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Everything posted by dvccamper

  1. I agree with you on your resort reviews. Saratoga Springs really doesn't do anything for me. I would however, like to stay in a Treehouse. I've seen pictures of the inside and they look really nice. Their pool is nothing special. Do you just pay by the hour when you leave your dog or do they charge a flat daily rate? Great update!
  2. I think she was married to Jack Klugman. That must have been enough to get her on Match Game.
  3. Great trip report! We love the White Mountains but haven't been there in about ten years when the kids were real little. We used to work it in with the annual trip to Storyland. Love the picture of the boys at the picnic table with no electronics. A rare thing indeed!
  4. That's funny, when we did Typhoon Lagoon last year the kids were beat at the end of the day so they all stayed back in the room with a movie while the adults went to Victoria Falls. Sounds like you had a fun day like we did! And congrats on the straight A's!
  5. Haha, if that's the case I'll pass. Their pineapple drink would not be big enough for me to overlook that.
  6. Wonderful 'Ohana pictures, we've been a few times and always liked it. DH wants to go to the bar there for drinks and sticky wings when we go in October. Just hoping it's still enjoyable with all the construction going on.
  7. Hannah and Montana? Were either of them the extra roommate? If so, someone in room assignments has a sense of humor. Everything looks like it's going to be a wonderful next few months for the twins. I'm jealous, it looks like so much fun! I wonder if they had this program 30 years ago when I was in college. Too late now!
  8. That's not dumb luck. That's your transportation pixie dust rubbing off on them. I am always amazed at how short your transportation times are around WDW. We are the opposite. We always seem to just miss the bus, the boat, the tram, whatever. It goes along with me always getting in the slowest checkout line at the supermarket.
  9. That is so great! Did she already have that plan in mind or was she motivated when her sister was accepted?
  10. We love AKL, but have only stayed at Kidani. Is there a difference in the studios between Kidani and Jambo? Oh, and enjoyed the Harlem Shake video, always funny.
  11. I believe they are converting some of the buildings to DVC as well. I also read that each of the 20 bungalows will have their own private 'plunge pool' kind of like the size of a hot tub but deeper. I have the feeling that even with banking and borrowing the points I have I will never be able to stay there.
  12. Oh great. I suppose next you'll be saying I can't bring my pilgrim hat either.
  13. I do not even want to know what being swabbed for explosives entails. What a great trip report, glad the first trip with a boyfriend in tow went as (relatively) smoothly as it did. It looks like you all had a fun time. Thanks for sharing!
  14. Wow! Here's hoping this years trip makes some better memories for you. Had to laugh that your mom didn't even want to participate in smiling. Have a GREAT trip!!
  15. We went around that time this past year. It was very manageable. I think it would be overwhelming for a first time visitor but if you're a veteran you know where to go and what to do, so you should be fine. Happy planning!
  16. The king size bed at BLT is the most comfortable bed I have ever slept in, hands down. My husband and I still talk about it, and that was three years ago! Enjoy your trip!
  17. I almost spit out my coffee on that one. Thanks for the laugh. Your pictures are great, really enjoying them. Although Pearl Harbor is such a sad part of history it must be so interesting to be there. And I think the luau looks really good, it's good to experience some things that aren't 'Disney-fied.'
  18. Not only did they get to sit on the grass, they had enough room to do cartwheels.
  19. Ugh, poor Danielle, poison ivy is horrible! We've visited CentraCare twice over the years, once for bronchitis, once for a sinus infection. Both times we found them to be pretty efficient. But no place I want to visit again.
  20. We'll just miss you, we arrive the 29th. On the plus side, it's over the weekend of daylight savings when we gain an hour...I'll take an extra hour in Disney any day!
  21. I agree, it looks like an ad! I bet they got more than they bargained for taking that poor dog to the MK on the 4th of July! The thundershirt! We have one for our dog. She wears it in the car, it does calm her down. Not sure it would help surrounded by thousands of people, with exploding fireworks over her head. She'd probably have a heart attack. But if you need a chuckle, google cats wearing the thundershirt. It does not have the same effect on them that it does on dogs.
  22. I've heard great things about Bonnet Creek, your pictures confirm this! What a great summer you've had, can't wait to read more.
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