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Everything posted by Travisma

  1. Arrival day continued….. We started getting dinner ready while waiting for the rest of the family to show up. Arrival day is usually something simple, so we decided to do baked sub sliders and baked beans. We had just gotten a Coleman propane camp over off of Craigslist about 2 weeks ago so this is its maiden trip. We did do a trial run at home and baked a frozen 5 pound Mac and Cheese tray. It took a little over 2 hours and it came out as good as being baked in a full sized oven. The camp stand it is on was new to us also. Worked better than I thought it would. I cut a piece of woo
  2. Thanks. That is an impressive option.
  3. It's surprisingly easy to push. Guess the smaller tires help. It's like pushing a big stroller Of course having a cement driveway and a hard pad at the Fort makes it real easy. I'll be having some major problems if I go somewhere that has all dirt/sand sites!
  4. Well after going back and forth with Disney reservations trying to drop our extra days, we were ready for our Memorial Day/24 hour Weekend to the Fort to begin. But first, the PUP needed some prep work done. So last weekend was getting it ready to go time! First, new wheels and tires, cleaned and packed the bearings and put on new seals. Made some add on steps to make it easier to get in and out. The drop down from the floor to the original step was a doozy. This cut it down to about 2 to 3 inches. The ground step made it easier to get down from the new added on one. Th
  5. No problem going off topic. I doubt any of the threads go more than one page without something else getting added in. And it really wasn't off topic, just a little curve.
  6. Getting off base from deposit problems (but who cares) I think for the most part Disney started losing it's Pixie Dust quite a few years ago. I remember when my kids were growing up, the Disney Channel was a wholesome great place for the kids to watch Disney movies and cartoons. Somewhere in between my kids growing up, and my grandkids coming along, it's turned into a heaping pile of crap. Like MTV it veered off of it's original idea. There are very few Disney movies or cartoons on it now. There are tons of shows that have rich families with snarky kids ruling the roost. The parents
  7. I can see them asking to make up the difference, but they need to change their programming in the letter generator to check and see if they are telling you to pay a deposit by X date, when it's 2 months past. But if you think about it, if they already have 85-90 % of the deposit $, is it worth their effort and aggravating customers to collect a few dollars? Why not just list in the letter that since the reservation was modified, you will owe an additional $$ payable at check in? That to me would be the simplest way to do things.
  8. They wouldn't be in this mess and having irate customers, if they were just forthcoming with their plans/system/way of doing things. Same thing, you never know how much a site will cost you. Plus people get a different answer every time they call and ask a question.
  9. That other FB site has a long thread that started yesterday. Someone posted that that you can only book 7 day minimum stays (because that's all they could get when they wanted a weekend) and that Disney is against Floridians because they have blocked out weekends. One person countered that she booked a single Saturday night in June. Others have said they got 3 or 4 day weekend stays. From what the reservation agent told me, they are going to have an ever changing % of weekend sites open (all resorts) based on what's going on at WDW, special deals, time of year etc., and they don't have
  10. We ate there years ago, got snacks for the grandkids. Came out with a lot thinner wallet. Bakery items were decent, but I've had just as good from Publix.
  11. Well since they built Golden Oaks for the very upscale, why not ring the lake with high rise $200K and up condos for the wanna be's. Bet they would sell out in a heartbeat. They could put some $1500 a month rentals over by the maintenance sheds. I mean after all, they have all this valuable waterfront land just sitting there. The majority of the visitors never see the Fort side of the lake, they stick to the MK/Poly/GF side. They could block the lake view from the Contemporary and Bay Towers with a giant construction screen while they are building them. Isn't the new and improved D
  12. Yup, it's deep pockets Disney. He probably has a line of lawyers waiting to talk to him No one cut him off and he had one too many (liver damage, embarrassment) The manager startled him and he fell off his bike (road rash) He jumped thru a windshield (cuts from sharp objects) He drove onto the pier (no barricades to stop the cart, no warning signs that it was dangerous) The golf cart went into the water (it should have automatic deploying flotation devices allowing it to float safely) He was in dirty water (sinus infection, athletes foot, fungal infection) Avoided the boat (w
  13. Maybe he jumped on him first. 200 pounds falling from 3 feet onto you will take the fight right out of you.
  14. Have you tried booking dates for next year on line? The check in calendar only goes to 12/31/2015. If you type in a date in 2016, it comes back saying there is no information for the resorts for that date. I even tried it back to March 2016. Are you calling them directly?
  15. I have never tried that, but we were talking about Halloween 2016 last night. So you're saying that at the 499 day, you can only book the first day of your reservation even if you wanted a month, and that the system will not allow you to add dates past the 499 day? Sounds like a horrible mess.
  16. Rule #1 for all of these trips. Lock up the electronics! Either don't bring them along on the trip at all, or lock them in the car when you get out to sight see. But maaaaa I need my phone to take pictures! Give then a camera. And depending on the drive, they might not be allowed inside of the car. Wow junior look at those mountains.. Uh huh, whatever, oh I just got a text...
  17. If he was able to jump thru the windshield, then they will probably remove them or replace them with stronger ones
  18. Is that the place behind the pin kiosk and at the top of the ramp going down to the fast food and arcade? They had a sign out there on Mothers Day for coffee.
  19. To save time, in FL there's a lawyer in every ambulance so you can start the paperwork while getting a transfusion! :-)
  20. When she mentioned the LOS, I questioned her and at the very best still got some confusing answers. But what it sounded like, is that they are putting some weekend availabilities up for 2 or 3 days, then holding the rest in reserve for longer stays. That's where it gets fuzzy, she said the amount changes based on codes, specials, etc. She mentioned that for a hotel resort, they may not have a 3 day weekend without a dining plan, but will have one with an added on dining plan. It's all getting blamed on the computers. SKYNET has taken over...
  21. If it's the one going to the boat rental dock, I think that's where they set up the "Campfire" movies. But that's not very big. Is there more beach after the rental dock?
  22. They said because I worked with a Customer Service agent instead of a normal reservation agent they didn't ask. My biggest complaint was the dates in the past and the warning in the letter about cancellations if not paid in time.
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