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Everything posted by polkadotsuitcase

  1. What a beautiful sweetie! Sending hugs of comfort your way.
  2. Oh, my guys LOVE Test Track. I didn't know about a multi-month refurb. Sounds like another good reason to try to squeeze in a trip this year!
  3. Sounds like you knew all along where "home" was!
  4. Adorable and so creative! I love the saying, and the flower box, and...oh, heck, I love all of it. (And to think, I thought I was adding flair to our camper when I used purple duct tape to hold the stinky slinky bumper tube closed. I guess I have some more thinking to do, lol.)
  5. Great start! Mason is beautiful. Looking forward to more!
  6. I've trained myself to stop looking! I figure if I don't see it, I can't want it.
  7. Thanks for sharing the secret! I never realized it was a different product that made the taste difference -- I guess I always assumed it was just the magic, lol.
  8. Wow, now that's a campsite with a view! Which campground? My kids have been bugging me to go to the mountains before it gets too cold.
  9. Oh, man, we used to have lime sherbet in ginger ale when we were kids. Along with orange sherbet in orange soda. My mom loved making floats! (And for the record, even though I'm Buffalo born and raised, somewhere along the line I switched from pop to soda. I'm just impressionable that way, I guess.)
  10. I think that tent might be bigger than my house! ;D You guys are going to have so much fun with that -- it's amazing!
  11. Congrats! So excited for you -- can't wait to hear about your adventures!
  12. Our dogs have always been chipped. I hadn't heard anything negative about it, actually. We find a lot of "lost" dogs in our neighborhood (semi-rural, so I think, sadly, many get dumped here), and the first step we take is always to go directly to the vet to have them scan for a chip.
  13. They're leaving off the Blizzard Beach "Green Around the Gills" Special -- the one where someone walking by stops and says to your son, "Hey! Wait! There's mold on the bottom of that hot dog bun!" (Launching your kid's three-year paranoia about all bread products.)
  14. I agree with the storybook comment -- I was thinking one of those coffee table books. I've gone through this TR twice, I enjoyed it so much!
  15. Thanks for posting, Starbuc71! (And of course, I'm always thankful for the hardworking team at FF.net, too!)
  16. Oh, wow. It's gorgeous! (And of course your kids are adorable, too.) Here's to many happy miles ahead!
  17. Fun report! I haven't been to Ocean Lakes in forever -- makes me want to go. (Okay, all those awesome seafood dinners make me want to go!)
  18. That's a neat idea. (Haha! Pun!) I guess the thing about the little trash can that bugs me is that I still haven't trained the kids to take the initiative and swap out the full bag with an empty one. They just start stacking stuff BESIDE the trash can! With "real" dishes, toward the end of our trip, I let 'em stack up in the sink -- and then throw them in the dishwasher when we get home! Lazy me. We adore our Tervis Tumblers (of course mine include Mickey and Pluto) so we always have some real dishes to wash. And of course, gotta have a real mug for coffee!
  19. Hey, I have a question -- what does everyone use for a garbage can in the camper? We have an itty bitty one that fits under the sink, and at mealtime, I pull it out and leave it on the kitchen floor. That way, everyone has easy access to put stuff in it. But it's so small (we put a plastic grocery bag in) that it fills up FAST. But anything bigger will add to clutter in that tiny space. So...would love to hear what others do!
  20. Amazing photography -- I'm officially a fan! Can't wait for more...
  21. Catching up on this TR! I've traveled this road several times myself -- please give me a shout when you're ready to start pitching to publishers; I'd be very happy to answer any questions! Adorable kids! They look like such a happy bunch! And Bobber's adorable. What a great sport he is! Can you imagine what he was thinking, with his new family, surrounded by giant characters and all the sights, sounds, and smells of Disney?! So glad you got rid of the virus -- I can't stand those stupid things! What a hassle -- they always take so much time out of your day to ditch 'em. Sorry to hear about
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