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  1. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to BradyBzLyn...Mo in Monique's Mo'Fun, Mo'Money, Mo'Fiend, Mo'Punch, Mo'Doggy, Mo'Dole Whip Trip Report!   
    Holy crap Dave wins! ROFL
    we are home. Power and cable are on. No major frig messes - although upstairs will need to be dumped. Yard is full of downed trees and branches but nothing seems to have hit the house. We'll assess damage in the daylight.
    Let the unpacking and laundry begin!
  2. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to Granny in Thank you for all you do!   
    For hubby
    Tony Stinnett
    US Air Force 1968-1970
    70% disabled (appealing for 100%)
  3. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to Disneybishops in Thank you for all you do!   
    US Army Combat Support Company 1st Bat. 5th infantry 25th Infantry Div. 1971-1973
    Go Bobcats
  4. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to MLM5.. aka Judy in Thank you for all you do!   
    MLM5 US Army 1997 to 2005
    Mr. MLM5 aka Dave US Marines 1996 to 2002
  5. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo..Karla in Park Pictures   
  6. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to BRDof3...Rob in Thank you for all you do!   
    Thank you, from a greatful recipient of your service.
  7. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to Lou... in Thank you for all you do!   
  8. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to ftwildernessguy in Thank you for all you do!   
    U.S. Army, retired. 1979-2006.
  9. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to Roller ... aka Ed in Thank you for all you do!   
    100% Disabled Vietnam Veteran - United States Navy
  10. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to Judy in Texas in Thank you for all you do!   
    Judy in Texas, proud veteran of the United States Air Force, 1969-1973
  11. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to Santa ... Shannon in Loop Recommendations?   
    If I am elected I promise to continue to uphold three values: I'll be loud, obnoxious, and.... uh.... one other thing (do any of you remember the other thing?)...
  12. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to anolefan in anolefan's Back From Hiatus, Pre-Halloween Trip Report   
    Thanks Rita! I appreciate you reading along.
    Thanks Dave! I will have to keep an eye on him and apparently keep him far, far away from the 500 loop :rofl2:
  13. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to H in SC in Lots of Firsts and Better Late Than Never   
    I can't kiss up to my wife, stuuup!!! She's too short. :rofl3:
  14. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to mouseketab.....Carol in H and KFK's Fourth at the Fort AND BEYOND!!!!   
    This is the report that never ends. It goes on and on my friends. We started reading it not knowing what it was and it will go on forever just because. This is the report that never ends. It goes on & on my friends.....
  15. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Halloween GG - the "all the info in one place" thread   
    Packed, Hitched and ready! Y'all all be careful, we'll see you there!
  16. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita got a reaction from BradyBzLyn...Mo in Halloween   
    Paula can be the DD! I can't wait to get a hangover with you girls!
  17. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to CDNCruiser in New Green Acres RV Park Walterboro SC / I95   
    If you look closely on your way into the office you can see a statue erected in memory of Arnold Ziffle.
  18. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to Total Joker ... TJ in H and KFK's Fourth at the Fort AND BEYOND!!!!   
    KIM!!! You forgot this one!!!

  19. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to H in SC in Other resorts around Disney World   
  20. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to BradyBzLyn...Mo in Halloween   
    I'M READY!!!

  21. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to BouncingTiggers in Halloween   
    One week from tomorrow we hit the road. It can't get here fast enough.
  22. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to Total Joker ... TJ in H and KFK's Fourth at the Fort AND BEYOND!!!!   
    You forgot this one too!!!

  23. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to wdwpoohbear...Jennifer in Halloween   
    Do we have a definite schedule for the weekend yet? Can't wait to get there! ;D
  24. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to doodlebug....Cherie in Ocean Lakes Family Campground - Myrtle Beach, SC   
    If we can't be at the Fort, Ocean Lakes is our favorite second choice. :heart:
  25. Upvote
    PureTcrazy...rita reacted to we3peas in F&W 2011 We3Peas Eating Around the World ***New Stuff***   
    This past Wednesday my dd13 and I went to check out F&W at EPCOT. We went for one afternoon trip last year before Halloween when our passes were expiring and were hooked. She's talked about it all year and wanted to try lots of new things.


    So we head out on Wednesday and start at the Festival Marketplace, which we did not know existed last year. We wandered around a bit and bought our F&W swipe card so we wouldn't have to keep pulling cash out of our pockets. This is also the location where they hold many of the seminars and tasting events.

    After purchasing our new mascot “Jean Ralphio” as my dd has named her vinyalmation (from the popular NBC show Parks&Rec)

    we walked to World Showcase in time for opening of the countries.

    On the way we saw the new Ocean Spray cranberry bog. Too cool. My dd wanted to go in and stomp cranberries.

    Before I go on I want to let you know that we picked up the Discovery Passport this year and will stamp it in every country. My family jokes about this but I am an avid collector of stamps. On our journey out West last year they got tired of me asking where the National Passport stamps were located every time we entered a park. I also made my dd do every Jr Ranger book there was to be had. But enough on that, we were also going to use the passport to rank OUR opinion of what the food tasted like so if we wanted seconds later we would know what we liked.
    Our original plan was to skip every other booth but that flew out the window when we were overwhelmed with all the food we could try. So we jumped from place to place until we were full.
    First up was Hawaii. Since we have visited there 3 times I knew we would like the food so we tried the Kalua pork slider. In our ranking we gave it a 4. My dd was worried that the mayonnaise would be too spicy but she ate it all and said she would try it again. I think since the portion was smaller I enjoyed it but I don't think I would want a full size sandwich just because I don't go in for mayonnaise.

    Next up was the Desserts and Champagne booth. We decided on the white chocolate Macadamia mousse with dark Chocolate pearls. We both gave it a 5. Really wished it were larger sized. But we will try this again. It has a nice chocolate flavor and the pearls were slightly crunchy.

    Then we moved on to Greece, where we tried to Chicken Souvlaki with tzatziki. We gave it a 3. Mostly because it didn't taste like any chicken I've ever had. When I told my dh that it looked like sausage he informed me there is such a thing as chicken sausage. Who knew? I guess that's why HE does the shopping! It still didn't taste like chicken though.

    We skipped Canada for now, but I know we will be back to try the cheese soup. I've heard good and bad about it this year.

    On to Ireland...last year I was the only one who got to try the Lava Cake since dh and dd wanted to ride Soarin'. I got tired of waiting for them and went to eat instead. The wait for the ride ended up being 90 minutes. So this year I took my dd to all the parks one day a week before F&W and told her to ride anything she wanted to because during F&W we were there for the FOOD! Anyway, at Ireland we ordered the Lava Cake, the Kerrygold cheese selection and I got to try the Bunratty Meade Honey Wine. Cake was OK we gave it a 5, though I did give most of my half to my dd. I really liked the cheeses, I gave them a 4, but the chutney was way too sweet. My Meade was really good, I gave it a 4. Now looking to find out where I can get some. There was actually a lot of cheese so I put it in a container we brought in case we didn't finish something so we could eat it later.

    Jean Ralphio enjoying the World

    We skipped over France for now. Since we are local we are planning to make around 5 trips to F&W over the next month,so I'll think we will cover it all.
    Next we hit Belgium. I'm not a seafood/fish eater so we skipped the mussels and we had the waffle last year, so this year we tried the Guylien Belgian Chocolate Seashell Truffles. I gave them a 2, my lowest rating of the day. First off they were boxed, like not made at EPCOT, meaning not fresh. Second they were pretty tasteless. I could not tell there was any chocolate in them. Hello, it's Belgian chocolate, shouldn't I have tasted something besides sugar. Dd liked them but she's a kid who loves candy. Just saying.

    For now we skipped Portugal and headed for Morocco. We tried the Kefta pocket and gave it a 3. It was good sized and easy to share and not too saucy. The seasoning wasn't overdone but there was nothing to say Wow! about it.

    Next up New Zealand. Dd was excited about this since she hasn't ever tried lamb before. So we ordered the lamb slider with tomato chutney. We ranked it a 4. She did think the chutney was spicy on this one, and didn't finish her half. So I saved it for later. I think she didn't finish because of a combination of people smoking near us and we were getting stuffed since we aren't big eaters, mostly grazers.

    We skipped the next few booths and ended up at Hops and Barley to try the Pumpkin Mousse. Dd loves cranberries and pumpkin so for us this was a 5. Once again the portion didn't seem large enough to us. But I am glad it was small as I could see myself eating too much of it.

    Our last stop was in Germany but not for food. Our last visit here I bought the Wine Walk and wanted to try some German wine this time. While in the shop I noticed something on a sign called a Wine Flight. This is a sample of 3 wines of 6 that they offer. This would include a sample of ice wine, something I've been wanting to try. I was willing to pay the price but didn't want all 3 wines at the same time (since I was the driver and I'm pretty lightweight for a drinker-2 oz would be OK but not 6-8 oz). So I asked if it worked like the Walk where I could try 1 today and the rest later. Unfortunately it doesn't, you have to consume all at the same time. I'll have to save it until my dh is with us next time. For today I just got the small sample that went with the Walk.
    So this ended our day at F&W, and we did collect all the stamps and went back to the Festival Marketplace for our completed stamp. Then I let my dd ride Mission Space and we rode Test Track together and gave away our 4 other fast passes to a family. We then went to Sum of All Thrills and designed a rollercoaster before we left. We departed F&W feeling full and we also had great weather today so it was a perfect day.
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