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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/2013 in Posts

  1. That's great, Lorna. I could give several examples to add to this list that would demonstrate the community that has developed here. And in case any lurkers or newbies think this is a "closed group" that is tight knit and wouldn't open their arms to them...I can tell you there are Fiends created every day, some that dive right in and sit around at grand gatherings laughing it up seated next to someone who's been around forever. There are a handful of Fiends that were at those early gatherings at the Fort, but most of us were not and are still members of the community, which is more like a f
    4 points
  2. I am putting this on the public forum, because maybe some of the lurkers out there will realize how great Fiends are and come out of hiding and meet some of us. As you all know Jason is there for a few days, Carol loaned him her tenting equipment, I had agreed to go up tomorrow and pick it up from him, because I am going to see Carol on WWW. Well Rich and I still haven't gotten over The Crud from New Years yet. So I called on another Fiend to help me out bord1niowa....Curt, I asked him to do a really big favor for me (I also thought he was still at the Fort, but he had left already). I explain
    3 points
  3. One of the troopers that works for me had his family at WDW last week. Just a quick 3 day stay. Without going into details, he wanted to take his beautiful 2 year old daughter due to severe health problems. He knows he will probably not get another chance with her. I didn't tell any fiends he was coming. But I did tell him that if they had any problems or needed any help, he needed to call me immediately, because I have a lot of friends in the area. I knew without asking that if I asked for some assistance for a friend, the fiends would come through. He told when he got back that it pu
    2 points
  4. I'll just add that for those of you that might be shy about meeting up with the Fiends in person, please don't be! I know it's one thing to "meet" people online vs in person, but this really is the most welcoming group of people. We showed up at Halloween a year ago, having only met a couple of people the year before, and dove head first into the middle of a whopper of a GG. Fiends greet you like you're their long lost friend and it never felt weird to be hugged by a perfect stranger... or hugging the ones that say they're not huggers. Since then we've been fortunate enough to spend time
    2 points
  5. I hope you feel better Lorna and Rich. I have had a great time here meeting and hanging with new to me fiends and it wouldn't have happened without fiends to begin with. Thanks to Carol, Lornand Rich, and to Curt for helping me out. This has been a great vacation.
    2 points
  6. I just made 3000 views for my first trip reports. Yay me, I don't think I would get 1000. -G- thought I would get 500, he still doesn't get this place. Thank you all for the views. You made my trip worth it.
    2 points
  7. This is also what being a Fiend is all about HIJACKING!!!!!!
    1 point
  8. Wait a dern tooting minute there pardner you made me fill out a 12 page application including all my passwords, credit card numbers and 10 refrences, I had a 5 page test, and then I had to get on the stage at the Hoop and sing act out "I'm a little Teapot" in front of everybody! If there is no membership fee, what is that debit that comes out of my account every month?
    1 point
  9. We're like the Olive Garden of camping....when you're here, you're family.
    1 point
  10. I can add to this. We pulled into the Fort last April having RV problems. I was a fairly new Fiend, basically found this site during trip planning. We were greeted by Lou and other Fiends offering advice, tools, and help! DH was so impressed that people cared enough to make sure we were going to be OK. Fiends rock!
    1 point
  11. I am a new member and have not met anyone IRL (well I may have on Halloween while trick or treating but I didn't belong here yet!) and I posted a request to see if someone could get me a video of Mickey Mouse becuase my 4 yr old wanted to FaceTime with Mickey for Christmas). Gold Doubloon did that for me and made my son's Christmas. You are awesome for doing that! I hope to pay it forward with another Fiend some day!
    1 point
  12. While you were doing all that nonsense, MD and FoB enjoyed a nice relaxing fire/beer tasting. Next year, that's what we should all do. It was relaxing, peaceful, and we all got to bond quite a bit. Bella said a few times "This is the BEST night of my life!!!" And no, she did not get any beer. I can see where that could be confusing. BTW, where is MD? I think he has a TR to begin. I know he's got great pics.
    1 point
  13. I love your Epcot day and pictures of the Girls all of them are the sweetest girls, always seen happy and glad to see everyone. But you forgot one important part of your day Lorna's greeting in her PJ's at the bus stop - I guess my PJ's just don't impress everyone. We were on site 555 and I spoted all of them waiting for the bus, so I ran over and not only got Anna Hugs and Kisses, but got them from all the girls and Dave, made my day.
    1 point
  14. YMCA! Moving right along...when I left off we were well into our 2nd travel day. We had stopped the night before in Troy, AL, and by late afternoon we had made the Florida Turnpike. I always like hitting that milestone, because you know you are about an hour away from the Mouse House. But over the years, my family has developed a love for a particular milestone that indicates it is time to start searching the horizon for castles, giant golf balls and haunted hotels. We saw this. That's the YMCA that sits at the juncture of the Turnpike and 429. And when you see it, you are close! Hooray
    1 point
  15. Oh, poor Bob In The Box...left on that island for another year.
    1 point
  16. Now that we are all aboard, let's get moving. The girls had a half day of school on Friday, Dec 21, so we left home right after they got home. We were on the road at exactly noon CT. My plan was to take the route south through Alabama on I-65, hopping over to 231 in Montgomery and down from there. More often than not I take the Atlanta route, but being the weekend before Christmas, I didn't want to pass through Atlanta at 5pm on a Friday. So Alabama it was. Everyone was excited to hit the road. This trip was highly anticipated by all! We didn't need to make a potty stop until we crossed
    1 point
  17. devores

    TV Connections

    This seems like the management is reading these boards and listening. It went from owners of analog TVs are just SOL to they offer them something at least.
    1 point

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