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Everything posted by ependydad...Doug

  1. Ok, I'll admit- it WAS on the inside of the door. But, sure threw me for a loop when I turned around to leave.
  2. Page 2! YES! I WIN! Thanks for doing a trip report. Unfortunately, what really sticks with me is that you consider leaving at 6am "late" and were driving through the MK gates by 7am. Ouch.
  3. Maybe I'm just easily confused, but this bathroom door...
  4. Didn't see t and didn't think of looking for it. We only went looking for Walt's star. The rest, we just happened to come across.
  5. We went into Hollywood tonight and I thought I'd share a couple of Disney-related pics -mostly Walk of Fame stars. But first the Chinese Theatre. I'll admit that I didn't know what the inspiration was for this in DHS, but now I do: And now, WOF stars:
  6. We aren't huge oatmeal fans, but I know you've said yours is a lot healthier than the instant oats. If you don't mind sharing it, I'm interested.
  7. No, marathon weekend is beginning of January Aww, drat. I'll be in your 'hood the first 2 weeks of February.
  8. We'll be there Feb 16-23. Travisma, is that the same time as you?
  9. After many disappointments regarding the name, we finally are breaking down and buying this Black Friday deal. Funny enough, it'll be delivered to our hotel for Disneyland due to 2-day prime shipping.
  10. We bought my son a clear backpack - found it at Office Max.
  11. You're definitely not the first to say "oh heck no" to the ride to the top, but it is so unique and so worth doing. The views weren't all that amazing, but it was cool to see. Especially looking out towards the campground. But riding the pod and actually doing it was something. Then again- small spaces don't make me queasy! :D They were cool. It was one of those things that someone told me about and I figured we would check it out. I'm a little sad that we missed out on a museum. It's supposedly very well done and free (or cheap).
  12. You actually stayed in East St. Louis? Did the campground have armed security? I notice that your picture of a covered wagon actually has a cover unlike the one at a well known attraction. Believe it or not, we never felt unsafe in East. St. Louis, but other than grocery shopping- we really didn't leave the RV park (which, itself was totally not secure in any way- no gate, no guard, just a fence that was wide open where you enter the park). And covers for covered wagons are strictly an Illinois thing. I don't think they can be sent any further south! :)
  13. Finally updated again. I added an entry about getting to and staying just outside of St. Louis from the last week of August. This update is very picture heavy: Now Or Never - an RV Tale: Springfield, IL and East St. Louis, IL - recap
  14. I never knew small pocket knives weren't allowed. Heck, I know I've used mine for lunches before. Guess I should be a bit better about being low key with it.
  15. I got caught by Veteran's Day with trying to get a site in Death Valley. Everything was booked from like Wed-Fri, surprisingly. I'm loving the Disneyland TR. We head there next Tuesday and I'm looking forward to it. We surprisingly know little about it- not even where to eat!
  16. Heh, I actually enjoyed this show. We saw it for the first time this past summer with the kids.
  17. These people are camped out at BestBuy to be first in line for Black Friday.
  18. And, I can only assume Disney isn't running down to Walmart to buy them one at a time. So there is likely a more wholesale price that they're getting.
  19. Sheesh. Even in Key West, propane fires were allowed and they had big fancy (aka- very expensive and very flammable) tiki huts.
  20. I'm in. Sad that I missed you by just a couple of weeks. Dec 1 is Disneyland and I'm trying to take a few days off of work to actually vacation a bit. Are the twins or twins friends available for rent for parade spot holding duty? I'll pay a few bucks and a drink or snack or something! (I'm serious.)
  21. I've read that Texas and/or South Dakota are two best "fultimers" home residence states Yep. There are 7 states that do not have state income taxes (Texas, Florida, and South Dakota are included). I've read that Texas and Florida are both more amenable to home/road-schooling so, for whatever the reason, that takes out SD. With Florida, they actually have reviews and other stuff for homeschoolers unless you join a private home school umbrella and then you just have to adhere to the rules of that umbrella organization. Apparently there is more than one that is free. For Texas, if you need heal
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