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Everything posted by ImDownWithDisney

  1. FWIW, unless you have an Excel or New Horizon the 5'er frame will be too weak for an Idaho Tote or similar product.
  2. No, you can't add swivels to the platform. You will tear it off within minutes. A swivel platform must be hinged at the attachment point to allow the platform to follow the terrain.
  3. Depends solely on how it's been treated and stored. I've seen twenty year old rigs that look great and seen 5 year old rigs that I wouldn't pay a grand to own. You need to learn how to pick one apart visually. You can hide some stuff from the untrained eye.
  4. I do use a food processor, but I leave it a bit chunky.
  5. Silver River SP, Blackwater River SP, Fort Pickens, Topsail Hill SP, Grayton Beach SP, St Andrews are all top notch.
  6. Alright, glad you guys are still aboard. Our next day was spent at the Fort and doing a little resort hopping. My kids would live at the pool if we let them, so we had to do some swimming. Bode liked the kiddie area. After swimming we hopped on over to WL. We love WL. We spent our honeymoon here, so its always nice to visit and reflect on how things have progressed with our family. It is so relaxing to have a seat and people watch. We ate lunch at Roaring Fork. I had to get my salad fix. I was jonesing pretty bad. After lunch the women folk strolled around a bit doing some shopping and pi
  7. One of the books I have says that they drained Bay Lake and cleaned it out due to bad water quality. I would assume that a fair amount of dredging was required too.
  8. Unfortunately, that is the way its going and not just at Disney. There is a new CG in Pensacola Beach that is charging $100+ a night for basically a parking lot next to the water. State parks are the way to go these days if you can do without full hookups for a while.
  9. I could get some updates done if photobucket were not blocked at work :/ By the time I get home it is one thing after another until bedtime.
  10. Does anyone still read this tr? I've been too busy lately to work on it, but maybe tonight I can. Somehow my stuff doesn't generate much traffic :-\
  11. 4x4 is far from overrated for some of us...resale value alone is a compelling reason to buy one. I have both....a 2wd F450 and a 4wd F350. I've never said "I wish this truck was 2wd", but I have said the opposite. It sure did come in handy last weekend while dragging an enclosed trailer through hub deep mud in the middle of nowhere TN
  12. You could definitely plow people over. They really let the waves roll then too. I remember riding those rafts all of the way into the beach. I also remember the denim fabric and bleeding raw nips from all day rafting..... Not fun afterwards.
  13. My dad and grandad were both HAM radio operators. We carried small 2 meter handheld radios with us to communicate in the parks.
  14. We just put our dishes and stuff in the cabinets. Never had any issues with stuff moving, but I do have an air ride pin box and Equa-flex suspension.
  15. I think this was EPCOT's first year Check out the matching tube socks I saw something exciting, I guess.
  16. Waiting on the tram From right to left....my dad, little IDWD, family friend, my grandmother, my grandfather in the cool glasses, and family friend husband
  17. Moving along now... We left off with Sunday at MK. We had watched the fireworks and headed back to the camper. Monday was another MK day. I know what you are thinking, but the girls love MK......and so do we....so back we went. We pretty much did the same things this day but we didn't stay all day. We came back to the camper for lunch and swimming. The girls must have gills, as they would live in the pool if we let them. We rode the teacups We chilled out while taking in the sights We had some salads at the place beside IASW. On the boat ride back after lunch
  18. I finally got the scanner set up so here is a teaser. I don't have near the # of old pics as AC, but I have a few. I will add more as time allows. The empty meadow.....look no free loaders!
  19. She's usually does, but she is getting better about it. Thanks for the truck comment. Its not bad for an 2006 model I used a strap to secure the car seat in the trailer. He loved bike rides. My legs hadn't seen sun all winter until then. But I did leave with a decent flip flop tan. A cart is in our future....having a little one makes biking harder You may want to call about the hook ups. We didn't use them. Hopefully, I will have time this evening to do some more. It has been busy lately. Good to have you onboard.
  20. They seemed to like it. I was indifferent. It felt like one. My kids were happy about it. Yep, I made sure to check the dates from there on out.
  21. I don't have any true results yet. I bought this truck used last summer. After finally getting the hitch and everything done (bulletproofing) I made one long tow with it before this trip. On our trip to Destin I noticed that the tranny cruising temps were running a lot higher than my previous F250. It would run 100 to 110 degrees above ambient when on the interstate with the converter locked. This truck was running 140-150 above. Luckily ambient was low enough for not to be an issue in January. As I dug into it I found that the stock cooler on this truck was missing, and a small tube and
  22. Sunday, 3/17 It is a MK day! We always start a first full day at WDW with a trip to the MK. The girls like it, we like it, and it just feels right. When we checked in the day before we were handed the little sheet with the park hours. It stated that the MK opened at 8 am. We decided to do rope drop this morning. It's usually pretty easy (for me anways) to get up and get going. But this morning was a bit different. My wife and kids all sleep in a little longer than planned, plus getting packed up and to the Settlement took a little longer than planned. I decided that since we were late that
  23. Yep, they were truly that exited, even though they have been every year (sometimes twice) since they were both 9 months old. They truly love Disney.
  24. Hey, we were there at the same time! I remember that rain. I really like your tow vehicle. I keep telling myself that I don't need a new one, but I think I may be losing that argument! I know that part of WV well. We travel through there when we go to Snowshoe. Those are some steep grades through there. I bet that 6.7 just eats them up! I know what you mean by anarchy. My kids practically crawl out of the windows as soon as we turn into the Fort.
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