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Everything posted by Seals

  1. Probably because they're running (and screaming) too fast.
  2. I guess I missed the waterpark sign. We spent 3.5 hours at Blizzard Beach before the weather started to turn but we were done anyway.
  3. Interesting. My twins stood in line 40 minutes to do Sum of All Thrills last week. It was one of the things they really wanted to do at Epcot.
  4. So what makes the parties so special that they would have this policy? It pours rain/thunders when I'm in the parks and all the outdoor rides are closed and the parades and nighttime spectaculars I've looked forward to seeing are cancelled. It rains after I've been at the waterpark only two hours and I'd planned to spend the entire day floating in the lazy river and plunging down a 500 ft waterslide. Those park admissions were removed from my Magic Band and I wasn't able to do what I'd planned because of the weather. I flew all the way there from Timbuktu for three days and spent my last dol
  5. All Star Music has fence/gates around the pools but no MB reader.
  6. I wish I could! We left yesterday morning. We had a great time though and I saw a lot of Disney bounding when we were in the parks which may have been re-used MNSSHP costumes.
  7. Updating my own thread with information others might find useful: Since July I periodically checked to see if I could make a lunch reservation for 5 for 9/6 and one never turned up although a reservation for 1 was always available. I didn't bother to make it for 1 since we like to wing it and I'm never sure where exactly we'll be. Tuesday morning I found a reservation for 2 for 12:35 and since we were definitely heading there I made it for my husband and myself, although it only said my name plus Guest. When I checked in outside my husband wasn't even standing near me and the CM checked my
  8. Smacking myself in the head. We arrived at WDW around 5 pm on Friday but went to check out Disney Springs. I would have loved to have sat outside MK and watched party guests arrive. I didn't think of that. Were there fewer elaborate costumes this year? From your pictures it seems like a number were more like Disney bounding clothes than costumes.
  9. I'm loving it. Thanks for sharing the photos of the progress. Lego does have pretty good instructions. Congratulations for seeing the value of the experience you are creating vs. the cost ("Remember that time we got up at 6:30 and stood in line at the Lego store to get that awesome castle with 4080 pieces?"). Just keep building... Just keep building...
  10. Oh Wow. As someone who has "helped" build many Lego sets when my boys were younger, I'm just imagining 4080 pieces and "hurry up, Mom. hurry up" as I heard many times. I look forward to seeing your finished creation and hearing how long it takes to build. I'm actually a little bit jealous.
  11. Wow -- so the skill and athleticism needed to win the hula hoop contest gets you nothing extra, but the physical capacity to ingest large quantities of food in a short amount of time gets you over $100 of prizes. Nice lesson, WDW! Nice trip report. Sounds like you had a great family time.
  12. No one is forcing anyone to hand out candy at the Fort on Halloween. It’s not a required part of your stay. People are undertaking it themselves because they want to. And if they’d stop, there would still be people coming to see the decorations and the costumes, but not nearly as many. What would happen if the CAMPERS asked to see proof that someone was staying there before they gave out candy. You have to have your site number written on your Magic Band. Or had some other requirement. We have a neighbor who is known for giving out full size candy bars for Halloween. But first, the child
  13. Thanks! I was hoping that was how it worked. I want to let my teenagers charge food up to a certain amount each day so I don't have to be with them all the time. But I know I'd hear "it wasn't me who charged that!" if there was no way for me to know who charged what. If they know I can tell, they'll be good about it. They know I'll make them pay anything over the amount from their own money.
  14. When you charge something with your MB, does the bill show which MB was used to make the charge (if the whole family has charging privileges)? And is there any way to see the charges before the final bill? I'm guessing it doesn't show up in MDE??
  15. Is the Disney Springs World of Coke just a store. And what's on the second floor? The one in Atlanta has a museum that you pay to see.. But it's pretty big.
  16. "Views of Woods" as one of two features of the Preferred sites, and only the Preferred sites, just cracks me up, especially since all the categories have photos with pictures of trees.
  17. Since you quoted me in your reply, I'll clarify that my "Good" referred to the rocky shore that was mentioned in the original post. I'm not a big fan of fences, and especially not paving paradise, but the addition of natural elements that deter and therefore reinforce the message of the sign rather than entice in conflicting message to the sign is a step in the right direction imho.
  18. Too many people, not just truck drivers, ignore the rules of merging onto a highway. It's very scary. And I guess relates to the "me" world we live in. Nice campsite set up. And funny how you couldn't get the campsite because they were saving it for you.
  19. Good. If people (especially those who don't live in Florida and know everything about alligators) shouldn't go in the water, then don't make it look like a beach. That is much more effective than a "no swimming" sign on inviting white sand that leads to a body of water.
  20. I didn't know there were Gerald shirts. I must get one. I'm curious if you had your own table at dinner or were seated with others. As a family of 5, both times I requested our own table and both times we were seated with a family of 3 (the first time was a disappointment; the second time worked out great).
  21. Great trip report! It's fun to read the perspective of someone who's never been before.
  22. And not just a fence, but a place to hang towels!
  23. I don't even get people who feed seagulls. Who wants those nasty things swooping all around them. And then no one can eat on the beach without them appearing. Do people really think these animals would starve without their assistance? Is the entertainment value really that great?.
  24. Well, darn and shoot. Big Thunder, Dinosaur and It's a Small World (my signature ride I force my family to go on with me). I haven't been in 3 years and these are 3 of my favorites.
  25. My husband and two of my sons participated in the 5K. I left the ship a while after they went to the meet up spot on board. I walked to the start/finish line thinking I'd see them finish. I waited about 10 minutes and much to my surprise the group of runners arrived from the ship to start the race. So the start time is apparently very loose. I think they said they were waiting for some people and then they all walked there in a group. There were a lot of people already off the ship by that time too. I love Castaway Cay and never tire of seeing pictures of it.
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