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Everything posted by dvccamper

  1. Your pictures of the sleepy gorilla are great! I think I've only walked that trail once, we always seem to do the other one with the tigers.
  2. Yay, first page! I knew it was a good idea to come home for lunch!
  3. I agree with everyone, your pictures are fantastic. We were at BOG last week and even with our fast passes it took about 45 minutes from getting in line until we sat down. Not very magical
  4. Sounds like a bumpy start but looking forward to reading about how your trip improved (at least I hope it did!)
  5. Isn't it Twin #1 that works in Adventureland? But Twin #2 gave you the tour of Adventureland? Or do I have my twins mixed up? Too funny on code Wall E.
  6. Thank you, I somehow missed that. Will have to go back and look.ETA: I just read through the recipe. So it looks like in the original recipe the person roasted it in the oven. So when you did it on the BGE did you use it like an oven or a smoker? Does it even work two ways?
  7. Okay, that is just cruel and unusual punishment to post a picture like that and not post the recipe with it. Same goes for the garlic parmesan wings. Who am I kidding, I think I want all your recipes.
  8. I was telling my husband about your trip report. He's been looking at the Big Green Egg off and on for a couple of years. He wants to know what's your favorite food that you make on it?
  9. Thanks for the tip on the grapefruit beer, good to know where to find it. I thought the thing on those people's shirts looked like Louisiana.
  10. I had no idea they were ripping up the pool at the lodge. Any idea when it is reopening? That stinks about only fast passes for BOG. I really hope they don't make that a new thing.
  11. As if none of us have ever done that before Believe me, they leave out a lot in Sunday School.
  12. Just catching up on your trip report. Am loving all the pictures of London, you've captured a lot. My husband went there a few years ago and came home with about ten pictures. Seriously. So thank you for showing me all the places he went
  13. Very cool rainbow pics. I didn't listen to the rainbow song but I can tell you what a rainbow means. It's a sign of God's promise that he will never destroy all flesh by flood again. (Genesis 9:13-15)
  14. I'm going to guess you saw a rainbow. Or TinkerBill threatening to jump.
  15. You certainly covered a lot of material in your trip report! But how was the class? Did the kids like it? Did all your kids do the same class? We did one a few years ago at the Living Seas and our collective opinion was that it was pretty good, not outstanding. Sorry to see this come to an end!
  16. I know this is too little too late but if you ever have wet sneakers again, stuff them with newspaper overnight. In the morning they will be completely dry. I speak from personal experience!!
  17. Wow, I am loving your trip report. Just seeing all the smiles on your kids faces makes me smile :)
  18. So were you able to drink that whole can of whatever from Japan? It sounds disgusting.
  19. I'm in, can't wait to hear all the details of your trip!!
  20. I had no idea what a yard bird was. Looks good but probably too spicy for me. Looking forward to the craft beer section. I ate in that restaurant many years ago but can only vaguely recall it. I wish I had taken pictures. But things were so different when we used film, I was definitely more stingy with the picture taking.
  21. Wow, what a great day. Hope your fun is continuing into the night!
  22. For basically this reason I would buy at OKW. The contracts there cost less plus they have a lower maintenance fee. Also, it is a beautiful resort and has some of the biggest DVC rooms. You would be able to book OKW at 11 months, all other DVC resorts at 7 months. SSR is probably also a good choice financially, I just personally don't like that resort as well as I like OKW. We bought through The Timeshare Store and it all went fine. If you check out their website they have a pretty long list of what they currently have for sale. But they had told us that if you know what you want to let the
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