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We bought our little camper earlier this year and were happy with the interior...but it never really felt like "us".  So, I took some time this past summer and made a few changes.  Nothing major just some some paint, fabric, pictures, a couple of new faucets.. but we're happy with the outcome (or so at least I am... Tom really only cares if he has a tv to catch the football game :) ).  First a couple of before pictures (forgive my pictures...before and after as I just snapped them at random times and not really "for show").  Also, I cannot seem to find any before pics of the kitchen area...I could only find a few that I had snapped before I opened her up to start painting.  I am almost positive that I have some, somewhere...but I figure a good 30 minutes of searched the computer for pictures, is enough time to spend looking ;)






Hated this bathroom sink...I mean really, how is that faucet even functional?  I don't have large hands I can tell you, that it was not!  Almost impossible to get your hands under it to get actually get any water.  




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I am totally with you on that sink!  We had the same one in our hybrid and it drove me bonkers.


The one we have now isn't a whole lot better.  Since we're keeping this TT for a while, I'm aiming for a new sink and faucet before too long.


Looking forward to seeing your changes!

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What type of hybrid is yours?


Ours was made by R-Vision.


I am totally with you on that sink!  We had the same one in our hybrid and it drove me bonkers.



I know... I kept thinking, seriously??!  WHO thought this faucet was a good idea?


Sounds like they did modifying more than renovating.


Yep...simple stuff.

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So... the two things (well, three if you count the faucets) that made me want to make a couple of changes...was the wallpaper (specifically the border) and the dark curtains.  Funny thing is, I like our camper to be dark when I put the kiddos down, but I just didn't care for (all) the dark green fabric and I really hated the metal blinds.  So I thought, "okay...I'll paint and hang new blinds".  Yeah, it's always easier in your mind than what actually plays out in reality :)


The blinds?  I wanted black out blinds (again...need the camper to be as dark as possible) but our windows measured over 40" wide and to find quality black out blinds (or even a black out roll-down shade) for something that wide is NOT cheap (about $100/window and I had 3 windows to cover).  Did I mention that I didn't have any money to do this, so it had to be cheap?  So after a couple of weeks of searching for blinds, I switched gears and decided on black out curtains.  That thought started me on a two week search and 6 shipments from Target and Walmart (so thankful for free shipping and easy returns!).  I must have ordered 20 different shades (not to mention the 4 or 5 sets I purchased at the local stores) before I finally found a color that I liked and one that was actually a true black out curtain.  Nice thing is, once I actually found them, I was blessed as they were one of the cheapest I looked at (around $12 a shade and I only needed to order 4).  Of course, then I had to find the right/cheap curtain rod...oh the drama ;)   


But, before all of this, there was the paint.  Now, the paint color was easy for me as I had some left over beige/khaki from some painting I did in our living room last Spring.  It was cheap free, light and neutral  :thumbsup2:    But, before the paint... there was the removal of the wallpaper boarder.  I started by peeling a corner of the paper off and thought, "Yay!!!  This is just going to peal off in one big piece!".  I soon realized that while the boarder itself was peeling off easy, the glue underneath?  Yeah, not-so-much.  So, you guessed it....soon I had a camper without the boarder, but (in it's place) a nice thick bug-catcher strip of glue.  It. Was. Awesome.    




What to do, when you have glue?  Why a try glue remover of course :)  I called a local RV store and (sweet as they are) they had NO idea.  I then called Sherwin Williams...yep, no real help there. I then turned to the internet where I found the following suggestions:  TSP, Goof-off and sanding the crap out of it.   I also came across some fool who suggested vinegar and water...seriously?  All that did was bead up on top of the glue.  The glue laughed at vinegar and water... as it did the TSP, Goof off and sanding the crap out of it.  I tried all three together and after working on a small 6" by 4" section for about an hour, I though that maybe, just maybe, I could prime over that result and try painting...but then I did the math and if that small section took me an hour, to do all the walls would take me days  :banghead:     So, finally I could hear my daddy's voice in my ear... paint thinner.  Good ole' turpentine.  Thing of it is...I could have saved myself some time by just calling him before I started all if this...but they raised a stubborn  independent girl so...I often times cause myself more work  ::)  Having said that, the time he spent showing me stuff that I NO desire learning about, has paid off in my adult life.  For those of you daddies who know how to work with your hands, teach your sons and your daughters.  They will appreciate it.... someday :)


Well, sure enough, I soaked a rag and rubbed the wall...and this is what I got:




Gross looking, but I was THRILLED!  I could work with this!  It took a few hours...but after rubbing down the wall, I followed with a (plastic) paint edge tool and scraped off the goo.  I then wiped the goo off in a paper towel (I think I went through an entire roll) and moved on down the wall.  After it was all said and done, I wiped the walls down with tsp, then sanded, wiped again (with an almost dry, just water, rag) and primed.  Painting is actually therapeutic for me...so that was the easy, easy part.


So, took some time...but well worth the effort  :)

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You have my sympathies on the wallpaper glue.  We're redoing the half bath in the house and the paper came off easy peasy but our glue experience was similar to yours. 


In our case we scraped the bejinkies out of it, but we knew we'd be doing some mudding/sanding, so it wasn't a big deal if we made a mess.


Looking forward to more updates!

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You have my sympathies on the wallpaper glue.  We're redoing the half bath in the house and the paper came off easy peasy but our glue experience was similar to yours. 


In our case we scraped the bejinkies out of it, but we knew we'd be doing some mudding/sanding, so it wasn't a big deal if we made a mess.


Looking forward to more updates!

That is why our bathroom walls look exactly like they did when the house was built. Until we can completely gut the bathrooms and replace the sheetrock, we're not touching them. They probably put the wallpaper on bare sheetrock, so we would tear up the sheetrock getting it off.

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So now, our little camper feels a little more like us... and even more like our home away from home.  I was careful not to do anything too personal, so it's (hopefully) not super tough to sell when our youngest gets bigger and we branch out and become a "bunk bed" family...but enough changes to make it feel like us.



We were camping two weekends ago and I grabbed these pictures.  Our son's pack-n-play is currently on/in the table area.




Chalkboard contact paper was an awesome tool for the fridge; the kids love it!  Yes, that fancy little hook (holding the gray bag) is our trash... it's not always there :)






New kitchen faucet...the old one was as bad as the bathroom!  Plastic, short and very close to the sink.




LOVE this little ottoman.  Found it on Amazon for a great price.  Comfy (sitting or putting your feet on it), plus it stores extra blankets inside.




The bathroom didn't have a boarder, so I did not paint it.  I did however remove the medicine cabinet because we did't use it and I hated how it stuck out so you hit your

head when leaning up from brushing your teeth in the tiny sink (I did keep the cabinet however, so we can give it to the next owner).  I installed a new mirror and replaced the faucet.




I also learned that if I use a small cutting board to cover the sink when I'm getting ready in the morning...instant additional counter space.  Yay!




Needed somewhere cute to store the trash can and the "extra counter space" when I'm not using it... plus was able to pull in more orange (a color I am obsessed with)




I also replaced the shower curtain...and the tie back (which matched the ones for the front pop-out curtain...orange of course :) )






The one "super personal" space...the small area by our daughter's pop-out.  She loves it :)   Super easy to paint over the purple and the decals will just peel off if the next owner wants to change it.


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Good job Nacole, what you've done will only add to the desirability of this hybrid. 

Much more cheerful and the dragonfly hook in your daughter's area is neat!

I like the idea of the hook for the kitchen trash bag, I'm going to steal that one, idea not the hook ;)

Makes me want to get out and do something with our hybrid. 

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