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Everything posted by ependydad...Doug

  1. I know my daughter told me the same, but couldn't think of it as I went to write this. Howdy! My wife longs to join up for DVC. :) Thanks! It was wonderful! I have way too many pictures of it. My son, however.. hated the opening scene here Jack jumps in. Soon! That would have been fantastic! I forget what we did actually ask for- but whatever it was, they sang it beautifully.
  2. Yesterday was our travel/move day, so I'm back at it today. Hope to have an update in a bit. Congrats! I can't say there was any single thing that we had issue with. But, it definitely felt a little hectic and haphazard. But, we saw and did everything that we wanted; so that's a win. We did find that we needed 3 days for us for Disneyland vs. the 2 that we planned. But fortunately, we were able to upgrade our tickets for the 4 of us for only like $60 for that extra day. We had a great time. Thanks! Howdy. Hopefully soon! Welcome, welco
  3. One of the common themes for my family is that we aren't doing a whole lot of pre-planning when we get to a destination. Seems kind of crazy that our lives are literally moving from one destination to another- you'd think we would be better prepared. But we aren't. Sometimes it's fun, sometime's it is problematic. Knowing that Disney World is a planner's dream and procrastinator's nightmare, I was a little apprehensive about our "come what may" attitude towards Disneyland. Spoiler alert: it mostly worked out. Monday, November 30 The original plan was to camp at Anaheim RV Park which is just
  4. Not sure if they specifically are a thing, but we have a variety of "Find it" books- mostly Disney-related. My wife is remarkably good and can usually pickout things in moments. My 3 year old is actually quite adept at them. My daughter and I.. yeah, not so much!
  5. I was always terrible with those "look and find" books... but man, I'm not seeing the cat.
  6. I've had a mobile RV tech named Patrick Monahan while at the Thousand Trails Orlando. I'd hire him again. http://rvservicereviews.com/ReviewDetails.asp?FacilityID=2100&State=FL&Search=&CategoryID=
  7. I'm most proud of my wife who has a bit of claustrophobia issues. She sticks it through these things and talks about how cool they were at the end. The gondola was pretty crazy. We were in with a girl and her grandmother. She wasn't the frail little ole grandma like you might imagine- they were planning on the sky coaster and then the zip line across the gorge! I want to be her when I get older. :) My daughter is just like me. If I'm secured in some way, I'll hang my body out over a ledge. But make me walk up to it without anything and I'm terrified. For some of the Pikes Peak pictures, s
  8. Thanks, NaCole! It's been very exciting so far. And, continuing on! We spent 2 weeks packed full of sight-seeing in Colorado Springs. In fact, so many pictures resulted in me splitting the blog post into 3 parts: http://nowornever.learntorv.com/2015/12/colorado-springs-part-1-of-3.html http://nowornever.learntorv.com/2015/12/colorado-springs-part-2-of-3.html http://nowornever.learntorv.com/2015/12/colorado-springs-part-3-of-3.html
  9. This makes me very sad and mad. The drivers shouldn't HAVE to ask anyone to get up. We were on a bus here and when we pulled up to a stop that had someone in a wheel chair outside, I immediately got up and went to another seat. No one asked, no one needed to. People need to do the right dang thing! I'm sorry that no one was decent enough to make room for you for so long. I actually enjoy their Mongolian Beef there. There are coconut macaroons there that my wife LOVES (likely more than she loves me).
  10. Yep! We just watched this show yesterday. Absolutely fantastic and yes, the Genie was HILARIOUS!
  11. Whoa, I haven't updated this thread in a while. We left St. Louis and headed to a Fulltime Families rally in Branson, MO: http://nowornever.learntorv.com/2015/11/branson-mo-fulltime-families-rally.html From Branson, we went to see my wife's aunt in Kansas City and also did a couple of things there (Lego Discovery center, Hallmark Welcome Center, and a restaurant called the Beer Kitchen!): http://nowornever.learntorv.com/2015/11/a-short-week-in-kansas-city-ks.html And the final update, we started on our way to Colorado Springs, but it was further than I wanted to drive in a day so we stoppe
  12. My daughter at 11 stills hates the opening scene. It doesn't help that years ago Grandma unknowingly scared her (went to grab her hand to comfort her in the dark) and last year, I thought she was past it and scared her.
  13. My daughter at 11 stills hates the opening scene. It doesn't help that years ago Grandma unknowingly scared her (went to grab her hand to comfort her in the dark) and last year, I thought she was past it and scared her.
  14. Just watched this Christmas parade yesterday. Very entertaining. First, my wife and I talked about the small-ness of the elves. That was a really nice detail and something we also noticed. Did your parade have a second set of elves (who were also very little?)? I'm surprised how much they all looked alike. Cinderella is up there with Aurora. They alternate sides.
  15. Hey TCD- can the girls ask around to see if Disney is flying a drone during the Disneyland fireworks? We couldn't tell which side of the fence this thing launched from- either outside or inside. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spIZwC0T2uc
  16. Whoa. Finally caught up- so many comments especially as we are in the middle of Disneyland. Keep on posting. I'm loving it!
  17. Oh yes he does! That's the problem! :D (insert witty emoticon here) My wife has done a ton of the driving. She's only backed up once but generally is telling me what do do as we backup. She has a great sense of the mechanics of backing up. I think if she did it a couple of times, she'd rock it. Her biggest issue is rushing when she thinks she's in the way - she'll rush through turns or whatnot.
  18. Oh yes he does! That's the problem! :D (insert witty emoticon here) My wife has done a ton of the driving. She's only backed up once but generally is telling me what do do as we backup. She has a great sense of the mechanics of backing up. I think if she did it a couple of times, she'd rock it. Her biggest issue is rushing when she thinks she's in the way - she'll rush through turns or whatnot.
  19. I'm here now! I'd recommend 4 or 5 days. I'm really surprised at how many attractions there are AND how much I'm enjoying them (never mind the 2 kids :) ).
  20. I'm here now! I'd recommend 4 or 5 days. I'm really surprised at how many attractions there are AND how much I'm enjoying them (never mind the 2 kids :) ).
  21. Thanks for the reminder. I wanted to check on Six Flags Season Passes and this was a good kick in the pants to do so. :)
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