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They have a camper and a highly lettered tow vehicle in one of the loops by the Meadows and 2 or 3 of the carts were also at the site. One is a custom cart that looks like a stretch 57 Chevy. The com

WHAT! No more cinnamon rolls?  When did that happen.   Next thing you know they will shut down 20000 Leagues Under the Sea!

I had always heard that as you approached retirement age, your monthly expenses dropped.


That sure isn't true in my case.  Yes my house is almost paid for, but the insurance, taxes, and upkeep on it keep rising.


Food, cable, cell phone, electricity, Fort sites, etc.  have not dropped, in fact they have all climbed steadily.


I thought I had a decent retirement plan, but the million $$ that was supposed to be in there has never materialized with the crappy economy and coupled with no raises in 2+ years, makes it look like I'll be working a few more years instead of relaxing and enjoying my grandkids.

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I had always heard that as you approached retirement age, your monthly expenses dropped.


That sure isn't true in my case.  Yes my house is almost paid for, but the insurance, taxes, and upkeep on it keep rising.


Food, cable, cell phone, electricity, Fort sites, etc.  have not dropped, in fact they have all climbed steadily.


I thought I had a decent retirement plan, but the million $$ that was supposed to be in there has never materialized with the crappy economy and coupled with no raises in 2+ years, makes it look like I'll be working a few more years instead of relaxing and enjoying my grandkids.

Boy I could have written this....My life in a nutshell.

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At least you can mention the word million. Most retirees these days have an average of $150000 or less

I started my retirement when I joined the Post Office 30 years ago.  Before that was a series of dead end jobs that offered very little benefits let alone retirement.


I came in under the "new" system where you could put a varying % away every payday up to a max of I think 10%.  The older system was the PO put money aside for you.


We were shown all kinds of neat charts and graphs about how we would all be millionaires by the time we retired.


I put in as much as I could afford while still paying bills and supporting the 6 of us.


After a few years I was doing ok, then when Wall Street got greedy and screwed everyone we all took a big hit.


I don't think any of the 99% have ever really recovered from that fiasco.


Now I'd be thrilled with being a 1/2 millionaire!

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That's terrifying. At 34, I have just shy of that already.

Your the smart one and must be a saver. I have been at my job for 22 years and the company does not provide shit. Now granted I could save more, stop buying a new TT every couple years , camp at state parks vs. $140 a night fort pads, etc. but I choose to live like we do. We have a small savings and only have a mortgage, nothing else. So I guess we're ahead of the game compared to most people.

Now the government jobs at least provided a pension (anyone remember what tha word is?). That word is non existant in this day and age. Hell the majority of 401ks nowadays does not give you a match amount until the CEOs see what their profits were for the year, then decide what they will match. I hope all you folks over 65 thank me for your Social security because when I get that age it will probably be gone. Talk about a government run investment plan for younger folks with probably no return on investment

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Looks like we are going to have a pretty big choir. I'm on a fixed pension. The DW has a few years left to qualify for retirement from the school system but has had one raise of $500/year since 2009. Monthly income isn't so much a problem as health insurance is. I have some coverage assistance through my former employer but it runs out this year and I will have to pay the full amount myself. This turns out to be about $600/mo for a high deductible plan. Same deal with my wife's plan as they changed it some years back that dependents have to pay full cost. While I can do better with an ACA plan we make too much to qualify for subsidies so the savings are only $150/mo or thereabouts. While we can afford it I rather not have to dip into my investments until Rene retires. So as I've run out of stuff to do around the house and need keep busy I've decided to work part time until I qualify for Medicare in about 10 years. Hopefully I will also be able to get in on group rates even if it comes out of my own pocket.

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I had a union job for over 37 years and recieve a decent pension so I guess I am still one of the lucky ones!!!!

You are.


My late neighbor had worked for either Firestone or Goodyear in the NE.


He retired with a great pension and lifelong health coverage for him and his wife with no out of pocket expenses.


I think those days are long gone.


Now all a company cares about is how much the CEO, their cronies, and the stockholders get.

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You are.


My late neighbor had worked for either Firestone or Goodyear in the NE.


He retired with a great pension and lifelong health coverage for him and his wife with no out of pocket expenses.


I think those days are long gone.


Now all a company cares about is how much the CEO, their cronies, and the stockholders get.

Absolutely right!!!

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When your old like us you do. :rofl2: And we know others not as old who have done it too only they camped for a day or two, cruised and then came back for a day or two.

$ wise, when we cruised in 2011, it would have actually been cheaper to bring the camper, leave it on the site at the Fort, then come back to the Fort, then the money we spent at the "pre-night" hotel and POFQ....... but with the traveling I was doing at the time, having Rick hitch the camper, bring it down, then get it back home, wasn't happening :(

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Talk about getting off topic from golf carts and trailers in he overflow to how bad retirement and government is. Got to love fort fiends

Hijacking back to the original theme of the post.

Big controversy over on that other FB site. The golf cart guy posted about why the carts were there and that he doesn't rent at the fort.

I only read a few posts, but he's getting attacked because he listed his companies name (advertising) and he's lashing back.

Great drama!

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Hijacking back to the original theme of the post.

Big controversy over on that other FB site. The golf cart guy posted about why the carts were there and that he doesn't rent at the fort.

I only read a few posts, but he's getting attacked because he listed his companies name (advertising) and he's lashing back.

Great drama!

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Well it looks like this guy is selling carts, not renting them. Lettering your vehicle like this gives you all sort of potential write-offs, as it's considered part of your advertising expenses for your business. But it still has to be not so much of a stretch as to convince the IRS if they question it. DH tried to convince our accountant that if we lettered our ATV for my graphic design business, that we could write it of. :rofl2:

I'd be willing to bet Disney would have a big problem with advertising a cart rental business this way.

My 4-wheeler is a farm use vehicle. Lol.

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That's fantastic, and more power to you.

But, companies even bigger ones used to care about the bottom line AND their employees. Everyone was able to make a living wage, and if you worked hard you got ahead, got raises and promotions.

Then bean counters got involved, showered CEOs with praises, inflated their egos and showed how they could save $$ buy cutting benefits and shipping jobs overseas.

The $$ they "saved" they pocketed and gave themselves bigger and bigger raises.

We went from the leading industrialist nation in the world, a true superpower (not just militarily) and turned into a sales oriented, customer service nation.

Skilled jobs are dying out, there are fewer and fewer machinists, electricians, hands on skilled jobs.

Now a skilled job involves being able to make change if the register acts up, or it somehow involves a computer based position.

Don't get me wrong, computer related jobs are important, but a computer can't do everything. No one wants to get their hands dirty anymore.

I'm just old and crotchety. I miss the old days when I could tune up my car in the drive way for about $10 and an hours time. Now you need a couple thousand dollars worth of diagnostic tools and $300 worth of parts.

OK, rant over.

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I just want to apologize to h20divers.... Ray.


He's the epitome of the American Dream and I didn't mean to come across that his post was upsetting.


He's done things the right way, lived within his means and got ahead step by step.


My rant is against greedy corporations (see above).


Not that anyone isn't allowed to make $$ and get ahead.

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