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Everything posted by LONE-STAR

  1. Thanks so much, you just made her night
  2. My company truck with the v-10 is at 199,000 miles and still runs good. No rust we don't salt our roads and I don't take it to the beach so it's salt free.
  3. True, when I was a kid me and my dad were riding his friends electric cart and it caught fire while we were driving it. It was kind of funny because a guy we were driving past says excuse me sir but your cart is on fire.
  4. Well I agree I once thought this would be a nice addition to the Fort but if this is the design its just horrible. How in the world does this tie the Fort and WL together.
  5. That's true the new diesel trucks are so capable it's amazing from what my old 7.3 and 6.0 did. Now I will say though our old 5.9 would always pull but it was a manual transmission and I don't miss that.
  6. Nice truck you will enjoy the power I liked my 6.7 power stroke. But it might be hard hooking up that 5th wheel with that camper she'll on the back.
  7. My daughter will be crushed. I just told her she said, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! And then back to cartoons.
  8. A little work beats a boring hotel room any day. And I don't care what class of room, not one other then the Fort has my truck 10' from the front door. We tried the resort and it was easy but we still came back and bought a camper.
  9. We use to always go that time of year it was a lot of fun I miss it. 2015 was our last time in November.
  10. Thanks I am trying wood again but this one is FRP which is supposed to be tough but will see.
  11. I have been back packing diet coke in for a few years now. It's just really handy when you are in a line to be able to pop open a cold drink.
  12. Thanks for the reply. I am so back and forth on buying a camper. The camper I really want they don't even make anymore work and play 30wrs. So then that takes me to used and then am I just buying someone's problem. It feels really good not owning a camper and I want one so bad. It's driving me crazy.
  13. The trailer I like is wood framed, you can get it with fiberglass sides or aluminum.
  14. Maybe that's why they are increasing food prices, to make the ridiculous dining plan look like a good deal. And to be fair if you like to eat a lot all the time it could be a good value but not for my family.
  15. I wonder when Disney will hit the breaking point when they have priced out to many familie and they start loosing money. But there movies will carry them through.
  16. We did PORS last month it was less then we paid for spring break at the Fort. But it was nowhere near as much fun to us. It was easier but honestly it didn't feel like it was worth the money, and I have never felt that way about the Fort. If we can hold out we don't plan to go back to Disney until 2020 but will see. If we were to get a new camper I could see a December 2019 trip if I could get a site. But our AP's expire next month and since we were just there last month I think it's time to take a break. Oh Starbuck we had a blowout on the way to Disney back in June and the tire
  17. Sorry to hear that , I know you were really excited about that camper. But I know how you feel. Our camper got totalled and I am back and forth on getting another one. I want one really bad but I don't want one just as much. I know I will get another one I just don't know when.
  18. When ever it's not busy in that time frame. No holidays and when it would be cheaper and maybe 8 nights checking in on Saturday out on the following Sunday. And if you could respond with a p.m.
  19. I forgot it even existed, you took a train there right?
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