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Everything posted by polkadotsuitcase

  1. This picture made me truly laugh out loud -- love it. The whole scene is just adorable -- Marie's reaction, and the kids watching. Very cute! What a great TR. You're inspiring me to work harder at saving our pennies to make it back down there. Kate
  2. Here's how the polkadotsuitcase clan stands on ponchos: 2 haters, 1 liker. (That's me -- I think they're kinda fun, like I'm a big walking tent.) Buzz is usually our first attraction at MK, too. And if we're in the off-season, we usually end up running back to do it a couple more times before the line gets too long. What can I say? My kids are competitive and always rack up their scores. Silly boys. Fun report! Great pix.
  3. Okay, I'm gonna say that tradition is a keeper! This picture alone would've hooked on this TR -- YUM. :parrot: You two are just too darn adorable! What a cute couple! You're putting me in a Christmas-in-July kind of spirit. The heck with the heat index of 109 -- I'm feeling cooler already!
  4. ? Huh? Is Bear in the Big Blue House even on still? My guys used to watch that, and they're tween- and teen-aged now! Those boys and their rocks! They'll find them anywhere, won't they? :banana: Glad you had a great mini-trip, too!
  5. These are some AMAZING little rigs! So glad you took the time to take all the pix -- thanks for posting them. Gives me hope that I'll still camp after the kids are grown -- I'll just downsize a bit. Those campers have so much personality/functionality crammed into such a little space.
  6. Gonna have to try it -- love bread pudding (usually have to have raisins in it, though). And I love the idea of white chocolate bread pudding!
  7. How does this work -- are you going to squeeze in a sub-trip report into your current TR? Kind of a "two fer one"? In any case, I'm in! :popcorn:
  8. Woohoo! So glad you finally got it! Your son looks like he's about to burst with happiness. Too cute!
  9. Love the pictures! Agree about your pup -- just adorable. I want to kiss that little furry face! What a doll. (Your human kiddo, too! Except his face isn't furry, of course, just covered in ice cream.) So you've got a kitty and a puppy in your motor home? How do they get along? Looks like a fantastic time!
  10. Good call on waiting it out at TL! Glad Bryce got to swim with the sharks. And the characters interacting with the stuffed Stitch is adorable!
  11. Wow, sounds like everything went beautifully your first day! Definitely got a great "first ride." Soarin' is like the ultimate Disney ride -- all the innovations, magic, and creativity all in one attraction. Loving the photos, too! Can't wait for more...
  12. No, this was Kangaroo, the gas station, that said they were losing money. Don't know how it shakes down for WDW.
  13. Okay, now this is fun! I'm going to have the kids do some brainstorming on this one.
  14. Ah, getting my picture fix! Love the FF signpost -- très cool!
  15. I went to the site to watch the video -- don't bother! It's just someone filling their mug, lol. I was hoping they'd try to refill in under the five minute lapse time and some big cage would drop down around them. Sadly, nothing happened. The machine didn't even shut off. I don't get how it's going to restrict refills -- just not dispense? I don't even have a dog in this fight -- never used refillable mugs. But I know there are peeps out there who whack the system -- this summer, Kangaroo did its "buy a mug, get free refills all summer" and from the buzz online, they're losing money like crazy
  16. I'm so sorry to hear this, Dan. I, too, think of you and your family often, and I was happy to read your earlier TR. You have to do what feels right for your family, but I really hope you do get to continue camping.
  17. So cute! I can tell this is going to be a great TR already. (And I'd give anything to have a pool, so believe it or not, that would be a hard choice for me, too!) :rofl2: I so wish my guys would fall asleep when we drive. That was me as a kid, but unfortunately now I'm the driver so that's a no-no. I'm always saying, "Just sleep! That's what I'd do!" but my guys are awake, awake, awake, no matter how long the drive.
  18. Might be a dumb question, but does insurance cover that kind of thing? I feel so badly for those folks!
  19. Amazing -- so very glad everyone is okay. I can't imagine how horrible the whole thing must have been. The photos are shocking -- again, SO SO glad everyone's okay!
  20. I've been thinking about this post since I first saw it and meaning to respond. I have a file (an eternally GROWING file) on camping foods. I'll look through it for kid-friendly fare. My knee-jerk reaction is always pie irons, which are a huge hit with children but with very young kids, they scare the heck out of me because of the searing hot irons combined with the really hot food. Otherwise, anything we do at home is fair game -- usually with pre-trip prep, like cooking/shredding/marinating meats, slicing/dicing/chopping, etc. Then there's just assembly required at the campground. I'll loo
  21. Can you believe I've never, ever seen Fantasmic? These are the first pix I've even seen of it! So...thanks! And thanks for the TR -- loved it.
  22. Any chance they were on for the "porch lights for Caylee" thing that people tried to get going around then?
  23. See, you've captured what I love most about Disney World -- look at the difference between these two photos! It's like you were in two completely different places. Love your pictures!
  24. From what I can tell so far, it looks like the info on it is extremely limited (just very, very basic info like cost, how many sites, directions, etc.). That's for both the campgrounds marked with the usual little triangle tent symbol and those marked with a Woodall's W symbol. If the W campgrounds are Woodall's-approved, then no, it doesn't look like there's a difference between them.
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