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Everything posted by BradyBzLyn...Mo

  1. Updates from WDW Magic. Follow the link for larger pics... http://www.wdwmagic.com/Attractions/Fantasyland/News/09May2011-PHOTOS---Fantasyland-construction-update.htm
  2. In case folks haven't found it yet... http://www.fortfiends.net/forum/topic/2060-breaking-news-new-fort-application-for-the-new-dining-building/
  3. I have a feeling this thread is going to become VERY popular as all this unfolds - especially with such great info and analysis! I'll be glued to my screen... (and yes... I found a banana eating popcorn smiley!)
  4. :rofl2: I'm looking forward to being stumped soon - you're taking some awesome pics! :waycool: Love the photo tour of the trading post (some GREAT stuff there for FF2.0!!) Ah cool - I'll be on the lookout next time we're back there. I wonder if there are more of them around?
  5. Very cool TR and amazingly cool of you to share your treasure with fellow Fiends! :waycool: Even if you're out of nails by then, I hope we'll get to see you at Halloween this year. We're on the 2nd year of our annual pass cycle so will be there a little earlier this year than usual. I'll be looking forward to seeing what Rocky will be dressed up like this year! It's actually looking like quite the gang of Fiends will be gathering at the Fort for Halloween. There's a thread around here somewhere with a list of everyone planning to be there... and it's pretty lengthy. As if Halloween wasn
  6. Bang up job on the TR! And congrats Ed - well done on the EE challenge. :bravo: Also gotta say you all are making the content popo VERY happy with all the fantastic pics. I'm picturing you all walking around with a printout of my list muttering "freakin' Monique wants a picture of what?!" Thanks for a super report - glad you're all having a great time!
  7. Really great photos, Karla!! I'm curious - where was the bat house?
  8. I want to print this on canvas and hang it on my wall! :waycool:
  9. Weekend installments of a TCD trip report - now that IS a treat! Will TCD make it out alive??? I'm on the edge of my seat....
  10. And true to TCD's promise, as of now this TR has 1433 views!! :banana:
  11. We love Wolfgang Puck Express in the Marketplace (there's also one on the West Side right next to the Cafe). It's almost like a TS meal in that they bring you your food, refill your drinks, clear your plates, etc., but without the typical Disney TS price. Food has always been hot and fresh with large portions. And if the weather allows, there's some nice outdoor seating too. In November I tried the Pennette Bolognese - meat sauce, peas and fresh parmesan. For $15 you got a heaping plate full of pasta and it was very good (and I'm super picky about my pasta) DH got the bacon wrapped meatloa
  12. Definitely let us know how it goes. I've been slacking on updating the golf cart thread here. (bad monkey)
  13. Can I just say how cool it is that we can embed video on this board (way to go Chris!!) ...oh, and I love that movie. :heart:
  14. Well in that case, may I suggest....
  15. That woman is a genius - you should listen to her! And I could have easily fit in that snazzy bag of hers for the trip down. :rofl2: Glad you're having a terrific time and THANKS for sharing it with us!
  16. Great TR so far and you get 150 Fiend Points™ for completing your photo homework in stellar fashion!!! I've already bookmarked this thread and will be mining it regularly for FF2.0 - Phase II :parrot: Oh and Fiend Points™? They're about as useful as the tickets you get playing Skee Ball. ...and about as "real" as the Yeti actually MOVING these days... :rofl2:
  17. Dave, you better hide those toys your daughter is playing with. You don't want the Burgermeister Meisterburger catching wind... See what happens when TCD abandons his TR in the hands of the asylum residents for a whole 12 hours? By Monday this thing will be barely recognizable!! :rofl2:
  18. Debbie if we were closer, I'd send Brian over with a big ol' pitcher... I mean"care package" for you!
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