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Error Message: TCD's Spring Break 2012 Trip Report!

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This is the trip report that almost didn't happen. The TCD gang finally hit the Fort for a stay from March 24th through the 27th. Everything was going great until the morning of the 27th when TCD Twin

Since I have some momentum going here, and a bit of time, you are going to get another update. Right now. How's that for everyone? On other boards, you have to wait for days for an update. But not her

You must have rushed if you were only at Tea for three hours. We spent 7 hours, not to shabby one hour hour per lady fiend!!

Loving the report, TCD! EE is pretty much my favorite ride, so I loved those pictures. I can't believe you didn't jump back on for another ride with no line, though. :dropjaw:

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next series of installments.


(And yes, I am definitely working on my TR - just waiting on the photopass CD to come...)

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Flame Tree is always our pick when we are at AK, and we ate at the Diamond Horseshoe last time we were there and it was a nice change of things to eat, just wish they still had the show there. Oh yea plus side was the AC it was in July!!!!!!

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I'm finally caught up after getting back from taking my marching band to Orlando...Universal. I know, boooo, but it was cheaper than WDW and the older kids had done Spectro Magic a few years ago so it was time for Universal.


Did you read that CK2?

7 hours!

I would say get drunk before you go, but you would sober up way before the 7 hours was up.


If we spend 7 hours there that means I get to eat nothing but GAG and beer for the rest of our trip!

They do serve alcohol at the tea, and I bet you could get something from the full bar nearby!!

7 of the best hours EVAH!!!

And I bet the alcohol is only girly things like cosmos and zinfendels. I like TCD's idea of already showing up lubricated!

I said lubricated...

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Yes, there will be an update today!

But, first, we must get caught up with all of the comments.

Great job on that, everyone!

1. You were really on the move this day

2. Love both pictures of the flower

3. I would drop my camera if i tried to take picture son the ride

4. Love your sunset photos but it is a departure for you

5. Love your dining view... and I am going to have to check out the menu for FlameTree BBQ!

Sunsets are the next best thing to sunrises.

Yes, you must check on the Flame Tree BBQ. We always walked right on by. But, a lot of Fiends seem to like it, so we gave it a try not to long ago. Now it is one of our favorites. Especially toward the end of the day when the crowds have dispersed.

I too love AK! I seem to notice something new on every trip and I love all the animals (except for the hippos, they stink!)

Great picture of the lion! He is always laying down when I'm there, no matter what time of the day it is.

True. I can't even count how many times we have been on the safari, and this is the first time that we ever saw any lion awake. We still have never seen one up and moving. As far as I can tell, though, they are real lions.

Cool update!!! I LOVE Everest, but like you can only ride it once.

I can ride it more than once, but knowing that we still had a visit to the MK on our agenda, I decided to pace myself. That backwards part gets to me sometimes, and it did on that first ride. Plus, the Yeti was still broken, so I wasn't in to it.

I'm so glad you were clear at the beginning of your updates that you were posting pictures of your visit to AK. If I had just looked at all those wild animal pictures and didn't read your captions I would have sworn you had wandered into the old River Country again!


Good one!

Good thing Flame Tree BBQ is already on my list of places to eat in September...those onion rings are positively mouthwatering to look at!!!

Your pictures of Everest are stunning. Most definitely post card worthy.


Yes, Flame Tree is worth a visit.

More awesome photos!!

I wonder if Diamond Horseshow was open only because it's been busy most of the past several weeks? I don't think it's ever been open when we've been there in Oct/Nov/Dec.

I tell I lie... I have a vague recollection of it being open Thanksgiving week 2 years ago.

In any case, the menu looks decent - I hope they keep it open more often.

We always try and catch the last safari of the day for the very reason you experienced - the animals know it's almost dinner time and are usually up and about. We had been told that first thing in the morning is best, but we haven't found that to be the case. And any time you can spot a cheetah and both lions - especially the big guy up and alert - is a bonus.

Ok, I have to ask - where is this? I don't recall every seeing it, and as you know I'm always on the lookout for hidden nooks and crannies. :)

I do not remember food being served in the Diamond Horseshoe at any time in the recent past, and we have visited plenty of times when it has been busy.

That display of stuff in the AK is to your left as you walk back into the main part of Harambe Village after exiting the safari ride. The first building you come to is a gift shop. This is to the far left outside of that gift shop. I am not sure why it's there. I looked at some aerial photos, and it looks like there is a small parking area and dumpster back there. Maybe this is to shield that, although the vegetation is thick enough there to do that.

Great updates!! You had a full day already and now you're off to the MK. I'd be headed for the hammock. :))

Truthfully, I kind of felt like that, too.

But, we can't pass up a 3 am EMH.

Geez Andrew, you do more in 3 days than most people do in a week.

I'm guessing you took Monday off and just laid around the Fort in your hammock.

You again.

Man, you are getting forgetful.

How could you forget Monday?

That's the day you stopped by for a visit.

And we went off on our little adventure.

I think I'm going to get to that today.

There was no hammock for me on Monday!

The food looked good and fight worthy too! 4c9e143f958aeac3269b97877d48e3bb.gif There would be a battle is someone would try and take those ribs from me and the same goes for that chicken and pulled pork!!

You are a gal after my own heart! The good thing about the food there is that the portions are huge, so it's fun to share. The girls probably could have split the chicken or the ribs, as I had to help them finish off their meals. Not that I'm complaining.

:worship: 3 updates in one day DaveinTN will just have to learn to read faster.. :)

Thank you, Captain Obvious!

(come on, you have to be getting tired of that now).

I did that just to show DIT that he is not the boss of me.


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I still could really use the ability to include more than 10 quotes in my posts.

But I guess I'm talking to the wall here.


Here are some more comments on the comments.

We are getting there!

Wow! Love the AK photos. I've never been to Animal Kingdom and can't wait to go..

That lion photo is beautiful. I love kitty's :heart:

Looking foward to the next update

You have never been to AK?

You need to fix that!

It's in my top 4 WDW theme parks!

So TCD....not only did you go on and post 3 updates today, but you practically DARED me to read and comment on the 3rd post by posting Flame Tree BBQ pics there. But do you not remember....that BBQ is not exactly my favorite thing? So I will ignore those pics of mouth watering ribs, pulled pork and yummy sides. I didn't even look at them.

And I did want to comment on your Diamond Horseshoe pics. They actually make me kinda sad. Go back and take a look at the pics again. Notice the beautiful details in that building, from the balcony railings, to the light fixtures, to the details of the stage. There was clearly a LOT of thought and effort put into designing and building that space. And it has SO much potential. Much more potential than use as a dining area for a quick serve restaurant.

Ok, carry on. And I will have more time tomorrow to read, so feel free to post 6 or 7 updates. I dare you!

Yes, I know BBQ is not your favorite, Dave. But, Flametree is very good. You should make an exception and give it a try.

I agree with you about the Diamond Horseshoe. It is a beautiful building, and it is a shame that isn't being put to some kind of better use. But, since the Disney beancounters have gone with the Dining Plan, the emphasis seems to be on quick serve locations, and cutting corners. I guess a meal with a show inside one of the parks doesn't fit into their plans.

And, sorry, there will not be 6 or 7 upates today. I think I can squeeze in more than one, though. As I have already hinted, my Monday was pretty epic, so it's going to take me a while to get everything organized for those posts.

Dave, can I have your daughters email addresses so I can show them what their dad is writing about an innocent grandfatherly, lovable, senior citizen.


Talk about delusional.

I thought you were Portuguese, not Spanish.

LOL! Good one, Dave!

:yourekillinme: :rofl2:

Me too!

These guys could take this act on the road!

:rofl2: :rofl3:

Ok, now that's out of my system so I can move on with a couple of comments...

Love the photos of Expedition Everest! You got some really great shots!!! In fact, I have a friend who is a pro photog and some of yours rival some of hers. Nicely done!

Great shot of the TCD twin with the flower. Those girls have a good sense of humor!

Last of all.. The Flametree BBQ looks pretty good. May need to try it out on our next visit. Hopefully we'll score a table with a nice view of EE like the TCD gang. That was also a beautiful shot of EE from across the water! The reflection is just beautiful! :)

Thanks. And, it is not hard to get a waterfront seat in the Flametree seating area in the evening. We were the only ones seated in that area, and that is often the case. It's a bit of a walk from where you pick up your food, and human nature is to take the closest seat. So, that usually means no one else will be sitting down here by the lake. That makes in even nicer!

How about Lourry?

Hadd too channge it, I ccan't stannd mistaakes.



Very good, there Lou!

I found, I read, I am caught up!

No comments, everyone else made them for me.

Thank you for doing this. I love when it feels like you are right there with the poster.


And you're not kidding about the comments.

There sure have been a lot.

But that is a good thing!

Loving the report, TCD! EE is pretty much my favorite ride, so I loved those pictures. I can't believe you didn't jump back on for another ride with no line, though. :dropjaw:

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next series of installments.


(And yes, I am definitely working on my TR - just waiting on the photopass CD to come...)

Yes, it is uncharacteristic of me not to keep riding with the girls. But, as I already mentioned it, I wasn't feeling it. I knew that if I kept riding, we might be on that thing a dozen times. It has happened before.

I am VERY HAPPY to hear that your TR is on the way!

Flame Tree is always our pick when we are at AK, and we ate at the Diamond Horseshoe last time we were there and it was a nice change of things to eat, just wish they still had the show there. Oh yea plus side was the AC it was in July!!!!!!

I honestly had no idea that they served lunch in the Diamond Horseshoe. It is good to know this. It doesn't look like it gets crowded in there, and what a great atmosphere it has!


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I'm finally caught up after getting back from taking my marching band to Orlando...Universal. I know, boooo, but it was cheaper than WDW and the older kids had done Spectro Magic a few years ago so it was time for Universal.

If we spend 7 hours there that means I get to eat nothing but GAG and beer for the rest of our trip!

And I bet the alcohol is only girly things like cosmos and zinfendels. I like TCD's idea of already showing up lubricated!

I said lubricated...



Break out the torches and pitchforks everyone!

Actually, we need to get over to Universal some time. We have not been since Harry Potter showed up. We at least need to check on that.

are you trying to make it easy for the Tag Fairies?

Yep, that one is right over the plate.

Nope - FULL BAR offerings :Bar:


That is good news for CK2.

Although it may not be such a nice anniversery for Mrs. CK2.

Maybe I will need to re-think my vow to never step foot in that place.


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We will wrap up Sunday in this update.

We left off with us back at the Fort. We visited the campfire and had some s'mores.

And we hung out in the camper for a bit.

I enjoyed some stargazing from the official TCD hammock.

We really were not in a hurry to get to the MK. The later part of evening EMH's are the best anyway.

It was around midnight when we headed down to the marina to head over to the MK.

Since we got to the MK after midnight, I was prepared to show our room keys at the turnstyles.

But the castmembers weren't checking them.

They used to.

When they first dropped the EMH wristbands, they still made guests show KTTW card to enter the parks after normal closing hours. If you were not a resort guest but were already in the park, they wouldn't chase you out. But if you were not a resort guest and tried to get in after park closing, they wouldn't let you in. I'm not sure if there has been a change, or if the castmembers were just being lazy.

Anyway, even though WDW was busy this week, this EMH was not very crowded at all.


We checked the times guide, and saw that the Laugh Floor was going to have its last showing at 1 am.

So, we decided to hit the ice cream parlor and then head to Laugh Floor.

I was really expecting some major changes in the ice cream parlor, since it had been closed for about two months. But, to me, it looked exactly the same.

We timed things perfectly, and got to the Laugh Floor just as they were seating the last show.

It was a good crowd, and a funny show.

The guy they chose for "That Guy" had the crowd in stitches with his faces and gestures.

Of course he did.

Because "That Guy" was none other than TCD:


You know, it still weirds me out how I out of the hundreds of people in the audience, those monsters end up picking me to be "That Guy" almost every time. I think it has been about 20 times now that I have been "That Guy." Well, maybe not that many, but I have lost count, and I might as well go large, right? I still don't get it, because I thought they always go for an old clueless guy.

After Laugh Floor, we headed straight for Dumbo.

We wanted to ride it when we visited earlier today, but it was super busy. Well, here's a tip for you: there ain't a lot of folks wanting to ride Dumbo after 1 am. We got right on with no wait:


Have you ever seen an elephant fly?

Now you have:


They have done a lot of upgrades with lighting on the Dumbo attraction. It is stunning at night. Unfortunately, my efforts to show that in photographs failed. But, it is really beautiful at night. Much more so than it was in its old location. It is going to be cool to see the twin Dumbos when they are both in operation.

Remember how the Goofy rollercoaster had a 40 minute wait when we were here earlier?

Well, now there was no wait.

In fact, they were letting guests stay in their seats for multiple rides.

I know that there are guests who do not believe in late EMH's.

And if you are one of them, I am here to tell you that you are crazy.

Who doesn't like multiple rides with no wait?

Even on the dumb old Goofy rollercoaster.

These props on the loading area are new:


It was so slow back here that the castmembers were hopping on for rides. I don't think they're supposed to do that, so sorry to this CM if he gets in trouble:


I mentioned earlier how they swapped the entrance and exit during the renovation of this ride. Which makes the exit really weird, because you have to walk all the way around the old winding path that used to be the entrance queue. They have removed the landscaping that used to be in here, and the barn with the clucking chickens. This makes the exit seem very barren and industrial. There is fencing along both sides of the exit path, with these signs posted along the walk:


I hope that this is all just temporary, and that something else is planned, because it detracts from the ride.

Also, I am surprised that they still are calling this ride the Barnstormer, as shown by this billboard, because they removed the barn and the chickens. "Flying" through the barn used to be the best part of this too short ride, if you ask me:


These freshly painted trashcans tell me that this area of Fantasyland is going to be called Storybook Circus:


Which begs the question: will other areas of Fantasyland have distinct names as well?

From Storybook Circus, we headed through the old part of Fantasyland and into Liberty Square. The girls had fun playing the Sorcerers game, and did some card trading. Twin #1 is pretty good at it. Most of the people playing the game late this night were teenage boys, and Twin #1 played them pretty good.

This door was next to one of the portals that the girls were visiting, and I decided to take a photo of it. The attention to detail in WDW never ceases to amaze me:


As 2 am came and went, the park continued to empty out.

We had just spent a lot of time in the MK on Leap Day, and had literally been on every attraction except one, so there was really nothing that we were dying to do.

The girls said they didn't want to stay until 3.

And, since I knew I had a big day planned for Monday, I didn't want to either.

So, at a little after 2, we started heading toward the exit.

The girls wanted to do a little shopping on the way out, so we walked through the Emporium gift shop.

I was surprised to see these shirts there, as I thought the Dole Whip ones with Disney World on them were only going to be for sale on-line, and not until June, according to a blog that I had read:




I like all of those shirts!

But, I didn't buy any of them on this trip.

Maybe next time.

We made it to the boat dock a little after 2, and rode back on a nearly empty boat.

Do you ever think about how much gas Disney must burn through just shuttling guests around WDW?

Their fuel bill must be staggering.

Back at the Fort, we did a little late night looping, and then called it a night.

It was 3 am before we finally got to bed.

Another long, fun day at WDW!

Next up, I have a VIP visitor.


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Great update as always TCD. Love the part about Laugh Floor.

From Storybook Circus, we headed through the old part of Fantasyland and into Liberty Square. The girls had fun playing the Sorcerers game, and did some card trading. Twin #1 is pretty good at it. Most of the people playing the game late this night were teenage boys, and Twin #1 played them pretty good.

I think I figured out now why your daughters like the new Sorcerer game.. ;)

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Monday morning was an unusual one for me.

I got up early and made my normal rounds.

But since the girls were planning to sleep in, I decided that instead of wandering off for some adventure, I would hang back at camp and enjoy doing some reading and coffee drinking.

So, I broke out the coffee maker and made a pot of coffee, and settled under the awning to do some reading.

It was a nice, quiet morning around the Fort.

But this peaceful scene was soon disturbed by the sound of a revving engine.

Someone was driving some kind of big rig recklessly through the Fort. I heard a roaring engine, and squealing tires. And whoever it was was laying on the horn too.

I peeked out of my screenroom to see if I could see where the racket was coming from.

And I saw what it was.

It was a Disney Bus, and it came roaring right into the 1500 loop, pulled right up to my site, and came skidding to a stop.

There was a lady pushing a child in a stroller right in front of my site, which is why the bus driver had to slam on his brakes.

The guy hung his head out the window and yelled: "Stay on the sidwalk, Stupid!" Which I found odd, because there aren't sidewalks on the loops.

Anyway, the bus door opened, and a big cloud of cigar smoke escaped, as did a few empty beer cans, which came rolling down the steps.

The driver came bounding down the steps.

A little boy from the next site had come over to see what was going on. He was licking one of those big lollipops, and had one of those Disney beanie hats with a propeller on top. The bus driver grabbed the lollipop, and asked the astonished kid where he got the beanie from. The kid said his mom bought it for him. The bus driver said: "Give her a message for me;" and then he smacked the beanie off of the kid's head. The kid went running back to his site, and the bus driver let out a satisfied laugh.

As he turned toward me, I got a good look at the guy. He had a lit cigar dangling from his mouth, and a can of beer in his hand. He had on a t-shirt that said "Mr. Warm and Fuzzy," and I saw that he has Mickey Mouse tatoos on his arms, as he had cut the sleeves off of his shirt.

The guy shouted out: "TCD, it's me, Lou!" His speech was clearly slurred.

I didn't know what to do.

Just then a Fort Ranger pulled up on his golf cart. Complete with his orange vest and Crocodile Dundee hat. Thank goodness, I thought.

The bus driver immediately confronted the ranger with : "What do you want, gramps?" The ranger stared in disbelief.

Then the bus driver said- "hey Methuselah, does that radio you have there work?"

To which the ranger replied, "yes."

Then the bus driver said: "Well, gramps, you had better call for back up, because you're going to need it!"

The ranger was speechless.

The bus driver then said to me: "What are you staring at- let's go!"

Oh wow.


I just noticed that I have a problem with my computer.

I need to check on it.

I'll be right back to finish this post. . .

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