers of people in and around the Disney properties, these things are going to happen. Regardless of how careful everyone is, accidents and nature are still going to be present. Cars will crash, buses will run into things, people will get injured, and occasionally someone will pass away. Disney as an entity is immune to nothing. Heck, given the chance, people will even steal while at Disney. We've all seen or hear
  11. Why can't I see Ed's pics? Unless, of course, all he takes pictures of is little red X's... It sounds like you're having fun. I have to imagine what it looks like. What the Fort?
  12. That comes on one of those late night pay-per-view channels, doesn't it? I've seen a lot on TV these days, but I ain't never seen anybody noodlin' during prime time...
  13. I have no use for a fuel tank that large. I have the bladder of a chipmunk. Regardless of how much fuel is in the tank, I have to stop every couple hundred miles to top off one tank and empty the other. Still, it's a nice truck.
  14. My DD's are growing up too fast. I tried not giving them anything to eat on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but it wasn't helping. I've now changed that to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and I put a cinder block on their heads when they watch TV. It ain't working...they just keep growing up. I'm not sure what to try next...
  15. But ya' know what??? I wouldn't have it any other way!
  16. Alas, they will not stay 4 and 5. My DD's are 7 & 8, I think they got to that age overnight. It seems like yesterday they were just working on walking and talking. I came home from work one day, and there are suddenly two very small people running my house...
  17. Wow...looks like a beautiful park. Also looks like you had great weather. They seem to have a pretty good crowd. Are they all campers, or just "park-goers"? BTW...are those two heartbreakers in white yours? They're beautiful. You're going to have your hands full when they get older...
  18. Where did you find them? Sporting goods? Camping? I've never seen them in our WalMart, but for that price I'll take a look tomorrow.
  19. You're gonna hafta clue in your northern cousins... What's a love bug???
  20. Our Golden Retriever is chipped. Might not do it if he never left home, but we travel with him a lot. I personally have never heard of any side effects from microchips.
  21. Just a slight OT hijack... This line caught my eye in Bill's original post: When he got back inside he saw smoke coming from the area where his fuse box was and he emptied the little extingusher that you get with the camper with no success so he got out. Do not trust your life or your property to the aerosol-can sized extinguisher that comes with many campers. While you are out shopping for a surge protector, pick yourself up a 20 lb extinguisher. Or two. Knocking a fire down quickly may make all the difference until more help arrives. I have 20 lb extinguishers in my truck and the rear
  22. There's nothing overly exciting about our "discovery" of FF. We were working on plans for an upcoming fort trip. Not our first, but we always look for any new information we can find. A well-informed Disney freak is a happy Disney freak, right? While scouring the internet, we found fortfiends.net. I clicked. I had no idea what I was getting into... :facepalm:
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