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Everything posted by keith_h

  1. Rene and I are thinking about heading down to Charleston for the Thanksgiving weekend. James Island County Park looks like a nice place and has good reviews. There is also the private Oak Plantation campground which again has pretty good reviews but is about $10 more per night after the Good Sam discount. I have looked at the Mt. Pleasant KOA as well but I don't think they are open that week as the site won't take reservations and every other day of the month is open but I plan to call to confirm. Anybody have any experience with any of these or other campgrounds around Charleston?
  2. I think it could look pretty good if they would take the Prairie/Arts and Crafts style the drawing shows in the upper portions of the building and expand on it throughout the exterior. They would need to replace the Flying Nun hat with something more appropriate but that is no great loss. I think the real question is how accurate is the concept artwork is in relation to the actual buildings. If it is accurate then I think Disney missed a chance to build something unique. If it is just a promo or executive briefing artwork there could still be hope for something nice.
  3. That's a drop in the bucket compared to the pollution all of the visitor's generate with their vehicles and air travel. Of course we don't have to worry about plastic straws anymore.
  4. On most RV's the house batteries are different than the battery used to start the engine and run the dash. Sounds like your engine battery/ies are drained or dead. Where are you parked?
  5. Once you make the first loop you have to cut across the middle to start the second but I'm sure they don't tell the CM's that at training. If you start the cut just after overlapping where you started you will never see the break.
  6. Up until last year the NC State Fair was dry. Last year they established an area where you could buy tickets and sample NC brews and wines. We didn't bother checking it out as it was out of the way and somewhat crowded. It didn't seem to be a problem as it was strongly controlled with no alcohol allowed out of the area. Add in the extra cops hanging around and folks tended to behave. Sounds like it is back for this year.
  7. Nope no entertainment fee but there is a $15.30 gratuity added onto the $85. I guess they were going to get extra $15 per person no matter what.
  8. Might be fun if you are local. https://wdwnt.com/2018/09/the-nightmare-before-christmas-halloween-soiree-announced-for-the-edison-at-disney-springs/
  9. Since it covers breakfast why not open at 6AM for breakfast with the rides starting at 7AM? While I'm sure there will be plenty who will pay the price it needs to be about half so it reflects a slight premium for morning Extra Magic Hours with an included breakfast.
  10. I bet who ever buys it uses it for nothing more than climbing curbs in the parking lot. Of course that is probably the only way they will be able to get it to fit into a spot.
  11. Our local ABC news station announced the ticket changes and said the single day ticket would be between $109 and $129. Nothing more on how it will work.
  12. I'd sure like to have some of whatever they're smoking. I fixed it for them. Of course the option that fits the way we go to the parks would become an add-on option increasing our cost. We have no idea when we buy our tickets which park we will be visiting on what day until we are there. With Disney tending to add extra cost events or changing extra magic hours over the months it is hard to know what days have the longest access until right before your trip. I can only surmise this is punishment for Rene and I not attending Disney's dessert parties.
  13. I wonder if it is because Ben stopped at your table?
  14. Now just imagine a kid who talks like that and listening to them about a year later after moving to the south. Would you call that a South Boston accent?
  15. As an adult I came to appreciate what my dad went through driving in Boston. More than once he managed to get going the wrong way on a one way street and I would tease him about it. While I never did end up going the wrong way more than once the haphazard one way layouts took me back to the freeway or Chelsea (our target was the parking lot under Boston Commons). The funny part is I actually remembered having been on some of those same dead ends as a kid. As to Google there was an article a while back where Google took a woman in London into the Thames River due to the road it told her to
  16. Instead of keeping kids interacting with the world around them let's give them another way to bury themselves in their phones. All while collecting more data from them. I wonder how long it will be before Disney will create a 3D ride app and WDW branded VR phone holders? For the cost daily admission just strap the thing on and you are immersed in the ride with no lines.
  17. All I can say is they lost me when the author said Disney closed the bar early. I don't drink coffee and water just doesn't cut it. I mean why can't I get a Dole Whip with a splash of rum? All that money and Disney cheaps out. If you wish to sample weird stuff like Sea Urchin foam just go to any restaurant in San Francisco's China Town. While I can't guarantee the Sea Urchin, or any urchins for that matter, I know Sea Cucumber can be served in the second course of a seven course meal. It won't run you $15K either.
  18. I hate it when someone tries to guide me in. The only thing I want is a spotter on the blind side to be sure I don't hit anything. If I need a fresh perspective I will get out to look and no amount of someone flailing their arms will stop that. Thankfully Rene does a good job on the spotting part. She is also good at telling the park employees thanks for showing us the site and we'll take it from here.
  19. $50 is a lot better than $70. Any competent mechanic should be able to repack the bearings as the procedure is pretty much the same on any axle whether a trailer or vehicle. The same goes for the drum brakes.
  20. $70 per wheel sounds reasonable to me. The bearings are what carry the load of the trailer on the wheel axle. As the grease ages it can harden and not lubricate as it should or if it has been overheated relocated away from the axle. That means more friction and more wear of the bearing and/or spindle. You might get lucky and have some forewarning such as abnormal tire wear, grinding noise, etc but are more likely to have no warning other than the failure of the parts. Imdown gave the basic procedure. It isn't overly complicated but it one of the dirtier jobs as you are dealing with grease and
  21. 1318 is our favorite site. I'm surprised the service was bad there. They were still installing the WiF network the last time we were in it and I recall the pole being across the road about 15 ft in. I wonder if it was interference from the Meadows? I use to attach to it back in the days when the loops were hardwired.
  22. I can see it as well. Might be time for a vision checkup Dave.
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